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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Agree (1)
 Disagree (4)

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Kovaleva(55) pic

Is it right to kill 1 man in order to save 10?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
1 point

Why not just put them on life sentence( It is killing in the slowest way, no?) or 20 years of community service (death by boredom). My point is, if whoever is ready to spare 1 man or 10 in any given option then killing them might not be much of an urgency. And if human reasoning still applies there (it should otherwise the sheriff giving the sentence will be fooled easily and all 11 survives) then an agreement can be made. And so the dilemma is whether to have one good laugh at the sheriff or the prisoners.

Side: Agree
2 points

I would kill 1000 men just to save ONE member of my family.

But I would not kill 1000 men to save a stranger.

I'm not saying it's right - but that's just how I see it.

Side: Disagree

There is no right or wrong - one could try and justify either, there really is no way of proving which one is correct.

Side: Disagree
Kovaleva(55) Clarified
1 point

However, if there is such situation what will you do? Will you save their lives or find some other ways to solve the problem?

Side: Agree
ChuckHades(3179) Clarified
1 point

I'd probably just panic and end up with everyone dying .

Side: Agree

Again, there is no way that I am buying into this common good stuff. These scenarios are ridiculous to say the least

Side: Disagree

Killing is killing and killing is wrong no matter which number is involved.

Side: Disagree