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Bullying is Worse than Before Our Children are too Sensitive
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:43
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 Bullying is Worse than Before (10)
 Our Children are too Sensitive (11)

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Idiot(20) pic

Is Bullying Worse Now or Are Children More Sensitive?

Many campaigns and such discussing the topic of bullying have been published recently but many old-fashioned parents and adults say children should just learn to deal with it and it is a normal part of school life...what do you think?

Bullying is Worse than Before

Side Score: 12

Our Children are too Sensitive

Side Score: 22
2 points

This world has always been (and may always be) an incredibly cruel, unjust, and unfair place, either learn to deal with or kill yourself.

This may seem like an extreme position, but take it from me, it is one from which an enourmous amount of strength can be derived. I'll leave Nick Drake say the rest:

Nick Drake - Fly
Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

Bullying is worse than before. The world is losing its values and the United States are right there with the rest of the world. The people just dont care about people with disabilities. All people and employers care about is money, production, talent, and speed. Any imperfection someone has will make them look bad.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

I've been a repeated victim of bullying i'm in canada and have been bullied in gr.7 when i first came in the school cause of my teeth :( kids aren't more sensitive bullies are just more meaner... i actually find it quite rude to say that o_0

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

Its both.

I have seen alot of people become rather whimpy by spending all their time playing COD. In elementry school they were top, strong, athletic. Then they became lumps that only sat and ate chips while shooting people on the Xbox.

Bullies have been getting more aggressive due to that people don't take action and that ,due to some games, words like (please pardon my language) fuck, ass hole, and other swears have become part of common language.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

Nowadays there are more ways in which bullying may occur, so if someone said children are being more sensitive than they may have been before then that isn't necessarily (as far as I am factually aware) untrue, however bullying is definitely worse today for there is so many more ways in which it can occur.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

Bullying is bad. It doesn't matter how sensitive children are!!!!

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before

Bullying seems to be worse in today's society but thank goodness there are TV ads and programs aimed at stopping it.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

Children are very sensitive now but that is only because of our multiple way that bulling can happen. It is not just children though, even adults bully each other and because we have such a wide verity of social media and connecting people. Nowadays, people have Facebook, twitter, instagram, and many more apps or sites. Having that wide verity and anybody being able to see things, you could post anything to a social media and instantly get a dislike or people telling you to "kill yourself." I am not saying take away these things or that it is because of these sites and apps, I am just saying how it happens and how it affects people. When you have people judging, either if you know them or not, it still hurts when someone says something mean. So yes we are sensitive But bullying is also much worse now.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
4 points

I don't doubt that bullying is something that can seriously affect a child, but making a big song and dance about it doesn't help the child. People will be picked on, kids will be kids, que sera sera.

The way I see it, either what the bully is saying is false, so you shouldn't care. Or what the bully is saying is true, so do something about it.

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
Idiot(20) Disputed
2 points

I'm not taking a side but it is really hard for someone like you who is more of a mentally stable and stronger (in a sense) person to understand how sensitive some children are and how much it can affect them ( which is the side you chose anyway). There are some children who can't take it and commit suicide. When I was younger I cried almost everyday when I came home from school (in my teenage time) because of not only people pushing and physical violence, that didn't bother me much, but the way they thought of me and laughed as they walked pass me with their group of friends. I care deeply about peoples' opinions on me though I try to stop and pray I didn't but I do and even the slightest look of mockery would make me extremely uncomfortable. The words young children to nonchalantly spit out nowadays is disturbing and shocking. I blame the media, not exactly the parents as I believe children have the power to choose who they want to be and listen to.

The bully isn't always pulling something random out of nowhere, something it's true. For example when a bully bullies someone for being mentally disabled, their parents being alcoholics, homosexual, stupid, etc. it could be the truth and a sensitive topic for the victim. And if it is true you say they should do something about it well, as much as I somewhat agree, that is where the students coming to school with guns and killing more people than necessary comes in. Thanks for voting.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
2 points

I'm not taking a side but it is really hard for someone like you who is more of a mentally stable and stronger (in a sense) person to understand how sensitive some children are and how much it can affect them ( which is the side you chose anyway).

