
Debate Info

Yes, they would No, they would not
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, they would (2)
 No, they would not (3)

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hhioh(454) pic

If days became longer, would our sleeping patterns adjust?

Are our sleeping patterns susceptible to change? Or would they remain constant in a changed environment?

Yes, they would

Side Score: 3

No, they would not

Side Score: 3
2 points

yes they would because we would sleep longer and stay awake longer

Side: Yes, they would
1 point

I feel like humans are always evolving but to be sure you could just do a study around the north or south pole where days become 24 hours of daylight or darkness.

Side: Yes, they would
1 point

I doubt that they would. It generally depends on the size of the change though. If the day became 30 hours long, I reckon we would still sleep for a similar amount of time, but would be able to get more done, becoming more productive overall. Schools would probably add on a bit of time, as humans would adapt to the change. As we stayed up for longer, our bodies would become more used to the change, and get more REM sleep out of the 8-10 hours people normally get (Excluding those people who decide they can live off 3-4 hours before school etc) but it would be fine in my eyes.

Side: No, they would not
1 point

I really need to learn more about the mechanics of the brain.

To my knowledge, the brain adapts to our cycle over time. Obviously it resists change but we have (not sure where I heard this-- I very well could be wrong, in which case please down vote this comment) an "internal clock" if you will that wakes us up naturally if a constant time is "set."


However, we do not truly "wake up" (and by that I mean achieve optimum brain function) until about 10 am (this I am certain of). This is independent from the adaptable consciousness. This cannot be changed as it is thoroughly ingrained into us by way of billions of years of having a constant day/night cycle.

So our sleeping patterns may adjust; however, they are not optimal for our function.


Ideally, we should wake up, as I said, around 9:30-10:00. This is not practical in American society, but in France...sure.

Side: No, they would not

I don't think so. People in Alaska have the Midnight Sun and they have adapted to the day's length.

Side: No, they would not