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It is It isn't
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:30
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 It is (7)
 It isn't (8)

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Mariel33(456) pic

Is capitalism's "primary" purpose to allow people to avoid dealing with one another?

It is

Side Score: 15

It isn't

Side Score: 15

Capitalism has fueled great human advancement. Reward fuels innovation. However, we have (and will) survived as a species by mostly being socialistic. Hmmmm? Sounds a lot like the eastern philosephy of balance😉

Side: It is
1 point

My own view is that capitalism allows the illusion of people being socialistic.

Side: It is
2 points

No, it's primary purpose is to get the rich richer and the poor poorer and is usually justified by some rich fucks who think they are entitled to their money because their grandparents worked hard for it.

Side: It is

Yeah, who do those rich fucks think they are? Living in those big houses, driving those fancy cars, making all that money... why, If it weren't for them, we would be living in those big houses, driving those fancy cars and making all that money- We can't let them get away with it! Those lucky bastards, we need to take them down a notch or two so we can feel better about ourselves. C'mon All, let's go get em!

Side: It is
instig8or(3308) Disputed
2 points

Shut up you imbecile. The cars and the other shit isn't worth anything in the end. We all die worthless, but we can perhaps live in harmony with the other worthless beings and capitalism prevents this.

Side: It isn't
2 points

What I can extrapolate from a Google search of the word "captilism", Capitalism is all about owning everything privately.

But it is also about trading goods with other privately owned corporations.

What this means is capitalism's purpose is to get people to deal with people but do it privately.


Side: It isn't

I think it's to make a profit by providing a product or service to those who need it.

Side: It isn't
2 points

Capitalism is an economic system, who's main function is demonstrated daily as that of producing goods, jobs, and operating in an environment of free trade. Other characteristics include personal reward for personal risk and private ownership of individual success or failure. Capitalism is responsible for generating the highest standards of living of any other system

It does in no way inhibit the interaction of people, but rather requires it.

Side: It isn't
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

True, capitalism does engender social interaction - but I think capitalism can be perceived as a means for people to not have to interact.

Side: It is
daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

How so ?

Side: It is
Antrim(1287) Banned
2 points

The whole idea of capitalism is that people do deal with each other to negotiate business deals and socialize with those who may benefit the advancement of their business. I really don't know how you get wrong every time. Everyone gets it wrong sometimes, but it's very rare, if not unique to be so wrong every time. How do you do it? Do you work at it, or does being wrong come naturally?

Side: It isn't
1 point

Without capitalism how might you get your consumable goods ? Let's just say the computer for which you type from !

Side: It isn't
Mariel33(456) Disputed
1 point

Capitalism isn't needed for anyone to have their utilities.

Side: It is
1 point

Capitalism, as anyone can see, has been a working economic system for centuries. Compared to communism, people have been able to own possessions rightfully given to them. If you've seen my country, Vietnam, people are stripped of everything they earn, and very few, if lucky, live to be rich. The primary focus of capitalism is to provide a way for people to own what they deserve, and from experience, one would know that being plundered from your items is a dreadful feeling. Besides, how does such a system isolate people from "dealing" with one another? Everyone gains, everyone is happy. The end.

Side: It isn't