
Debate Info

Theists Atheists
Debate Score:103
Total Votes:110
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 Theists (25)
 Atheists (24)

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atypican(4873) pic

Irritating things about...


Side Score: 54


Side Score: 49

They believe that God is the ultimate planner, yet deny God had any involvement when bad things happen to people and blame it on Satan.

Side: Theists

They take the affirmative position, "god exists," when gods existence is in principal an impossible thing to prove or disprove.

Side: Theists
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

The affirmative position that everything exists should (I think) be self evident. It is the supposition that a thing does not exist that's illogical. For if something doesn't exist, how can we reasonably discuss it's characteristics? Supposing that god exists only as an imaginative construct is better logic than supposing god doesn't exist.

Side: Atheists
2 points

I'm not sure I'm entirely understanding your point.

Do you equate god with everything?

It is the supposition that a thing does not exist that's illogical. For if something doesn't exist, how can we reasonably discuss it's characteristics?

That's kind of a weak basis for your argument. I'm sure you could imagine up a fictional creature or being in your head right now and go on to describe it's characteristics to me.

Supposing that god exists only as an imaginative construct is better logic than supposing god doesn't exist

I don't really think that specification needs to be made. All kinds of absurd and unknowable things exist in peoples minds. I don't know, personally I don't count the imaginary as real, so when someone says "X exists/X doesn't exist," I don't think that the obvious fact that X can exist as an imaginary concept supports either contention.

Try to pay your rent with imaginary money you picture in your head and I think you'll see what I mean.

Side: Theists
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
2 points

so according to your logic fairies,gods, Frodo, Harry Potter are about same realistic?

Side: Theists
3 points

Act victimized by debate; then promise hellfire.

Side: Theists
2 points

Their beliefs are based on stone/bronze age stories full of magic and talking animals.

Side: Theists
2 points

I think, we theists, are sometimes really very irritated with atheists. I mean, we dont look at the logical reason and points and we dont accept what others tell us because we think that they are degrading our religion

Side: Theists
2 points

Seem to have no issues with Einstein's Theory of General Relativity when trusting the accuracy of their GPS devices. Such accuracy is only possible by taking into account gravitational time dilation.

Seem to have no problems with the Germ Theory of Disease when getting their flu shots.

Mention the "E" word though, and they get all worked up over it being "just a theory."

Side: Theists
2 points

One word: Hell.

Side: Theists
2 points

They pick and choose what 'words of God' are relevant to their own beliefs based upon what is most convenient for them. Need to justify slavery? Need to blame someone for your own problem? Point to your holy book and say that your bigotry is a-okay.

In truth, this is hypocritical. They should not pick and choose what is most convenient for them, but rather what is most convenient for what is core in their religion. And in most theism, the idea of an almighty, supreme deity is meant to invoke feelings of parentage by some higher power, the idea that you are being watched over, loved, and protected by at least one intelligent person in existence. It's the grace of that idea which originally was meant to inspire people to treat each other as this parenting deity treats people, and to punish those whom are evil just as any parent would punish a misbehaving child. But in the end, your mistakes are forgiven by respecting your parent, or in this case, your deity.

So when theists deviate from this idea and use their religion as a means to justify bigotry, they violate the entire theme of their religion. 'I did it because dad says it was okay,' is a justification that either implies the child is lying about what their father said, or, it implies their father is a bad parent. Either way, it goes against the point of monotheism, and perhaps all forms of theism.

Side: Theists
2 points

A belief is important but it is not like God is ultimate.C'mon you are the ultimate. You are responsible for your actions not God. Your are the boss of your life not God. Its just foolish to act in the way of carrying a photo of God and look at it every minute you are in trouble.

Side: Theists
1 point

So many of them are too "mentally stuck" to improve their ideas about god.

Side: Theists
lupusFati(790) Disputed
2 points

Would you want someone to change details about your life and/or actions?

"Hey, I never did any of these things!"

"We're improving your story. Just roll with it."

