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We got our balls back? Trump happened
Debate Score:56
Total Votes:66
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 We got our balls back? (23)
 Trump happened (15)

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Caspion(228) pic

Iranian harrassment of US warships was 36 in 2016. It was 0 in 2018.


We got our balls back?

Side Score: 27

Trump happened

Side Score: 29
1 point

Iranian harrassment of US warships was 36 in 2016. It was 0 in 2018.

Hello C:

I fought in Vietnam.. Trump had bone spurs.. The ONLY thing I think about Trump and war, is he's a COWARD. I'll NEVER think otherwise..


Side: We got our balls back?

Iranians know better than to mess with someone who is crazier than they are ;)

Side: We got our balls back?
3 points

As per usual you are attributing your own false explanations to things which even the US Navy admits are a complete mystery.

Indeed, the Navy Times says:-

For the past two years, Iranian “fast boats,” armed with .50-caliber machine guns and rocket launchers, have been sailing within shooting range of U.S. Navy ships, exacerbating an already strained relationship.

That story was written at the end of January 2018, which means Iranian ships were "harassing" American ships for a full fifteen months while Trump was in charge of America.

Honestly Bronto/Caspion, you're a cancerous weasel who comes here to duplicate Nazi propaganda from the late 1930s. Your false correlations literally reek of the same opportunistic bullshit peddled by Joseph Goebbels.

Fuck off. You are not wanted on this website by either the owner or any of the people who come here for honest debate.

Side: Trump happened