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Dermot(5736) pic

Is being black a “tremendous asset “in the US today ?

From C N N John Blake 
Blackness, though, has become a "tremendous asset" in contemporary America, he writes in his column. Despite the "horrific and evil history of racism against black people," being black today gives its recipients privileges ranging from landing coveted college scholarships to becoming activists who can build careers on racial grievances, he says.

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2 points

No, being black is not a tremendous asset. In the US today there are certain social contexts where the color of your skin is somewhat of an asset, and somewhat of a hundrence in other contexts. There are not substantial social-economic barriers or boons for ones skin. Thus, being white, black, red, yellow or any other hue is not a tremendous asset.

Though, I have to note that “black” is the only color my iPhone auto-correct insisted on capitalizing. Funny.

1 point

I was curious , it’s intersting to hear an Americans perspective as it’s not the first time I’ve read similar stuff to the piece from C N N ; that is rather amusing regarding the Iphones auto correct .

2 points

Since Obama was elected and brought America's simmering racism "out of the closet" there ARE NO "tremendous assets" for "blacks". There are just potential "breaks" that allow the "All men are created equal" theory (fact) to stay in existence.

It was not Obama's fault that racism exploded once again when a "half black" man moved into the White House, it was the fault of America's racists who took it like a slap in their face! When you are held down a helping hand is a necessity, not a tremendous asset! As these helping hands begin to bring equality, they will be dropped. The problem is when some people think "equality" with someone of a black, brown, yellow or red skin is a slap in the face, helping hands appear to be "tremendous assets". It's called pettiness (in "nicer" terms)!

1 point

Hello D:

You've SEEN this video, haven't you??

Being black wasn't a tremendous asset for Walter Scott now, was it?


1 point

White people get shot too, it's just not as publicized. If I sent you a video of a white guy getting shot would that prove racism doesn't exist?

excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

Hello D,

Sure. Show me a white guy getting shot in the back by a black cop.

Still waiting.......


Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Nor was being white a “ tremendous asset “ for Justine Damond, a white woman who was shot and killed by a black police officer, Mohamed Noor.

1 point

Ones race does not determine how useful you are


1 point

i can't speak for black in the U.S, but I know that in NZ, Maoris (indigenous people) (and other pacific islanders) are given seemingly unfair advantages, e.g, they have preferential (guaranteed) entry into university even with terrible grades, along with access to more scholarships. I have friends who are Maori who barely have to pay for university (mind you it is pretty cheap here anyways), even though they haven't done anything better than I have, and don't have any greater financial need than me. They agree that this is unfair, but I can't blame them for taking the money. If you have good grades and are Maori (like my friends) you're set through high-school and university. There are also truckloads of special clubs and things, but that doesn't bother me as I wouldn't want to join them even if I were Maori.

The purpose of these advantages as far as I can tell is to reduce poverty levels among Maori, but I don't see why these advantages can't just be for poor people rather than Maori.

That being said I wouldn't say it is a tremendous asset, but it is useful.

It also seems unfair to have quotas for certain racial groups in some employment (which I think we have).

0 points

No matter what color your skin, nothing will be a greater asset than godliness with contentment.

CNN is racist garbage. Of course they are, they are pretty much a propaganda vehicle for the left, which is so damn racist they don't even know they are racist.

2 points

What the fuck is “ godliness “ ? Oh wait ; is that where you wipe out the world with a flood ? Or plagues ? Pestilence , disease ? Droughts and famines ?

You don’t like C N N are you black by any chance ?

You don’t like the left and I bet you love Fox News ?

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
1 point

It means loving God. You know, The Supreme and Ultimate Reality.

I'm a frog for all that matters.

Liking or disliking CNN is not an endorsement o Fox news. Neither is liking or disliking Fox News an endorsement of CNN.

No, but I will say that these news organizations are not what you think. As far as you are concerned, all American media is created with the express purpose of throwing off our enemies.

Go ahead though, watch all this crap and keep pretending you know what is going on in America. Americans don't believe in this crap. The ones who say they do are usually working for somebody.