Not at all, it means that I can take a more comprehensive viewpoint. I'm not blinded by arguments from emotion and experience, so I'd like to say that my argument is one of the more objective available.

There are some children who can't take it and commit suicide.

Those that commit suicide have either undergone something worse than bullying, or have some sort of mental problem.

When I was younger ...

This is why I consider my argument to be more objective. Arguing from experience is never very persuasive, as only you can understand it.

The words young children to nonchalantly spit out nowadays is disturbing and shocking

Words are just words. They cannot directly hurt anyone, any connotation made is by the recipient, not the bully.

it could be the truth and a sensitive topic for the victim.

In an ideal word, I'd love for people to be completely honest about who they are and what they do. But, hey, some people are assholes. And so, if people make their personal lives public, they should expect people to be assholes to them. I am not trying to justify bullying, I'm trying to show that anything that can be bullied, will be bullied, and so some things are best kept private.

And if it is true you say they should do something about it well, as much as I somewhat agree, that is where the students coming to school with guns and killing more people than necessary comes in.

Yea, I don't mean everyone should go on a killing spree, I just meant a proactive response to the taunts.

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
4 points

I don't really think that our children are too sensitive.

This post may take some time, or not, depends on how I feel by the end of it:

First, let me point out a theory called Regression Towards the Mean. It is a statistically proven phenomena that when there is an extreme at one point, there will often be a more average occurrence in another point.

As well, let me point out reactance), which is a rebellion towards authoritarian rules for conformity or anything that threatens someone's individual behavioral freedoms.

Before Carl Rogers, Dr. Spock, and the humanist movement that started in the 50s and took great interest by the American public in the 60s, discipline was a thing of brutality. Parents hit their children to stop them from misbehaving, and even earlier than that punishment of criminals could be quite sadistic (dismemberment, guillotine, torture, etc.).

People were rough and unconcerned with "feelings" as in "you hurt my feelings." They settled many disputes with fights, sometimes to the death. Duels were legal.

The humanist movement was a major revolution in how we treated one another. Hell, the hippies were pacifists who practiced free love and interracial dating commonly.

So children of the 60s and 70s were raised in very different households from their parents. They were raised learning the humanistic approach to social interaction, and political correctness took a great strength in the 70s and 80s and even today.

So before the New Left movement, we saw rigid conservative values and discipline, seen as an extreme, being the common form. The New Left humanists took over, and it went from "beat your kids" to "talk to your kids." When before the PC movement, it was totally fine to say "nigger" and "sweet-cheeks" in the work place. Not out of humor, but out of disrespect towards your comrades.

So parents today are the sensitive ones. they grew up either witnessing and detesting or completely avoiding an ugly past. They push their values unto their children, and the children will either accept it, or as many as we've seen "Louis CK, Joe Rogan, Doug Stanhope, Christ Rock" React against it. Not out of racism or sexism, but out of the anti-authoritarian sentiment. Young people say "you're gay" or "fuck off faggot" not out of hatred towards gays, but out of the very fact that they don't care if you're gay or not, they just want ways to insult others. These are, of course, men who came out of the 70s and 80s, so when looking at the young generation, we have to see which of them ARE PC and which of them aren't.

Most of the young generation is not bigoted. In my college, the College Republicans do not care about Gay marriage. The only people who care about gay marriage are the extremely christian groups. But in general, even conservatives of today's generation do not care about the issues of Gay marriage. It is, at this point, a non-issue.

Today's generation does not wish to harm others or treat others as low human beings. They are post-racial and post-bigotry. so when the issue of "you can't say that" or "what should we do about these kids who get called names," the common response is "learn how to defend yourself."

Now, clearly bullying is the new "New Left" movement. It is a big PC storm that even calls for legislation banning any kind of "cyber harassment" or bullying that occurs among young people. Hell, cyber bullying can effect adults under certain legislative proposals. Bullying is bad, but it is a fact of life. Kids can be cruel, and that's how we discover ourselves. When a kid is pushed into killing themselves (Bully) or shooting up a school (Columbine), it makes little sense to say "well, now we need legislation to make sure this doesn't happen again." Clearly these kids were extreme examples. They were already kind of messed up, and legislation is going to help stop that.

