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Yes, chivalry is still alive. No, chivalry is dead.
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 Yes, chivalry is still alive. (14)
 No, chivalry is dead. (5)

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Is chivalry still alive?

Respond only if you are in Mrs. Zonin's literature class.  Thank you!

During the Middle Ages, knights followed the chivalric code.  The code of chivalry included a knight's loyalty to his lord, the obligation to defend those weaker than himself (especially, but not limited to, women), and offering their service to the greater glory of God. In today's society many argue that the aspects of the code of chivalry have taken a backseat to a person's selfish desires and actions.  Others counter that chivlary is still alive and well in modern day-to-day life.  When thinking about loyalty for the United States political structure (including those in positions of authority), people protecting those weaker than themselves, and religious reverance (of any sort) do you believe that chivalry is still alive?


You must create a response (10 sentence minimum) that clearly states your opinion and provides support.  You must link to at least one outside source within the context of your argument.  Make sure to use reliable sources and news sites to validate your opinion.  Be careful to use proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.  This is still an English assignment and you need to treat it as such.  Now, argue away!

Yes, chivalry is still alive.

Side Score: 35
Winning Side!

No, chivalry is dead.

Side Score: 10
3 points

Chivalry is indeed alive and well. Maybe we don't have Arthur's knights following us around protecting us from danger at all times, or Lancelot trying to court us, but we do have people that defend us. The soldiers in Iraq, and many other places around the world are the reason we have our freedom. Had they not stepped up and taken the honor in protecting our country, we would not have the rights and freedoms we often take for granted. A former teacher of mine once said "if you think living in the US isn't all its cracked up to be, name one place where you have everything we have and MORE." Imagine having to protect yourself from anything and everything instead of just having to swat the occasional fly or bug. And people that say chivalry is dead don't know much about it. It isn't all about holding open doors and waiting on you hand and foot, if they were to read the Code of Chivalry they would understand why no one ever attained the Holy Grail, the code wanted you to be PERFECT, so perfect that no one could. So ladies, suck it up and hold the door for yourself, or open the car door, or pay for your own dinner, at least you're not having to defend yourself from some crazy terrorist attack the minute you step foot outside.

"Chivalry And Humanity." Chivalry Today. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

Chivalry is still alive today. Chivalry is seen today in the world when men show gestures of kindness to women. Being chivalrous isn't necessarily the most popular word around today. Most women use other words such as mature, gentleman, and being a man. It is a man's duty to treat the girl with the utmost respect. Some men still follow the chivalrous guidelines today. A girl on a forum on the website said, "Today’s chivalry, if it exists at all, would have to be very different in action, if not in principle, from its medieval progenitor." There is a same general principle, but the actions used are different. When men show gestures of kindness such as opening the car door, and even paying for dinner. The woman feels like she is cared for. This is different from medieval times as there were no cars and people would mostly eat at feasts and not have to worry about paying. Chivalry is definitely still alive today, but in more different terms.

Kustanowitz, Esther. "Chivalry is...what?." Chivalry Today. Wordpress, 6 12 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Alex G.

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

Chivalry is definitely still alive in today's society. It just does not appear in the same form as in the middle ages. For example, in today's society what would have been the king back then is now the commander in an army. The Cadets in the army fight for, listen, and respect those in higher position then themselves.

David L. Perry said "The U.S. military has been extremely conscientious and diligent during the past three decades in emphasizing the importance of maintaining high standards of conduct". Take a look at the army and what we do for the weaker countries. In the middle ages the knights fought for their king, land, lord, and for the weaker people. Today the Cadets in an army fight for their country, freedom, lord, and those who are weaker and in need. In the middle ages the chivalric code highly emphasized respect. Similar to today’s society only it is not just in the military. Chivalry also occurs at home and at school. When students go to school they are taught to listen and respect their teacher. When a child goes home they are taught to respect their parents and their siblings. So instead of fighting for and respecting a king, nowadays we respect our family, our teachers, and our elders.

Perry, David L. "Chivalry And Humanity." Chivalry Today. David L. Perry, 30 Mar. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Logan Colwell

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

I think that Chivalry is still alive. Yes, societies morals have changed but there are many gentleman in this world. They may not have to make secret pathways for us to go to be protected or step in front of us with a sword, but men still treat women with great respect. Being chivalrous does not mean every time you go to get in a car the man should open and shut your door; being chivalrous means that a man should treat a lady with great respect. Which most of the time we are. Women just do not recognize it as much as we should. The world and society has changed drastically since King Arthur. But that does not mean that today men would not stand up and risk themself to protect a lady. Chivalry has changed to the word gentlemen. There are plenty out there! Women can do many things on her own but it is the "gentleman" thing to do things for her. I do believe that women today almost expect too much out of men which is why some people think chivalry is dead. "Chivalry was all about defending a lady's honor, and although no ladies today would expect you to slay someone for her, the spirit is still there." Chivarly has changed because society has. That does not mean it has left the world. Men still stand up for women and i believe they always will. Chivalry is alive.

