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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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ghostheadX(1105) pic

If you like theist vs atheist debates, you'll like this...

So, we all know using 99% of mythology or fiction stories in an argument is bullshit. You can't rely on Eve getting duped by a snake, or a moral from an anime show. You just can't. Or can you...

I think its theoretically possible that in this day and age, intelligent authors write stories with points that they find relevant to society. Could a fiction story's moral be logical enough or have enough known truth to it that you can use it as an argument on this site?

If you say no, explain why no story can be applied, or why no general category of story can be applied at the minimum.

If you say yes, explain why a story can be applied, in a serious argument or situation, and give examples as to what type of story.

This is not an "Atheist vs Theist" debate entirely. If there's a reason for it to turn into that, and I think its relevant, than that's okay. But I think there are a lot of other realistic points that could be explored besides "I believe in God." The reason I say that is because I'm looking for logically reasonable applications of stories. So, if your example is from any religion (yes, that includes the bible), focus on practical applications for specific morals in the story. And in that same case, I think you should use practical examples of things, other than proof of god of course because I'm looking for something that can be applied **even if there wasn't a god.**

When I say "even if there wasn't a god", I mean that I want there to be a practical usage to the story and not a random "god exists" answer. I hope that's not a terrible request, I just think it will make the debate more practical.




**IT HAS TO BE APPLICABLE IN THIS DAY AND AGE OR AT LEAST SOMETIME IN THE 20TH CENTURY!!!** because in the old days they were applied religiously and not logically.

**THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE SOMETHING THAT'S ALREADY DONE!!!** It can be any logically explainable use, so long as its realistic, given the situation where you apply it.

**IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ASSUME IN YOUR STANCE, IF YOU SAY YES, THAT THAT MYTH'S MORAL IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!** Your allowed to say it's only applicable in some situations, **so long as it sounds like it could be applied IN WIDER VARIETY OF WAYS THAN JUST ONE SPECIFIC EXAMPLE APPLICATION!!!**



That's it. Get debating bitches.


PS, I'm anostic so this debate isn't just for religious or atheists. It's for both.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
1 point

It depends on the debate, and the story.

If the debate is, let's say, about how you keep trying, a relevant story like the Tortoise and the Hare would hold some weight seeing as it's a proverb of the issue, explaining your position nice and neatly.

The story works for two reasons it's a timeless story that's pretty easily recognizable, and reason two is that the moral is summed up pretty universally agreeably. If the sure, if the Hare was smarter he would have just finished the race quickly then bragged, but it's also true that had the tortoise not kept going, he wouldn't have won.

Side: Yes

Are you asking if fictional stories can cause moral change in the real world? Yes. Yes they can.

Side: Yes

Maybe not the story itself, but if the point from the story is relevant to the issue and it can be applied rationally I think it can so long as you don't just apply to circumstances if the story like Cartman said.

Is elaborate further and say that the circumstances of the situation should generate a reason for use of a mythogical moral.

Side: Yes

I can think of arguments on both sides. I'd like to see how many people can apply a proverb, myth, fiction story, hell I don't care if its a fucking anime, to a political, ethical, social, etc. issue, in a practical way. If someone can do that, then I think this debate is going to really progress.

That's just my opinion though. No one has to do that, but I personally think if someone can do that I think it will help the debate. I'll also be pretty impressed, because I can't think of one that does off of the top of my head. I'm making the assumption that it's hard to do, but I might be wrong.

Side: No
1 point

It is a good starting point, but it shouldn't be used to make the actual decision. We should gather the lesson learned from the story and apply it to the given situation instead of just apply the circumstances of the story.

Side: No

That's a good point. I think people on this site for blaming use of mythology. I think I'll use a myth example in another debate to see how effective it is. I think if any of you do this, you should post a link in this debate.

Let me ask this: why does it have to be a religious myth? Why can't it be Batman for example, or Dr. House? According to your logic it fits.

Side: No
1 point

It is the same thing for Batman and House. It would probably be harder for people to take you seriously. My point is that we shouldn't say that vigilantism should be legal because Batman does it. We should maybe use Batman as an example that if we don't keep people safe they will be forced to take matters into their own hands.

Side: No