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 Leftist Attack Red Meat (2)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Leftist Attack Red Meat

Tackling climate change and improving public health can be achieved by forcing consumers to eat less meat in their diets, and it is up to government to force that change, finds a new report. Co-authored by the University of Glasgow and Chatham House, one of the world’s most influential think-tanks, the paper claims “our appetite for meat is a major driver of climate change”.

Finding global meat consumption has reached “unhealthy levels” and cutting consumption is key to “keeping global warming below the ‘danger level’ of two degrees Celsius”, the paper calls for urgent government intervention. Far from being a potentially fatal move for democratic governments around the world, the report findings insist the public won’t actually react badly to the State taking meat off the table.

So does Leftist / Progressive government need to intervene and force consumers to eat less red meat ?

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One of the main objectives of global warming fans is to consolidate power into the hands of the federal government. It is a power grab by Washington DC to tell the states and the people what they can and can't do going forward. This example is just one of many that will be proposed and forced down the general public's throat if the liberals have their way.

Take away one right per generation and eventually you take away all rights and the people will never no any difference.

Is this Glasgow group comprised of a bunch of veg-heads? I would always find suspect any study supporting a leftist agenda. Truth and facts have a way of getting skewed when pushing a liberal ideal.