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Cuaroc(8829) pic

It's impossible to debate those on the Left when it comes to abortion. Constant deception!

Almost without fail, people on the Left will deny they support late term abortions for any reason when they vote for the radical Left wing pro abortion Parties such as the Democrat or Green Party, etc.
Most of the phoneys will say they are personally pro life but have no problem electing those who will keep late term abortions on demand (not just life of mother or other extreme cases) legal.
I tried to debate Genericname on this topic many times and this is what I always got.....
First he would lie (or is inexcusably ignorant to the simple facts) and say that it is not legal to have late term abortions for any reason. Not only is it legal, 177 Democrats recently voted down a bill that would have protected the life of an unborn Baby born alive from a botched late term abortion. Just a few short years ago the Democrat party ALL supported that bill. SLIPPERY SLOPE?
Then he would say that tax payers are not forced to pay for abortions! LOL, how ignorant can a person be to not know that tax payers are forced to pay for low income abortions through medicaid and also through Planned Parenthood, etc. Not only are we forced to pay for abortions here in the US but also are forced to pay for abortions in other countries when Democrats are in charge!
Then when I challenged him on the fact he supports late term abortions when he votes for pro abortion democrats, he said he never has voted for the Democrat party inferring that he does not support late term abortions with his vote because he never votes for Democrats. He did not bother to admit he votes for third parties such as the Green party which is just as pro abortion as the Democrat party and he said he NEVER votes for Conservatives, who want to protect the lives of our innocent unborn Babies.
When I have explained how the GOP has tried numerous times to put a ban on abortions past five months (unless extreme cases) and the Democrat party always stops them, he says te GOP does not really want to ban those late term abortions because of other issues attached to the bill. Never will he admit the simple truth.
These are official quotes concernng the Green Party's stances on Abortion....
"The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the US, as well as free of charge in any state where a woman's income falls below the poverty level.
  • Clinics must be accessible and must offer advice on contraception and the means for contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions, and; abortion regardless of age or marital status.
  • We oppose our government's habit of cutting family planning funds when those funds go to agencies in foreign countries that give out contraceptive devices, offer advice on abortion, and perform abortions."
He is not the only person on this site that hates to admit how they support late term abortions on demand with their votes. Who do they think they are kidding? Try just being honest once in your life. If i voted for a President who was a KKK member, would I be responsible for any anti Black legislation down the road or could I just use your same ridiculous excuses and say I am not personally a racist, or I am not a one issue voter, etc. etc. blah blh blah. NO! If I voted for a member of the KKK to Congress or the Presidency, I would indeed be responsible for the continuance of the inhumanity of racism regardless if I was personally not a racist and was only voting because I agreed with his other positions. There is such a thing as PRIORITES when it comes to who we elect. Humanity being one of those priorities.
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