Supporting Evidence: Chivalry (
Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

Chivalry is still alive today and it will always be alive forever and ever. Chivalry will always be alive as long as people will respond to the calling of it. There are people who really care for others and there are people who could care less. Men to this day are putting their life on the line so others can live. They are protecting women and children not knowing if they will see them again they do it because they love them. These things are the true characteristics of chivalry. So the real question shouldn’t be is chivalry still alive, it should be is chivalry still alive in you. Do you hunger or thirst for justice? Do you put others before yourself? Are you willing to put your life on the line for the benefit of others?

Supporting Evidence: Is Chivalry Dead? (
Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

Chivalry is qualities of a true gentleman, a code in which good men should live by. It’s the acts of kindness, generosity, and charity. What ever happened to GOOD MANNERS!! Loyalty to family and to people you can depend on. And the acts of kindness and generosity seems like it is slipping away. It’s not about the big things in life, that doesn’t really matter. The small things make a bigger picture. For example holding a door for a lady, pulling out a chair, doing the right thing. Chivalry still lives on in today’s society but its slowly slipping away.

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

Chivalry is not dead, it's still alive today. Most people think that being chivalrous is holding the door open for a lady or putting your jacket over a puddle so she won't get her shoes wet. People don't realize that the things men do for women today is still being chivalrous. We just don't use the word anymore, women call it being a gentleman. Because that's exactly what it is. Men do the stuff women shouldn't do, or it's considered a 'man's job'. They take out the trash, pay for the dates, a man should always call or text you first. Chivalry is not dead because all men are chivalrous in some way. Whether it's holding the door open for you, or putting their jacket over a puddle so you don't get your shoes wet. There are chivalrous men out there! Chivalry is still alive!

Supporting Evidence: Chivalry (
Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

In my opinion, chivalry is still alive. There are many types of chivalry. There was this one time when my mom was sick for two weeks because of a strong stomach virus, and I took those two weeks out of my summer to take care of her. There was also this one time where I held open a public door for almost everyone. There are many examples of chivalry and they are performed every day. For example, “Always put the safety and comfort of the lady above your own. For example, if they're cold, offer them you're coat.” That is the littlest or smallest example of chivalry but it’s in the code. If anyone was to say that chivalry wasn’t alive then they don’t know what being sweet, loyal or protective means. Chivalry is still alive.

"How Is Chivalry in Today's Society?" Questions & Answers. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

Chivalry is still very much alive and kicking. It just has been rebooted, reconstructed, reformed and in need of being rehabilitated. But it's definitely not dead. There are men who still write love letters. There are guys who have a great sense of manners and would give up his jacket for you in a heartbeat! Yes, he's cold too and yes, she knows she should have brought her jacket, but the fact of the matter is that he is willing to sacrifice. Far from being dead, chivalry today is embodied by people whose actions are always trustworthy and admirable; who understand that strength and gentleness are not opposites; and who know the importance of standing by one’s principles, no matter how tempting the compromise. "People everywhere are reevaluating the things that are important in their lives, and they’re rediscovering the virtues that the code of chivalry stands for — hope, kindness, respect, integrity and courage. "

So there you have it. Chivalry absolutely is still alive today.

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

Chivalry is alive and still attractive. What they called common back then is practiced as polite manners nowadays. Most people do not understand the esscense of the chivalric code. For example the armed forces protect those weaker than themselves everyday.They show an unattainable amount of courage and honor on a daily basis every time they put themselves in the line of battle and to fight for the country and president. Chivalry today is embodied by people whose actions are always trustworthy and admirable; who understand that strength and gentleness are not opposites; and who know the importance of standing by one’s principles, no matter how tempting the compromise. Chivalry isn't always about saving the damsel in distress either. The main idea of the woman was brought about by the queen and the courtly love that the middle ages sufficed as a uprising for womens equality. Most knights fought for their queen, and their wives if they had one. The men and women in the armed forces do the same. Chivalry is still alive, every time a battle is tussled and a woman is wooed.

Supporting Evidence: Chivalry Today (
Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

While people do not show chivalry today as much as they did hundreds of years ago, there is still some evidence of chivalric manner. Not all males have forgotten the rules of being a gentleman, but it seemes that many do not care anymore. Is chivalry still alive today? Yes but barely. Honestly nothing impresses me more than when someone holds the door open. Simple things often mean the most. A man paying for a meal for two goes a long way. We dont see these actions today as often as we should. This is why I think little chivalry is still shown today. I dont think females want to see flowers brought home to them everyday, I think they just want to be treated with a little more respect. Although chivalry is not a tough concept to grasp, it will take you a long way.

Uwumarogie, Victoria. "7 WAYS YOU CAN TELL CHIVALRY IS DEAD AND GONE." Moguldom Media Group. N.p., 2011. Web. 30 Mar 2012. .

Brett B.

