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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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Kovaleva(55) pic

Is society a reflection of the government?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 3

Yes, the government dictates what we do and cant do, and when there are mutliple governments like in city states, or just state government, then we have a wide range of society, and we can see this is evident around the world, societies everywhere are extremely different.

I say a one world government is necessary to unite us, but it should focus on the freedoms of individualism while maintaining a cooperative environment... ya dig?

Side: Yes
Nurtore(14) Disputed
1 point

Aren't you contradicting yourself? I think that where is freedom, there is always disobedience.

Side: No
2 points

how do you define disobedience along with freedom?

Side: Yes

Society is seen through the eyes of the world as a reflection of its Government according to an individual country.

Side: Yes

This question was already asked by me. What is going on here?

Side: No