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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:25
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NigerInnis(120) pic

Is white guilt destroying the promise of civil rights?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 12
1 point

Is white guilt destroying the promise of civil rights?

It really, really is, and I think it is intentional. The Democrats are so white supremacist that they are willing to pay blacks a small amount as a payoff to be 2nd class. Pretty sick stuff.

Side: Yes
4 points

Nope. I don't have guilt for being white. I don't have white guilt for terrible things that happen such as police unjustly murdering a black man. I have compassion, and respect, and understanding that there is still inequality in America. I don't have to have "white guilt" to believe that.

Side: No
Nemesis1(21) Disputed
2 points

Nope. I don't have guilt for being white. I don't have white guilt for terrible things that happen such as police unjustly murdering a black man. I have compassion, and respect, and understanding that there is still inequality in America. I don't have to have "white guilt" to believe that.

I feel good knowing you empathize with Conservatives being censored and shadowbanned on social media and that you underatand that liberal policies are created to pad white egos and bribe blacks into perpetual second class status as a serf class, rather than to actually help black people.

Side: Yes
Miocene(707) Clarified
1 point

Superb post.


Side: Yes
3 points

"Is white guilt destroying the promise of civil rights?"

The question implies that anyone who recognizes injustice and oppression and expresses compassion or empathy towards the oppressed feels guilty about it. I don't feel guilty for something I'm not guilty of but I do contribute to correcting the injustice.

The white guilt belongs to the racist oppressors such as the idiot who started this discussion.

Side: No
1 point

No, there is no sense of guilt among almost all whites who rightly recognise that it is the blacks themselves who are retarding their progress to full acceptance into the white man's world.

Difficult as it may be for blacks and some intellectually challenged whites to understand is that rioting, looting, violent crime, endless BLM marches and demonstrations does not foster racial accord.

Hey blackies, stop, sit down and try to sort yourselves out.

Whatever way you look at it and however you put it, the ball is in your court, the onus is on you to start thinking how to rectify the whole mess you have made and the hatred you have generated through your violent thuggery, laziness and costly civil unrest tactics.

Side: No
Rusticus(809) Disputed
1 point

@Miocene - Do you think you're superior to all black people?

Side: Yes
PinkGremlin(59) Disputed
2 points

Do you think you're superior to all black people?

Do you think you're superior to black Republicans?

Not to speak is to speak.

Side: No
1 point

NO! GUILTY WHITES are destroying the promise of civil rights! The rest of us whites feel no guilt, we're fighting FOR them!

Side: No
PinkGremlin(59) Disputed
2 points


Guilty of what?

are destroying the promise of civil rights!

In what way?

The rest of us whites feel no guilt, we're fighting FOR them!

No you aren't. The left keeps offering blacks just enough to bribe them to stay as second class citizens, and it's for your ego rather than their well being.

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I have three "black" grandchildren. They don't agree with you. ;-)

Side: Yes