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 Pro choicer's constanty say we should eliminate the need for abortions rather than outlaw (5)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Pro choicer's constanty say we should eliminate the need for abortions rather than outlaw

Why? Why should we eliminate the need for abortions if it is not taking an innocent human life? What's wrong with removing a clump of cells if that is what you believe these unborn babies are?

Are you saying that you know it is taking an innocent human life, but does not bother you enough to effect your vote for those who keep No Restriction abortions legal?
So you are saying you are a phoney and could not care less about hundreds of thousands of babies being killed each year, and lack the honesty and character to admit it?
Are you saying It does not register high enough on your humanity scale to even bother your conscience or vote?

Yet you want us to believe you actually care and hope for a time when there is no longer a need to kill innocent babies?
Do you actually swallow your own deceptive excuses? NEWSFLASH...... these innocent lives mean NOTHING to you! Stop with your lies!

I wonder if you use that same rationale when speaking to laws protecting your life. Would you say that you are personally against killing each other, but rather than outlaw it, you would rather wait for some time in the future when the need to murder each other would be eliminated?

There will never be a time when everyone is responsible, and willing to use birth control, and willing to show self restraint, before taking a chance on creating that baby. NEVER! YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT!

But this is the utter garbage you spew to supposedly ease your conscience? Get real, you are not fooling anyone but yourself. We see through you.... God sees through you... and truth be known, you see through you. You simply don't care in the least.

This is what happens to a people when we separate God from public. People become self consumed, they become barbaric and kill their own young for mere convienence.

Please stop insulting our intelligence with your phoney denials of what you gladly support each election.
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1 point

I also believe it is more important to eliminate the so called "need" for abortions. I think it is more important that people should not find themselves in a situation where they would ever think of that decision.

A Godly attitude towards family would do wonders I think. Marriage is a great opportunity for husband and wife to practice charity towards each other and perfect the faith. A good mother and father will do more good for a child's development than anything. It is so important that it can even overcome economic hardship. These good children who are raised with that spirit of truth and charity will do miraculous things naturally to those who are overridden in their useless idols. They will be healers to the world. It takes skill to do family.

One who has made peace with God has no use for abortion. Abortion is clearly an abominable thing, and whether or not you think it should be legal, or whether or not you would have one... Lets not kid ourselves, it isn't a pretty thing, and shouldn't be spoken of as if it wasn't some heinous symptom of even greater problems. Never mind that the act in itself is too ugly to speak of casually.

As human beings, we all do things that are bad. It's alright. Lets not pretend they are good things. I think that contributes to the overall mental health of society. Hey, lets forgive each other. I think that is the best policy. We've all been forgiven much. Just by living!

I think life is worth living. There is something miraculous about a life being born into the world, and on a personal level, I think that all the problems that come with it are worth it in the end. If you cannot take care of a child, and you really don't want to deal with it at all, there are people who will adopt. If your health is threatened by the child, use this as an opportunity to accept the reality of death and make peace with God. You may live, do not put your faith in doctors, who are men, but God Almighty, who confounds even the wise.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

Everything you said after your first line, I completely agree with.

However, the manner in which you worded the first sentence made me think you might not want to work to outlaw most abortions, but rather hope we someday eliminate the "need" for it.

I'm thinking I was mistaken because you were so spot on with the others things you mentioned.

Yes, we should all want to eliminate the so called "need" for abortions. That day will never come until Christ returns. In the mean time, we have laws that are supposed to protect our most innocent.

Sitar(3680) Banned
1 point

Be a real man and debate me!............................................................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, I tried to debate you and you refuse to address the actual debate. You must always deceive and talk about extreme cases.

0 points

So lets make it legal to kill you, and hope for the day when we eliminate the need to kill you. That is your logic when it comes to kiling even healthy viable babies for any reason.

You say and do nothing to protect them.

0 points

If you cared in the least, you would support the GOP's compromise of 20 week limits (with extreme case exceptions).

But you show you don't care every time you vote for the Democrat Party!