
Debate Info

Believe it Don't believe it
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Believe it (4)
 Don't believe it (1)

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Narutochakra(49) pic

Is there such a thing as destiny?

I don't believe in destiny, you can make your own destiny if you work hard and never give up!  Believe it!!!

Believe it

Side Score: 4

Don't believe it

Side Score: 2
1 point

If there's no such thing as destiny, then things would not be destined to happen. We would not be able to say, "It was destined to happen." But things are destined to happen to happen all the time and people go around saying stuff like, "It was destined to happen." So there is a destiny ;)

Side: Believe it
2 points

Is there such a thing as destiny?

This depends upon how literally you are taking the meaning of the word. That is, I certainly don't believe that there is some kind of Supernatural Force at work with a script/screenplay to my life (the major details) as if it were one big Shakespearean play/drama.

Now, if taken in a more metaphorical sense, then I think events tend to unfold based upon causal determinism (cause-and-effect). However, the probabilistic nature of predictions in quantum mechanics have muddied the waters a bit more than clarifying them on this front.

This brings us to the matter of Laplace's Demon, which is a useful thought-experiment that remains an open question as of yet (that is fiercely argued about).

Side: Don't believe it
Narutochakra(49) Disputed
1 point

the probabilistic nature of predictions in quantum mechanics

If you ask me, that's just a fancy way of saying "physicists don't know how particles work"

If you flip a coin, it may seem like a 50/50 chance it could land on either side, but there are always causal factors such as how much force was used to flip the coin, did the wind blow and alter the flip etc.

But at the same time, what separates the human brain from everything else is that it is specifically structured in such a way that allows it to "take a step back" and consciously evaluate what it wants to do. We are not separate from the largely deterministic nature of reality, but I would argue that we have an awareness of our actions that allows us to have some say in what we do. I believe in a sort of semi-free will. it is more of a negotiation between causal influences and will power derived from self awareness and the feedback loops which allow your conscious brain to communicate with your body and your subconscious brain.

Side: Believe it
xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point

If you ask me, that's just a fancy way of saying "physicists don't know how particles work"

It really depends what you mean by that. That is, yes, Physicists do not understand what is happening on a conceptual level however they have a very good understanding of what is happening on a practical level, which they are able to model with extreme accuracy.

Side: Believe it