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Debate Score:5
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 No it isn't (4)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

Is it wrong to act selfishly?

Selfishness is selfish, and should only bring benefit to myself if I would act un that way. But I know that many people think that acting selfish is wrong and unexceptable. I think it's that becuse people don't like when their road gets crossed over by someone else's aims and desires. So some just choose to blame the opisite side by calling them selfish and wrong. Prove me wrong.

Yes it is

Side Score: 0

No it isn't

Side Score: 5
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2 points

Well I think selfish meaning to act on your own desires that effect you and yourself only is technically selfish, and not inherently harmful to anyone else. I think when one speaks of selfishness negatively I think in that context is reffering to putting yourself before others to an unfair extreme. (Example, it is selfish for me to play videogames because it revolves around only my desires and benefit, but not necessarily immoral, however it is also selfish to steal ones game to play yourself, and I wouldn't approve of that.) In other words selfishness isn't alwayd immoral in ky book, though at the same time it is one of the main reasons what normally perceived as evil exists, closely tied to human error being another main reason.

Side: No it isn't

It depends on the situation, but it is not inherently wrong .

Side: No it isn't
1 point

Human society would cease exist without selfishness, nearly every act is selfish in some respect,humanity needs selfishness to survive . People strive all the time to be top dog in nearly all walks of society

Side: No it isn't

There are going to be times when everyone acts somewhat selfish.

Side: No it isn't