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Possibly Good Can’t be good
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Possibly Good (1)
 Can’t be good (4)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

National Socialism without Racism

Study NS before race became issue.  It’s a damn good system and a great alternative to communism or dog eat dog Capitalism.  Don’t assume it’s for racist only; ok?  Be open minded

Possibly Good

Side Score: 1

Can’t be good

Side Score: 4
1 point

Before racism?? When was that (in America)? First it was Indians, then "blacks", then Chinese, then Irish, then Italians, Now blacks, Hispanic, Muslim, and let's not forget the white supremacists hatred of Jews (and anything NOT considered white!).

National Socialism? How is that differentiated from Democratic Socialism? Without voting freedom NO political system is good!

There are so many political interpretations for different systems that we HAVE to be careful. I'm for democratic socialism UNDER THE U.S. CONSTITUTION which actually changes little to nothing.

Side: Possibly Good
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Did i notice AL you talking about Racism ??????? You have now claimed to be a Socialist.

Does Socialism really work ??????????

Side: Can’t be good
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Works for ME. Does fascism work for YOU??

I'll take "democratic" socialism over ANYTHING Putrump come up with.

Side: Possibly Good
1 point

without Racism????

Hello S:

Well, you TALK a good story, but it's clear from your posts that you don't like Jews much.. How would your society deal with people like ME????


Side: Can’t be good
Slavedevice(1389) Clarified
1 point

Ok, before I can answer “people like u”, I need to know about you and what you DO/work, etc.. I know u r an “atheist Jew”? Correct?

But the main point is I have never known a Jew to work a blue collar “honest job”.. if you can show me one then fine.

The Jews invented corporate and Usury slavery

The reason I use “National “ is because I don’t believe in globalization as much as being Tribal/Nationalists. It’s not our duty to keep up underdeveloped countries and to protect the world. I agree with Trump- they have sucked us dry. I do believe in some socialism to help your own countrymen. We need a better healthcare system we really do. And it’s something you will always USE - you will recoup some of what you contribute.

)))but in Nationalism we fight for OUR OWN.

Side: Possibly Good