
Debate Info

the pen is blue the pen is red
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:42
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 the pen is blue (19)
 the pen is red (10)

Debate Creator

JakeJ(3255) pic

Is the pen blue or red?

the pen is blue

Side Score: 26

the pen is red

Side Score: 16
6 points

Well, that's a silly question! :) .

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

This is what I was thinking about when I made the debate lol. But it's mainly just to see what people would say,'s interesting.

Side: the pen is blue

Disregarding any trick questions, the pen is clearly blue.

If this is a trick question, maybe you're going for "the pen is every color, but blue" since it is reflecting blue light, but that still doesn't explain why you listed red as an option. Unless you're asking about the ink for the pen, in which case there is no way to tell from this picture.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

^ This deserves more up-votes people, get to it.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

The trick is that there is no trick. It's clearly blue lol.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

Lemma guess... The pen's color is blue, but the pen ink is red?

Side: the pen is blue

No, maybe it is purple, it is a trick question.-------------------------------------------------

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

Ohhhhhhhhh he got us there!

Side: the pen is blue
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Well purple is closer to blue than red, and as it says RED or BLUE, i'd say that the pen is green.

Side: the pen is red
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

What makes you say that???


Side: the pen is red
1 point

The pen is blue I don't know where the red is but its definitely blue.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

It's blue. Mmmk, what are you up to?

Side: the pen is blue

Is this test meant to test the color blind?

Because otherwise, it's obviously blue.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

Attention everyone. The pen is blue. Oh and I have no idea what color the ink is because it's a picture I got from google images... But it's probably blue.

I'm glad I made you'all think though.

And yes it was partially a reference to the movie liar liar.

Don't you love when trick questions don't have a trick? (; Sort of like miss-spelling a word that's speled just like it sounds. hehe (;

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

The pen's color on the outside is a metallic color as well as indigo, however indigo may be seen as a shade of blue, so blue is still the correct answer, logically speaking.

Side: the pen is blue
1 point

Originally pen was blue. But later it became red, green etc. So, originally pen was blue as it suits white paper.

Side: the pen is blue

That pen is blue

Side: the pen is blue

I prefer to write with a nice dark blue ink as opposed to red ink.

Side: the pen is blue
2 points

I'm saying red since everyone else is saying blue

Side: the pen is red
1 point


Side: the pen is red
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

It's blue dumbass.


Side: the pen is blue
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

What don't know how to get past character limit?

Side: the pen is red
2 points

It's red... I have no problem with lying.

Side: the pen is red
Linsdip(111) Disputed
1 point

The pen is not blue or red it is a fountain pen so it is either or neither , it could be empty .

On the other hand it is also metalic silver but the darkk colour seems to be black. Since Red is light and bright and blue is dark or can be dark people assume it is blue when uin actual fact it is black

Side: the pen is blue
Hellno(17724) Disputed
5 points

Well, I didn't want to give it away but it appears that Jake is referring to Liar Liar, the movie:

The pen is blue
Side: the pen is red
1 point

Impressive! By lying you win either way. If it's red you're correct, and so you win. If it's not then like you said, you have no problem lying. So any way you spin it you're in control, or at least you appear to be because in reality you don't really know.

Not bad Hellno, not bad. (:

Side: the pen is red
1 point

If a blue pen crashes in a forest without anyone around to hear it, is it bLuE!?!?!? 0.o

Side: the pen is red

The pen is whatever color the ink is. We don't know the color of the ink.

Side: the pen is red