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Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 Yes it is ! (10)
 No it's not ! (12)

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Prerna16(9) pic

Is grading system is a best system to evaluate student's performance or not ?

Whãt ÐØ  ÿøú  gùŸz  tΗÎnk ..???   Surprised  Is grading system is the best way or school authorities should introduce some other way ?? Smile

Yes it is !

Side Score: 10

No it's not !

Side Score: 12
1 point

I think it is. I'd be really interested in hearing a better system, as it could potentially be innovative.

Side: Yes it is !
HarryPits(301) Disputed
1 point

How about a system that measures individual improvement throughout a course rather than initial proficiency.

Side: No it's not !
Troy8(2433) Disputed
1 point

Maybe I'm not understanding your point, but isn't that what the current system is?

Side: Yes it is !

Not at all. A student can be very smart, but if the teaching style does not suit their learning style then the student could fail to show his/her true performance capabilities.

But school is about informing the student and the grades are just there to show that the student has learned the material.

Side: No it's not !
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

Not at all. A student can be very smart, but if the teaching style does not suit their learning style then the student could fail to show his/her true performance capabilities.

That's when you have to do it yourself. That's what your suppose to do, or ask your teacher to help you.

Side: Yes it is !
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

That's when you have to do it yourself.

do what myself? the material provided to me would fall under the teaching style which does not suit me.

or ask your teacher to help you.

If the teacher does not suit my learning style, then how would this be useful?(rhetorical question)

Side: No it's not !
1 point

No. The grading system says that an A in math is equivalent to an A in PE. So, there is something wrong. I don't really have an idea how to fix it right now.

Side: No it's not !
Troy8(2433) Disputed
1 point

That doesn't really make them equivalent. I guess you could look at it that way, but obviously one is far more important than the other.

Side: Yes it is !
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

But, it does make them equivalent when calculating GPA. If you take 4 PE classes and get A's, it's a 4.0. If you take Math, English, History, and Biology. You can still only get a 4.0.

Side: No it's not !

Test like the SAT and ACT are best for this. You can teach yourself all of the material in a way that suits you and then take those test. Then your grades in school don't even matter.

Side: No it's not !
1 point

Definitely not. If a school is supposed to be a place of learning, then the emphasis should be on learning, not on pressure to have learned all of the material prior to the first class.

Rather than measuring and permanently recording a student's flat performance, what should be measured is a student's improvement throughout a course. If not, students will find themselves with failing marks from classes they learned a lot from and only passing classes where they knew all of the material beforehand.

Side: No it's not !
1 point

The grading system only measures if a student can remember facts, not if they can learn AND apply what they learned to real world situations and different events that occur. It's good to remember that "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492" (I think that's right haha), but knowing how to critically think is a skill no one can actually teach or any modern grading system can accurately measure.

Side: No it's not !