
Debate Info

Country music pop music
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Country music (3)
 pop music (2)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

Is Country music better than pop/rap music?

witch is better? I pick country music :)

Country music

Side Score: 4

pop music

Side Score: 3
1 point

Although music is a subjective topic, taking in to consideration that Country music usually is a more genuine category as apposed to Pop which is now made for commercial use (aka profit) it makes more sense to support country music.

Side: Country music
1 point

I prefer country music over pop/rap music because it sounds more pleasant and has less screaming.

Side: Country music
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

I prefer country music over pop/rap music because it sounds more pleasant and has less screaming.

I used to detest country because my dad was into it. The real cheesy stuff. Some of it is pretty good though.

Side: Country music

I like Hip-Hop and Trance. I don't care for Country music that much but there are some exceptions.

Side: pop music
1 point

Although it is a matter of opinion pop has more variety and country is very repetitive. The majority of the songs are about beer, girls, trucks, etc. This is the same with rap, money, girls, drugs.

Side: pop music
goharij(2) Disputed
1 point

It is understandable that you would look at the lyrics of country in general, but It is repetitive because the lyrics are coming from real emotions and majority of mankind think about fun, materialistic objects, and love.

Side: Country music