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Yes! Hell no!
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Yes! (1)
 Hell no! (7)

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Is the Star-Spangled Banner Too Militaristic

Is the Star-Spangled Banner Too Militaristic?

Goshen College, a Mennonite school in Indiana, has become a target of public outrage over its decision to ban the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at sporting events because it conflicts with the school's core values.

“We recognize that some people may not be satisfied with this decision, but we believe it is the right one for Goshen College,” Ricky Stiffney, chairman of the college’s board of directors, said in a written statement. “The board has a diversity of views on this issue as reflected through the process of considering the anthem.”

According to an online fact sheet on the issue, the college noted: “Historically, playing the national anthem has not been among Goshen College’s practices because of our Christ-centered core value of compassionate peacemaking seeming to be in conflict with the anthem’s militaristic language.”



Side Score: 1

Hell no!

Side Score: 11

I know this isnt the star spangled banner but the pledge if allegiance, anyway i still find it fucking funny but also frighteningly true, enjoy:

Side: Yes!
2 points

The Star-Spangled Banner (before it became a National Anthem) was a beautiful poem portraying what Francis Scott Key witnessed during the American Revolution. After seeing the British Navy destroy everything at Fort McHenry, the Flag still stood. It was a sense of hope that even though we were up against a giant, we could still fight back and win it all.

The Star-Spangled Banner as the National Anthem portrays that despite all odds, America will prevail for it is the representation of liberty and freedom. Sometimes, freedom comes with a price, and that is bloodshed, and that is where the militaristic overtones can come in, but to suggest that it's "too militaristic" is really just based on stupidity. It's a song of hope, freedom and victory.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I completely agree. This school's decision is ridiculous to say the least but the sad part is that I'm not even surprised by this. This sort of thing seems to be happening more and more lately.

Side: Hell no!
2 points

If this school has a problem with the current National Anthem of this country, I suggest they pull up roots and transport themselves somewhere else. Hey, Austria's national anthem celebrates a flower (Edelweiss). Why not go there?

Side: Hell no!
1 point

This is some stupid shit... give me a break!

Side: Hell no!
2 points

You said it, dude. I so hate this politically correct horse shit.

Side: Hell no!

Jesus people, read your bibles if you claim to follow it. God has killed possibly billions of people, and commanded the Israelites to conduct wars and kill many more. God is not against war.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

Schools are going to get rid of everything, they've already gotten rid of actually learning anything in school and important curriculum that could actually help you. They should create a class called "You might not make anything of yourself even if you do finish school because the economy is in the shiter."

Side: Hell no!