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Money Can buy Happiness Money Can't buy Happiness
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:19
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 Money Can buy Happiness (4)
 Money Can't buy Happiness (7)

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Money Can't/Can buy Happiness

Money Can buy Happiness

Side Score: 4

Money Can't buy Happiness

Side Score: 11
1 point

The flaw in this famous expression "money can't buy you happiness" is you could put almost any other necessity of life in the phrase instead of money and it's still true. Food, water, oxygen, etc. And yet every one of those things is still absolutely necessary to be alive. Money is still necessary to live in society, too. The folks who say it isn't are implying most other stuff is more important than money, and that's not true.

If the phrase instead was "money alone cannot buy you happiness" then that might be true, and the same with any of the word substitutions above.

Side: Money Can buy Happiness
1 point

Sure, money causes unhappiness, but you cant have happiness cant even exist without evil. Which is exactly why money lets you experience happiness more, and even allows you to be happy at the same time. (Depending on the situation)

Side: Money Can buy Happiness
0 points

Money can buy a waverunner. You ever see a person frown on a waverunner? - Daniel Tosh .

Side: Money Can buy Happiness

Technically no, but it makes happiness considerably easier to acquire.

Side: Money Can buy Happiness
2 points

Maybe not, but it can reduce the level of sadness.

Sipping chilled Dom Peignoir on the balcony of your sea facing suite at the Hotel Negresco, Nice before going down to the Le Chantecler restaurant to sample the gastronomic delights of the Michelin Starred Chef Jean-Denis Rieubland sort of anesthetizes one against the more severe feelings of gloom.

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness
2 points

And long may you and yours continue to enjoy it Antrim ;I'm familiar with the Negesco I stayed there a long time ago ; what's not to like 👌

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness

You need to look no further than Hollywood, and watch all those rich elites living unhappy drug addicted, alcoholic filled lives of divorce, suicide, prescription addictions, etc. etc.

Money does not bring happiness. When there is no longer a need to work to support oneself, people become lazy and consumed with personal pleasures such as drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. which usually ends up destroying their lives.

Happiness comes from within. Hey, that's my name :)

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness
1 point

Money may seem like everybody needs it. But really, they want it. Money can't make you happy. But making others can. Some rich people just flaunt their money around. Like the old saying, steal from the rich and give to the poor. If you want to be rich, give some of your money to people that need it, not want it.

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness
1 point

Different things make different people happy.

For me, having a good time around people that I'm comfortable with makes me happy. Sure, you can buy someone (adoption), but that doesn't mean I'll be comfortable around them. I know different things make different people happy, but for me - my answer is final.

Money can't buy happiness.

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness
1 point

As it goes, Money is the source of all upheaval and turmoil in our daily life. Happiness is something which should come from within, money is no yardstick of happiness. A simple office clerk can be happier than a business tycoon, as far as personal life is concerned. But at the same time, optimum amount of money is required for survival, and we should always understand there's a difference among "money for survival", "bankruptcy" and "being a millionaire". It's the first and the last case we are considering in this debate.

Side: Money Can't buy Happiness
-1 points


Side: Money Can't buy Happiness