
Debate Info

agree disagree
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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 agree (12)
 disagree (9)

Debate Creator

libertyFTW(213) pic

Joecavalry is a pecker-wood


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 9
1 point

Joe: You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.

Liberty: Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie.

Joe: No dad, what about you?

Liberty: Fuck you.


Liberty: FUCK YOU.


Liberty: FUCK YOU!

Side: agree
1 point

Oh, now you have hurt my feelings ;)

What are you, 14?

Side: disagree
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
1 point

Sensitive much? Oh don't cry don't fucking cry, you can give me a free insult but by God stop fucking crying like a drama queen baby! LOL

Side: agree
3 points

Oh shit!!! You are 14 ;)

Side: agree

What?? Elaborate!

Side: disagree
libertyFTW(213) Clarified
1 point

Okay so basically after all the insult jokes, Imagine there's no liberals,Republicans suck!,liberals suck more ETC.

Me and cavalry went into the conversation page and literally started calling each other immature and juvenile names so I am continuing that on a debate page!

Side: agree
Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

Lol. Cool. Have fun .

Side: agree
1 point

Joecav and I might not see eye to eye in everything but hes cool in my book but so are you LibertyFTW : ), LibertyFTW and I have a lot of the same views, but I learn and laugh from Joe, so if he is a pecker wood then I'm a pussy willow : )

Side: disagree
1 point

Thanks Warjin. Now, doesn't this debate feel like kicking a puppy? My poor laughing dog... ;)

Side: disagree
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
1 point

Imma beat yo laughing dog's ass until he cries and I laugh LOL!

Side: agree
1 point

And you're an ass... so? Everyone has their problems.

Side: disagree
libertyFTW(213) Disputed
1 point

And your an Obama pirate I don't like Obama pirates :D They suck at trying to look like the real president but your pirate looks decent.

Side: agree
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Well... I could change my name to DingleBarry and use a picture of a shithead as my avatar?

Side: disagree
1 point

Oh yeah? Well, if he's a pecker wood then you're a poopy head so thair! LOL

Side: disagree
1 point

I like you, but I think Joe is a sweetie. :'(

Side: disagree
RavenLily(733) Disputed
1 point

Right, because both you 'LibPatriot' and 'LibertyFTW' are prolly one in the same person, no offense Joe. :'(

Side: agree