
Debate Info

Is Is twice
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Is twice (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic


Side Score: 0

Is twice

Side Score: 3
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I wonder what race he is and what country he's from. Nomenclature, if you see this, and you don't particularly feel like being a total dick when you do, I would like you to let me know.

Side: Is twice

Also out of curiosity how old are you? If I had to guess I'd say either 10 or 100 and senile.

Side: Is twice
Nomenclature(1257) Clarified
1 point

I wonder what race he is and what country he's from. Nomenclature, if you see this, and you don't particularly feel like being a total dick when you do, I would like you to let me know.

I'm white and from England.

Side: Is

I figured as much, you have confirmed my suspicion you lobster back dandy. How old are you? (In case you are wondering I'm 22 and I'm a German Italian French Irish Norwegian Swedish Troglodyte Neanderthal Cave Monkey from the USA)

Side: Is twice