
Debate Info

he is trying to convert you no
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:33
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 he is trying to convert you (12)
 no (14)

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RandomDude(1286) pic

Is Srom a Christian Missionary?

he is trying to convert you

Side Score: 14


Side Score: 14

he will try to convert you this is a fact so BEWARE!

Side: he is trying to convert you
2 points

I am done trying to convert people on here and realized that back then. Its pointless with people here who are arrogant and are ignorant.

Side: he is trying to convert you
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

AH HA!!!! so you admit to being a missionary in the past? ONCE A MISSIONARY ALWAYS A MISSIONARY!

Side: no
OddHannah(313) Disputed
1 point

You dont try to convert people on the spot. It takes time. Also you are supposed to enlighten them about our faith. You are pressing people to hard.

Side: no
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
1 point

It's always very suspicious to reject data that contradict your hypothesis on the basis that said data are expressed by stupid people.

Side: no
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Can i submit this to Websters Dictionary to be shown under the word: irony?

Side: no
1 point

Anyone who tries to change other's religious views must be a missionary, or am I wrong? Is there such a thing as an atheistic missionary?

Side: he is trying to convert you
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

you better get out your shovel and sure! why cant there be an atheistic missionary?

Side: no
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified Banned
1 point

I don't understand you. I asked the same question. I didn't make a claim that there can't be, I asked if there could be. Read the argument properly.

Side: he is trying to convert you
1 point

All Christians are missonaries. .

Side: he is trying to convert you
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
0 points

thats a bullshit answer you might as well say all living humans have a heartbeat!

Side: no
1 point

I would hope so. It is exactly what Christians should be doing. If you believe someone who doesn't believe is going to burn in hell forever then you have a moral obligation to try and save them. Particularly if its someone you love.

Side: he is trying to convert you

He actually did convert me back on another website a while ago when I was young and naïve, although you can't really blame him tbh, I think he is motivated by compassion and believes that he is saving people by converting them and turning to them to Jesus.

Side: he is trying to convert you
0 points

He never tries to convert. If anyone is anything, conversion worthy, it's nox. He wants everyone to be an atheist. I Don't think anyone, except maybe lolzors and Nox try to convert anyone.

Side: no
1 point

I concur NOx tries to bully people to conform to his way of thinking and gets the hump when people resist, Srom just tries to tell people about what he believes.

Side: no
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

you preemptively ban people from your debates and then have the nerve to post on mine? You have ZERO credibility!

Side: he is trying to convert you
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed Banned
1 point

I ban trolls, you know the score, but guess what. There's no reason you can't ban me, so the choice is yours.

Side: no