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If Mitt Romney had won the election would we have avoided the fiscal cliff?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
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2 points

He still wouldn't be in office yet, so his actual influence would still be less than Obama's at this point. And at this point, the infighting and partisanship crippling congress is FAR beyond the influence of just one person anyway. Government is broken right now, Congress needs to remember what their purpose is.

Side: No
1 point

No he would of taken office only 2 days ago.

Side: No
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

Inauguration day is Jan 20th. We are still 17 days away from when he would have taken office.

Side: Yes

No, the current solution is comparable to putting a bandage on a broken leg. The deficit will still be a trillion dollars or so, and the debt is still 16 trillion dollars and only expected to increase.

Side: No
1 point

Romney wouldn't have been in office yet, so nothing would have been done. The only way something would have been done is if the Republicans had a solid hold on the Senate. Then, for once, we might see some of these useless agencies put down.

Side: No
0 points

He would kneel and pray and then he will jump right from the top of the cliff with knowing that god will solve it.

Side: No