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outlaw60(15368) pic


New York, Boston and other cities in the United States bolstered security on Friday night after deadly gun and bomb attacks on civilians in Paris, but law enforcement officials said the beefed-up police presence was precautionary rather than a response to any specific threats. The New York Police Department said officers from its Counter terrorism Response Command and other special units were deployed in areas frequented by tourists, and at the French Consulate in Manhattan.‘Teams have been dispatched to crowded areas around the city out of an abundance of caution to provide police presence and public reassurance as we follow the developing situation overseas,’ the NYPD said in a statement.New York, the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, hijacked plane attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people and destroyed the World Trade Center’s twin towers, is considered a top target for potential attacks by Islamist militants. The top of the Empire State Building and the spire at One World Trade Center were lit up Friday night with blue, white and red, the colors of the French flag.

If ISIS is contained as Obie said why the need for the United States to be on High Alert ? Can any of you Leftist answer that question ?

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3 points

It's a good thing for us that Obama has this ISIS thing under control now. Imagine how bad they might be if they weren't so contained and stuff. I'm sure his assurances are making the families in France feel all better now.

Gotta love how you haven't posted a single thing about Kenya.


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So is ISIS contained is the question but here is what Obie said !

If so why is the United States on High Alert if what Obie said was true ?

3 points

Obama is an orator who seems to be in a permanent medication induced stupor. Under his administration the U.S.A, is in a constant ''catch up'' position without any proactive policies or decisions on how to deal with the Islamic Filth. He should resign and take up a position of professional eulogist. Along with some of his European counterparts he has opened the door to the mass immigration of middle eastern Muslims two of whom who were responsible for the Paris carnage had infiltrated into France with the so called Syrian refugees. Watch how many more of Obama's babies commit carnage on the streets of America.

1 point

I wonder wats next, may be the great wall.getting destroy

1 point

Just because certain major cities in the country are on alert, it does not necessarily mean we're expecting an attack. It is simply a precaution that is not only needed to ensure extra protection in the case that there could possibly be an attack, but also to provide comfort for these fearful citizens in the form of security after learning of the attacks on the most popular city in our friendly ally, France. The fact of the matter is that it is impossible to contain terrorism. You can put whatever conservative person in charge but no matter who is up there, terrorism will never be 100% contained, don't be foolish.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

So Obama is foolish enough to say terrorism is contained ! Why might that be ?

arteaga34(130) Disputed
1 point

Well what I think of Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the question asked in this debate but I think what Obama was trying to say is that we have ISIS contained in the idea that they are not growing at a significant rate.