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Debate Score:8
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Laws against minors watching porn.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 7
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1 point

OK... I already see where this is going. Now for the real question...

Should parents be fined or face criminal charges because their kid has a boner and internet access?

I say "no" and enough of the police state nonsense.

Side: Against
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

My question initially had nothing to do with the parents facing a charge for the child's actions, but now that you mention it that's a good question. Mind if I make it into a separate debate?

Side: For
1 point

Go for it. I don't see any legal means of punishing a minor for violating an internet porn law since they aren't legally "competent" to enter into a contract of consent (which is why porn sites strategically use a contract of consent on their entry page- basically if you aren't over 18 and you lie about it there is nothing that can be done anyways because you are a minor), the only way you could punish it would be to charge the parents for allowing them access in the first place.

Side: Against
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Then what do you mean when you say 'law against'? If you make someone illegal there has to be a consequence of non-compliance.

Side: For

The idea of porn disgusts me, as people who watch it however I think if a teenager wants to watch it then there isn't really anything harmful about it and it is up to them.

Side: Against

I don't believe the government has any business with legislating something in this regard.

If parents do not want their children viewing porn, that would seem to be a parental responsibility; no need for the government to be involved.

If a parent opts to discuss sexuality with his or her children at a younger age, including topics such as masturbation and pornography, they should be free to do so. How can the government say that a 17 year old is too immature for porn? Shouldn't the teenagers parents be the judge of that?

I don't believe children should be given access to porn personally, but I don't think it's any of the governments business, nor is it my business when it's another parents child.

The only good rationale for the legislation I can see is the case of one parents child giving/sharing pornography to/with another parents child; that seems to be a tough problem to deal with without legislation.

Side: Against
1 point

There shouldn't be laws against it. If a parent is OK about their kids watching it, they should be able to let them without anyone else sticking their nose in. The internet has made the laws look stupid and pointless anyway. It allows people of any age to see all kinds of filth, but society has not fallen apart.

People have different ideas about what is suitable for kids, and attitudes changed a lot through the years too. Society is less prudish too now which is great, and the easy access to porn has helped with that so much! In a decade or so I think most people won't care about under 18s seeing porno.

Side: Against