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 Is the President of USA required to be married? (4)

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HarryPits(301) pic

Is the President of USA required to be married?

If the president is single, who is the First Lady?  What if the president is a lesbian?  Which one is the First Lady?  Would the president be the First Lady and the president's wife be the Second Lady?  And if the president is a heterosexual female, would we then have a First Gentleman?  Who would be the First Lady, then?

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2 points

You would be the first lady .

1 point

President James Buchanan was never married.

1 point

Quite a few Presidents were not married at the time they took office. You don't have to be married in order to be President. You have to be at least 35 years olds and be a US citizen.

No. There is no provision in the Constitution as such. A President does not have to be married.