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

Honestly, in the world as a whole, i do not think chivalry is alive. Although, in very few individuals, chivalry is very well alive. It takes the person that you have been raised to be and have become to be chivalrous. Society does not necessarily promote chivalry, especially with the media promoting the very opposite of chivalry. In this article;, it explains that chivalry is within someone and not a cultural thing anymore. Something as simple as opening a car door for a woman or pulling out a chair is something that you should do on your own and not have to be told. Chivalry is alive inside oneself and it takes that person to display their chivalrous ways.

savannah robinson .

Supporting Evidence: is chivalry dead? (
Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

I think Chivalry is alive in some people. For example, when a guy holds the door open for girl, or even when someone helps an elder across the street. It is also showed by when a male or anybody with high authoruty over others tend to people with less than them. Giving blood is also a example of chivalry because your giving to somebody who needs it. Helping with a charity or even a club.

Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
2 points

i think chivalry is still alive because it was invented because men realized that if they held a door open for a woman,she would either do a little job so she would keep him waiting.There are plenty out there! Women do many things on there own but it is the "gentleman" thing to do things for them.When a child goes home they are taught to respect their parents and their siblings.Men are always going to gawk and chase after women. Once a man has secured a relationship he will do almost anything within his power to protect his lady.on the other hand men like to look and make comments. Most girls don't hear them, but you learn how to listen for them. You can also read a guy by how they look at you. You can tell if they want to take you to meet their mom or if they want a one nighter. Men are not going to stop looking.


Side: Yes, chivalry is still alive.
3 points

Chivalry is now dead. Our government is supposed to protect and serve the people of the United States, but instead they use the tragedies and suffering of people in order to win elections and debates. Scott Farrell explains how governments around the world will use people and hide evidence of their problems helping and protecting their citizens, "Using tragedy and suffering to score political points seems about as far from the ideals of chivalry as you can get." The only way our government will change things is if someone dies in the process of doing something. They do not try to prevent bad things from happening to their people; they just choose to ignore it until it becomes a bigger problem. Their is no protection for the average person from our government. Chivalry is gone for the government of the United States.

Farrell, Scott. "Tragedy, Leadership and Chivalry." Chivalry Today. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

-David J.

Side: No, chivalry is dead.
2 points

In my honest opinion, i think that chivalry is dead. You see all of these couples now a days fighting over what the other one has done to the other. If we were still back in the Medieval times it would not be like that at all. Men would treat women with respect, but the downside of those times were women were thought of as weak and stupid and that is the reason that they needed protection. Then later on the years went by and it completely back flipped. Women were becoming astronauts and they joined the military. But then things kind of got out of control with women calling men sex-est whenever they would try to do anything for them. That is one of the biggest reasons that chivalry is dead. Women get all mad at their man if they say something that sounds sex est, but then they also get mad when they don't hold the door open for them. There are still forms of chivalry but not as extreme as they were in the old days. But i would not call it chivalry, i would just say that it was a man who was being a gentlemen.

"The reason that chivalry is dead." The exponents . N.p., 06 05 2009. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Side: No, chivalry is dead.
2 points

No, chivalry is dead. People have forgotten about generosity. In today's modern world, money is all that matters. Money drives people, and to obtain money you have to be greedy. In order to be greedy, you have to be selfish. "Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. " - Gordon Gekko. Greed is a human's nature, it is our instinct to only care about ourselves over others. Humans are just animals, deep inside we only care about ourselves and own lives. People in power these days only care about money, corruption is everywhere, nobody cares about the good of other people. Politicians get bought out all the time, they don't care about others. Guys open the door for women, thats cool and all but how many of them actually care? Many of them do it just to get the sexy time with them ;) . Chivalry is dead, pretty much at least.

-Jay Kong (aka master visionary, business man, philosopher and sage )

Side: No, chivalry is dead.
1 point

Chivalry is no longer alive. I believe this because men do not treat women the same as they would in the times of King Arthur. Chivalric code depicts men to honor and respect women. During the times of knights and castles, women were put on pedestals and treated almost as if they were some kind of goddesses. In today's world women are disrespected and violated by many men; woman are raped, assaulted and battered. Women are called derogatory terms and the men do not see anything wrong with it. Women were never treated as such in the Medieval time period. Chivalry was created during the Middle Ages to fight the attitudes of brutality, ignorance and prejudice, which were all very common in that era. Men today can learn a lot from the knights.

-David J.

"Chivalry: Dead or Alive?" Web. 30 Mar. 2012. .

Supporting Evidence: Chivalry (
Side: No, chivalry is dead.
1 point

Have you ever heard someone say "chivalry is dead," that person was probably an upset or lonely female. Not all of us have forgotten how to be a gentleman but many of us just don’t care anymore. Maybe because some of the women have adopted the whole independent woman thing. Maybe we think “if you’re so independent, then what do you need me to pay for dinner for?” Now noone said women are weak and helpless, they can obviously do things for themselves too. They’re not asking us to bring them flowers everyday and paint their toenails, but just showing a little respect every now and then would be nice. 

Side: No, chivalry is dead.