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Yup. Crazy ain't it? You're a MARXIST excon
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:27
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 Yup. Crazy ain't it? (4)
 You're a MARXIST excon (14)

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excon(18262) pic

Is Marxist, Marxist, Marxist, the new Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi?

Yup. Crazy ain't it?

Side Score: 5

You're a MARXIST excon

Side Score: 14

Marxism is the next step in socio-economic evolution. Join us.

Side: Yup. Crazy ain't it?
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No, Wank. Marxism is NOT the next step, it's an imperfect disaster, as is "unrestrained capitalism"! BOTH have SOME good points. The trick is to take the best of BOTH, (and some others), and make "a more perfect union" out of ALL!

Side: Yup. Crazy ain't it?
SpiritOfWank(49) Disputed
1 point

No, Wank. Marxism is NOT the next step, it's an imperfect disaster, as is "unrestrained capitalism"! BOTH have SOME good points. The trick is to take the best of BOTH, (and some others), and make "a more perfect union" out of ALL!

Can you answer one simple question...what is the central principle of Marxism? If you fail, then you will be forced to admit that nothing you just said has any basis in reality if you have any intellectual honesty whatsoever.

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

No, Wank. Marxism is NOT the next step, it's an imperfect disaster, as is "unrestrained capitalism"! BOTH have SOME good points. The trick is to take the best of BOTH, (and some others), and make "a more perfect union" out of ALL!

Grandpaw the SOCIALIST what in your confused mind is "unrestrained capitalism" ?

Grandpaw explain your confused position !

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Grandpaw u still believe a youtube video was the reason for Benghazi ? If you buy into that then you are a FOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Grandpaw you mean your GOD Obie put an innocent man in jail for something that the NEGRO could not prove in a court of law ?

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
1 point

YES! Maybe they'll spend another $7M of American tax money trying to prove THAT … with the same result! Just another republican sunrise, "awash in Tequila" (or some other mind altering substance).

The result will be the same …. NOTHING!

Nobody wants Marxism. There are SOME good thing in every political or economic system. It's too bad conservatives can't "flex" a little, and work to "A more perfect union". Try to take the best of everything FOR the people. Instead, they cling to runaway capitalism, which ALSO has some good parts … excluding the "runaway".

Side: Yup. Crazy ain't it?
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

YES! Maybe they'll spend another $7M of American tax money trying to prove THAT … with the same result! Just another republican sunrise, "awash in Tequila" (or some other mind altering substance).

The result will be the same …. NOTHING!

Nobody wants Marxism. There are SOME good thing in every political or economic system. It's too bad conservatives can't "flex" a little, and work to "A more perfect union". Try to take the best of everything FOR the people. Instead, they cling to runaway capitalism, which ALSO has some good parts … excluding the "runaway".

DUMMY your GOD Obie spent a trillion dollars on infrastructure and what school , road , bridge or runway was fixed ! Step up CONFUSED DUMMY and defend your GOD Obie !!!!!!!!!!

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well. I'll get religious here. MY "god" Obie is better than YOUR "god" Trumpy! (who has spent a trillion dollars on a tax cut for the rich!) I'm sure that if you spend as much time hunting for those "school, roads and runways as you do hunting for "bad liberal things", you'll find MORE than you will that has been done by YOUR GOD, TRUMPY! (You confused dummy!) :-) It's REALLY hard to defend a REAL scumbag "god"! The one in the White House, currently .

Side: Yup. Crazy ain't it?
1 point

It's not crazy to point out Democrats practicing Marxism step for step.

Side: You're a MARXIST excon
1 point

We are still waiting for the media, or Obama himself to tell us where he was and what he was doing during Benghazi. But that's none of my business.

Side: You're a MARXIST excon