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another lib lie but but
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:54
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 another lib lie (20)
 but but (15)

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ObamasGoblin(93) pic

Kushner downgrade in security clearance is normal & happens all the time

The liberal media is going bonkers over Kushner's change in security clearance. It turns out that peoples' security clearance goes up & down for security reasons on a need to know basis. The same thing happens with military personnel constantly. It's normal. The media is fibbing again because all they do is lie & lie some more.

another lib lie

Side Score: 22

but but

Side Score: 18
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3 points

Comrade, there's nothing normal about the nightmare that currently resides in the White House and you know it.

I wish this site required a 10 second voice authentication so we could all hear your Russian accent.

Side: but but
1 point

I wish this site required a 10 second voice authentication so we could all hear your Russian accent.


Side: but but
1 point

It turns out that peoples' security clearance goes up & down for security reasons on a need to know basis.


Kushner had not even been fully background checked when he was given top security clearance at the White House. You are having a laugh if you think you can downplay this.

Not only is Kushner prime suspect number one in the FBI's Russian collusion investigation, but he also has direct financial interests in illegal settlements in the West Bank. He's a thoroughly corrupt Zionist Jew. See:-

Thanks to Mueller’s ongoing investigation, we now know that prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration, members of his inner circle went to bat on behalf of Israel, and specifically on behalf of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, behind the scenes and in opposition to official U.S. foreign policy. That’s the kind of collusion with a foreign state that has gotten a lot of attention with respect to the Kremlin – but colluding with Israel seems to be of far less interest, strangely.

You are talking about someone who is a close personal friend of Rupert Murdoch. A close personal friend of Rupert Murdoch who was running a campaign on the chief selling point that they were going to "drain the swamp". What a joke.

Side: but but
NumberOnes(11) Disputed
1 point

Kushner had not even been fully background checked when he was given top security clearance at the White House

Security clearances change daily.

Supporting Evidence: SC (
Side: another lib lie
NumberOne(422) Disputed
0 points

Security clearances change daily.

What does that have to do with Kushner being given top clearance to America's greatest secrets before he had been security vetted?

Trump is ostracising people left, right and centre so to spin this downgrade as pure coincidence illustrates a total lack of integrity on your part.

Side: but but
NumberOne(422) Disputed
-2 points
NumberOnes(11) Disputed
1 point

You are talking about someone who is a close personal friend of Rupert Murdoch.

Murdoch is a migrant, so you can't touch him. Just pretend he is a brown person like a good little liberal, & you will be okay.

Side: another lib lie
NumberOne(422) Disputed
0 points

Murdoch is a migrant, so you can't touch him.

Murdoch is a corrupt multi-billionaire right wing propaganda tycoon. He has also been a United States citizen since 1985.


Side: but but
NomsGremlin(79) Disputed
1 point

Thanks to Mueller’s ongoing investigation, we now know that prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration, members of his inner circle went to bat on behalf of Israel, and specifically on behalf of illegal Israeli settlements

Illegal to Nazi, Jew hating liberals. Legal to everyone else. You don't make the rules for Israel. Don't try to pull that British imperialism crap on me.

Side: another lib lie
NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

Illegal to Nazi, Jew hating liberals

Oh, I see. The law only applies to "Nazi, Jew hating liberals".

How do the numerous Jews who donate to liberals feel about them being Nazi Jew haters, do you think?

Side: but but
NumberOnes(11) Disputed
0 points

He's a thoroughly corrupt Zionist Jew.

believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, French-man, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.

--Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Side: another lib lie
0 points

Kushner downgrade in security clearance is normal & happens all the time

Hello O:

Nahhhh... And if you think about it, you'd see how ridiculous that claim is..

If you're cleared for top secret, some security breach has to HAPPEN in order for you to be downgraded.. And, once you're downgraded, you have to pass another FBI background check to get it back..

But, if the something that downgraded your clearance in the first place is STILL there, and why wouldn't it be, you'll NEVER get upgraded again...


Side: but but
NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

Nahhhh... And if you think about it, you'd see how ridiculous that claim is.

Shut up. FactMachine is an annoying troll, but you have absolutely set the board standard for ridiculous claims with the insistence that your DNA has a religious preference.

You are a ruthless and slanderous liar, so I have absolutely no idea why you identify yourself as a liberal.

Side: another lib lie
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello again, science denier:

So, even though this thread is about security clearances, you find the need to SPAM it by DENYING that my DNA test says I'm 97% Ashskenazi Jewish.. I have NO idea why my Jewishness pisses you off so much.. I can only conclude that you HATE Jews, and DENY science.

Perhaps you'd believe THIS science web site??? They do DNA, you know, SCIENCE..

It reads... "By comparing your genetic signature to the DNA of people from the European Jewish region, AncestryDNA can give you a clearer picture of your ethnic origins.

People in this DNA ethnicity group identify as:

Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, Israeli, Ashkenazi...."

It goes on to report more SCIENCE, you know the thing you DENY exists..


Side: but but
Dermot(5736) Disputed
-1 points

You said he was a science denier merely for getting a DNA test which to you is anti science you raging idiot

Side: but but