Side: Atheists
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
2 points

Well that's a silly point because the bible isn't the thing being messed with, if that's what you mean. In fact before I form a full rebuttal I'd like a little clarification or confirmation if you meant your dispute to be about the bible and\or it's contents.

Side: Theists
1 point

If I understood your point, I'd give a go at arguing against it.

Side: Atheists
1 point

Using their holy scriptures to prove that their deity/deities exist. As if that proves anything.

Side: Theists
4 points

Some Atheists believe they know everything and are better than theists. Cough Cough...

Side: Atheists
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

This one is definitely a two way street both Theists and Atheists suffer from this delusion (obviously not all of them)

Side: Theists
lupusFati(790) Disputed
3 points

Oh, so we're all human then. Gotcha. Totally didn't see that plot twist coming.

Side: Atheists
2 points

You are very true, but I just wanted to add to the conversation. :)

Side: Theists
Cambriel(711) Disputed
2 points

I dont think that they believe that they know everything. They search for knowledge.. ergo they dont know everything yet.

Side: Theists
2 points

So many of them are too "mentally stuck" to improve their ideas about god.

Side: Atheists
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Mentally stuck how, precisely? And improve their ideas about god in what way? Just some points of curiosity, really.

Side: Theists
2 points

Too many of them are atheist simply as a counter culture, not as a reasonable personal principle.

Side: Atheists

In the interest of fairness, you ought to post something along the lines of, "Too many of them are theist simply because they were born into theist culture, not as a reasonable personal principal" on the other side of this debate.

Most of the criticisms I see people list here cut both ways.

Side: Atheists
2 points

That's because atheists & theists are all humans, with all of humanities flaws and shared traits.

But I definitely agree that people on both sides have never really truly questioned their beliefs.

Side: Atheists
3 points

You are very true. It seems like some Atheists are just Atheists to try and rebel against their more traditional parents.

Side: Atheists

Rebelling isn't the problem. Rebelling just for the sake of rebelling is a problem.

Side: Atheists
2 points

Some people think that they are atheists, but then they aren't. I think I atheists search for knowledge and find logical reasoning about everything. Atheists dont just believe that God doesnt exist.. they just want proofs that He does exist. But the others, they are so against God that they are blocking things. You see.. atheists are different from satanists.. thats what others imply. And i find it quite really irritating

Side: Atheists
2 points

Act superior in debate, forgets no one knows much about anything.

Side: Atheists
2 points

... refuse to believe we will meet in the gulags.

... poison our youth with American "libertarianism".

Side: Atheists

They take the negative position, "god doesn't exist" when gods existence is in principal an impossible thing to prove or disprove.

Side: Atheists
Gokumohan(334) Disputed
3 points

Atheism is simply lack of belief in a god, you either believe in a god or you don't . .

Side: Theists
2 points

If that's how you choose to define it, sure, but then you kind of throw agnosticism as a concept out the window. Many traditional definitions of atheism include rejecting the concept of god, not simply being without it. Indeed, an agnostic doesn't believe in god, and an agnostic lacks belief in god, so what separates an atheist from an agnostic if not being against theism, as the name suggests? They're not called adeists.

Side: Atheists
1 point

Most atheists I've met, my brother included, are kind of egocentric, delusional, and just a jerk in general. Not saying all atheists are like this, of course. I actually happen to have a few friends who might share many of the viewpoints on the other side of this debate. But they realize they don't know everything, either.

Side: Atheists
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
2 points

I wouldn't call people who does not follow bronze age myth as delusional.

Side: Theists
lupusFati(790) Disputed
2 points

I mean that he's delusional about himself and others. He thinks all his troubles are always the fault of others, never himself. He's a narcissist.

I mean it's kinda why I separated it with a comma. It wasn't related to religion at all.

As for the others... well, they pretty much share the category with my brother on this 'do no wrong' viewpoint. However I believe half of them were trolls, anyway.

Side: Atheists
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

I would call everyone more or less delusional, even if they follow more modern myths.

Side: Atheists