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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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Loudacris(914) pic

New People Leaderboard: Show stats by default or hide them?

Take a look at the new People Leaderboard that was recently redesigned. By default, the efficiency monitor and some stats are hidden from view to preserve white space, which makes the information easier to consume. Would you rather have the stats shown by default? Sound off!

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Side Score: 4

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Side Score: 8

Why hide them? It's good to get a sense of who's on the board and the reason they're on it. If you have stats, why hide them? What is the point of all these statistics if people are going to have to dig them up?

Side: Show Stats
1 point

I don't see the harm in showing the stats. That's the more important stuff.

Points are really just about who gets on the most.

I mean all the down votes I get, and I'm in 4th place!

One can conclude that I get on a lot. Not that I make good posts. ..

Side: Show Stats
1 point

Show them!

Side: Show Stats
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

You can see the stats easily enough by pressing the 'show' button. I agree with Loudacris - it saves space.

Side: Hide Stats
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

It really doesn't save that much space though, in my opinion I would rather not have to put forth that little bit of effort of clicking show anyway. Especially since the space saved really isn't that great.

Side: Show Stats
3 points

I like the stats hidden by default because it preserves "white space" which makes the people page appear less chaotic and easier to consume. After all, if you want to see the stats, you don't have to "dig them up" just click on the show stats links and they appear instantly without a page refresh.

Side: Hide Stats
2 points

I'm down with minimalism. I'm not sure though, because I'm not too interested in the leaderboard or stats so if I am there to see anything it's just a superficial inquiry into who's up there and who's not, and if I want more information I can easily find it.

So for me it looks/works good.

Side: Hide Stats