When today's generation sees the pushes by the older generation to censor and limit our lives for the sake of "sensitivity" it causes a stir. We don't want to hurt others, but we don't want to be told what to do. Some kids are big into political correctness, some of them aren't. The ones who aren't, and i was one of those kids, are reacting against this idea that authority can tell us what we can and can't say for the sake of not hurting other's "feelings."

And the fact that no matter how hard the PC movement works against insensitive words (like trying to ban "bitch" and "ho" from the radio), the young audience, as intelligent and enlightened as we are, will not accept the idea that people can tell other people how to speak. Call it regression towards the mean, maybe. It's a middle ground for two extremes (hate someone and call them "nigger" or love everyone and never say anything insensitive). We say what we want and feel what we want. I'm pretty accepting of all types, and I say some pretty harsh shit all the time.

I see the future generation as looking back at the PC era as just another ugly past. there was the racists of the early America and then there was the Thought Police of the middle America. the future America, a more evolved and educated America, will see that individuality is the most important theme. No class superiority. No collectivism. Just individuals. We are all different, accept and move on.

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
2 points

The difference is that in the past, children would fight back. Now, they bring a gun when they fight back.

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
2 points

Kids are way to sensitive... As a High School student myself i can see that if i tell a kid "Hi" the wrong way he/she'll begging hating me and thinking I'm being mean to him/her... We have come to a generation that can't take any shit what so ever. I get bullied, but i don't care... People bully because they have some problem either at home or somewhere else, why should I care about their problems if they think they can justify what they do by bullying another kid?

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
1 point

us kids think a little name call as bullying it happend to me

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive

Today's children are raised as bunch of wussies and pansies. Everyone is worried about hurting someone's feeling. MAN UP!

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
ellenmeadows Disputed
1 point

You're extremely wrong. I raise my three daughters Emma, 10, Hilary Grace, 8, and Rosie Grace, 3, to not hurt someone's feelings. I raise them to stand up for others and themselves. They never fight with eachother. They love eachother. They hug and snuggle eachother. When you raise your children this way it makes them nicer people. Please tell me you don't have children

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
1 point

I am sure that they also hold hands and sing kumbaya as well. ------------------------------

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
OutcastPeach(13) Clarified
1 point

Not saying that all kids are raised incorrectly, just that the majority of kids can not take the 'complexity' of the real world. As a young adult myself, I see it everyday. Whining, disrespect, wanting of special treatment, anxiety over the smallest things, and believing of being the only victim. While you probably do have wonderful kids,

they are part of the minority when it comes to correct thinking and behavior. We are talking about the other 90% of kids that were not raised by qualified adults like yourself.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before

As I've never been bullied before, I would say Children now are becoming little babies. They expect everything done for them and expect so many things I never expected when I was a child. Children are becoming so needy and spoiled.

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive

In recent years, society has caused kids and adults to believe they are the victims. Everyones a victim. I was bullied and I now am stronger than I was before because I taught myself that I am the only one who can make myself feel inferior. While yes, technology has allowed people to turn bullying into harmful harassing or even stalking, it is the new adults jobs to teach their kids to stand up for themselves and control their own thoughts. Education on these conflicts is crucial. I recommend that every child reads the book Ender's Game. The character Andrew Wiggens(Ender) deals with bullies and takes care of it. Now I'm not saying that kids should hurt anyone physically, but the principle behind it. "Finish it, so there is no way for it to start again."

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

While I agree with the sentiment, I think their idol shouldn't be someone who is guilty of aggravated manslaughter and who ultimately feels guilty about the mentality that was ingrained (and mentioned in your post).

Kind of a confusing aspiration if you ask me.

Side: Bullying is Worse than Before
0 points

Everybody's getting more sensitive. You look at TV, you see men complaining because the aftershave stings. What kind of a pathetic example is that?!

Side: Our Children are too Sensitive