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Debate Score:24
Total Votes:28
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 For (11)
 Against (9)

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hammertime(165) pic

People who are bullied need more help.


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 13
1 point

Yes, for it is the intention of bullies that people feel lonely and when they are served first, they feel less alone and maybe it can still stop the bullying too. That's why I'm for.

Side: For
0 points

I also think that the bullies need help too, because usually bully the bullies just because they themselves have a problem at home or out of jealousy, etc.

Side: For
1 point

Blaming the victim is easier than admitting that society permits - or turns a blind eye to a widespread behaviour.

For example a rape victim "she was asking for it"

or a abused spouse " why don't they leave the relationship"

or a person on public dole " get a better education and a higher paying job"

or AIDS/Lung Cancer "they deserve the death for the lifestyle

Easy excuses to blanket judge folks, but what about the baby born with AIDS, the non-smoker who live in NYC where just breathing is the same as smoking a pack of cig?

Need more education and support groups about the cycle of violence and proctecting yourself .

Side: For

Bullies need to be counseled and told that what they are doing is wrong.

Side: For
1 point

I can be on either side with this because I think more than the victim here the bully needs help too. They are a bully for a reason and someone needs to find that out. But the person being bullied needs help too

Side: Against
catticus90(360) Disputed
1 point

I don't think the bully needs more help than the victim. I don't think environment and experience is an excuse to be a bad person. In fact it's a pet hate of mine when people try to excuse anti-social behavior with past experiences. The only excuse really is mental health illnesses where a person has little control over their actions and words.

They make an informed choice to bully someone. Let's say I was beaten by my mother does that give me an excuse to beat my children? It certainly doesn't.

Side: For
ptosis(243) Disputed
2 points

Having a mental problem is not a carte blanc to be a complete asshole. Having a MH problem doesn't mean everybody has the rare Turrent's syndrome. EVERYBODY has a MH thing in different ways and intensity.

Side: Against
1 point

I do not think the bully needs help more than the victim, because in most cases, the bully does not he / she plague and stop them there so quickly with it.

Side: For
Sunset(2024) Disputed
1 point

I did say they both need help and yes someone who is bullying needs help. I in no way make light of what is going on to the person being bullied.

Based on what you said "The only excuse really is mental health illnesses where a person has little control over their actions and words." Then it sounds like they need help!

Side: Against
1 point

I don't think it is that conclusive. It is important to know who stands where. Most of the bullies face an internal imbalance, a mental clash. Or their domestic life with parents isn't a happy one or isn't normal. Especially with kids, things must be treated thoughtfully and carefully.

Side: Against
-1 points

all the people in this world are the same right? but why some people chose to be bullied and some not? this is all up to you whether u wanna get bullied or not.if someone starts to bully you, u tell someone or ur parents. but if the person threaten u, then u get bullied for a while, and observe the habit of how the person bullies you. then find a chance or a day, train urself, and hit the person in the nose or the person 's weakness area. then the bullier will not look low on you and he will stop bullying you. but if u choose to get bullied for the rest of your life, then that is your choice. dare to try and change.

Side: Against
catticus90(360) Disputed
1 point

all the people in this world are the same right?

No. Not at all.

but why some people chose to be bullied and some not? this is all up to you whether u wanna get bullied or not

No one chooses to be bullied. It's not up to the victim to control another persons actions towards them.

someone starts to bully you, u tell someone or ur parents

Yes this is a good course of action but do you know how hard it is to speak out. It's embarrassing to be bullied and many are to scared to speak out in case the bullying gets worse.

but if the person threaten u, then u get bullied for a while, and observe the habit of how the person bullies you. then find a chance or a day, train urself, and hit the person in the nose or the person 's weakness area

If someone is hurling verbal abuse at you so you go and break their nose it doesn't make the situation any better. You could end up being convicted. And what if the bully is stronger than you, retaliates and you end up seriously injured?

but if u choose to get bullied for the rest of your life, then that is your choice. dare to try and change.

It's not someones own choice to stay bullied the rest of their life. Some people's only escape is through death and committing suicide, would you really advocate that? No one should have to change because someone is bullying them. What if someone was being bullied for having a large nose are they meant to just go out and get a nose job? Or should they learn to appreciate themselves and mentally rise above the bullies?

Side: For
Terry Here!(60) Disputed
1 point


-but why does he or she feels embarrassed to be bullied?

-he/she did nothing wrong and is the bully who did something wrong and not he/she.

-when u go into a court, the one who is guilty is the bully and not he/she.


-he/she gets bullied because the bully know that he/she doesn't have the courage to tell someone and thus choosing he/she as the target.

-one should have the courage to fight for own rights and justice, and not afraid to tell when one is right. everybody in this world know that bullying is wrong , then why doesn't one tell?


if u have observed him well, then u will know how strong the person is, then, if u know that u are weaker, then u should just prepare some tools that won't kill but is effective against the bully.

and if u know he is stronger than u, then u ask for help and call as many people as u can and help u. even though u may end up fighting, but this is for self-protection. he failed to protect himself , and not only that, he bullied u.

this is what i think.(:

Side: Against