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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes Terms (2)

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mechanic(66) pic

Presidential Term Limits(22nd)

The 22nd amendment sets the 4 year terms for presidents and only lets them be president twice. Do you like this rule?

Yes Terms

Side Score: 5

No Terms

Side Score: 0
4 points

Theoretically an informed and engaged electorate should be enough check on power to keep someone from staying in office longer than they should.


But in reality a huge swath of the US electorate understands little more than soundbytes and egotism and ideological brainwashing. So hurray for term limits. Think of it as the equivalent of a bartender cutting off a known alcoholic after two shots.

Side: Yes Terms

But in reality a huge swath of the US electorate understands little more than soundbytes and egotism and ideological brainwashing.

Isn't that the truth.

Side: Yes Terms
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