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 Racism was law of the land until good people said no more. Abortion is the law of the land (16)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Racism was law of the land until good people said no more. Abortion is the law of the land

How many times must we hear pro abortion people excuse their inhumanity by saying abortion is the law of the land?

If you were living when slavery was legal, would you have said the same thing. It's the law of the land?

The same supreme court that condoned slavery has today voted with a five to four supreme court decision that an unborn Baby has no rights. You say it's the law of the land. That's exactly what the racists said about slavery....IT'S THE LAW OF THE LAND!

The only way that evil can thrive is when selfish people say nothing.

Most people understood in their hearts that slavery was wrong, but that slave labor was so nice to have for their plantations and cheap cotton.

Most peope understand in their hearts that even late term abortions of viable babies, for any reason, is wrong yet they keep electing Democrats who keep it legal.

It's quite amazing that yesterday's Democrat party supported slavery and the Democrat Party of today supports no restriciton abortions. It seems that simple humanity is something missing in the Democrat's Party's soul.

The Democrat Party finally came around to the pressure from republicans to end slavery, but they are still tied to the abortion and feminist lobbies when it comes to todays inhumanity.

I guess the Democrt Party has learned little from our past inhumanity against the innocent. Here they are today, still chanting it's the law of the land and who are we to take a stand against it.

How many decades of killing even viable babies must follow before you finally become the party of compassion for all people and CHANGE THAT HIDEOUS LAW?
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Lopilulu(286) Banned
2 points

Of course it is the right-wing that want to ban abortion; it ensures there's a steady supply of many poor rather than a withered working class and enlarged middle to upper class.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

That deserves a ban for being an absolutely mindess remark, making absolutely no sense, and doing nothing to address the argument.

2 points

I don't care what the law is. The only true morals can come out of the mouth of God. God has clearly said in scripture that abortion is wrong:

“Even before I was born, God had chosen me to be His." - Galatians 1:15

If God has already chosen us then no one has a right to kill us. Abortion should clearly be seen as murder. It disgusts me to see so many people who claim to be followers of Christ supporting such a gruesome act. It is impossible to be a Christian and and support abortion at the same time. It is blasphemy. I don't usually get angry but when it comes to abortion I just can't control my temper. And rightfully so. No court, no matter how “supreme", has a right to decide morals. I hope that soon, now that we have an anti-abortion government in place, we can finally bring an end to the legalisation of one of the most brutal acts of all time.

NicolasCage(505) Disputed
1 point

The Bible also condemns gay people and treats women as men's property. Does that mean we should follow those teachings, too?

Abortion is wrong - of course it's wrong. No one likes abortion. Us pro-choicers don't go out screaming "I can't wait to get an abortion! I love abortions!"

We consider abortion as a necessary evil in certain cases. I absolutely do not support abortion as a contraceptive. I absolutely do not support abortion when it is late in the cycle. If a woman has not decided after a couple of months then that his her fault/burden.

However, there are many cases in which abortion is a preferable alternative. Would you force a raped woman to give birth to their rapist's child? Would you force an ill woman to give birth to a child, knowing it would probably kill her?

An issue I find with pro-lifers is that they often end up woman-blaming. When a woman has sex and is impregnated, it's her fault, not the man's, so therefore she should have to take the entire burden. When a man lies about wearing a condom (like the alt-right's good friend Julian Assange once did) and the woman is impregnated, guess what - it's her fault for having sex in the first place! My God, can't these women control themselves?

Using religion as a source in subjects as serious as this is irrelevant. You cannot use an extremely outdated, subjective source as empirical proof of a subject which is highly subjective in the first place. Debates like this should be analysed with a secular approach, because what we end up with is a debate about religion, not about abortion.

alto(114) Disputed
1 point

But the only true morals can come out of the mouth of God. Even from a secular point of view it is clear that abortion is wrong. It is murder no matter what stage the baby is in. And obviously you don't think it's wrong and you do love it otherwise you would want it banned. And why does it matter if the baby is late in the cycle or not? It is a human from beginning to end. And yes a raped woman should give birth. She can adopt the baby if she doesn't want it. You shouldn't kill someone for your own mental health. And if the baby will probably kill the woman while giving birth then she can have a cesarean. And it is both the man's and the woman's fault. But yes, if a woman chooses to have sex and gets pregnant then it is her fault because she chose to do it. If you don't want a baby then don't have sex.

0 points

I agree, how could any Christian vote for politicians who refuse to even compromise on no restriction abortions.

I listein to people who say they are Christians, and say they vote for Democrats because they supposedly care more for the poor.


So I guess in these so called Christian's minds, helping feed the poor (which Republicans and I agree with) is more important than the purposeful killing of poor people.

They are phonies who would rather support our poor children being killed, rather then allowing them life.

1 point

I will quote you here: "It's quite amazing that yesterday's Democrat party supported slavery and the Democrat Party of today supports no restriciton abortions. It seems that simple humanity is something missing in the Democrat's Party's soul."

Ya know, generalizing people usually doesn't turn out very good. Saying Democrats in general have no humanity is pretty bad for your argument.

Additionally, what is a women who was raped supposed to do? Lets say shes low income, and single. Now she has another person to feed, house, take care of, set insurance up for, spend hours on, etc.

You fail to think of the women who have no option. If they cannot abort their child, well their going to raise a child in poverty. So its either end the fetus' progress which may or may not be conscious based off how old the fetus is, which people do to animals and your probably fine with, or have the child AND mother grow up in a poor environment. And possibly die of hunger, thirst, sickness, etc., which is a much worse death.

Additionally, a baby can't even recognize pain till 29-30 weeks.

In general, you don't take into account that a raped women has enough to deal with. And now she has >18 years of her life absorbed by a child. Because someone else didn't like something about HER life, that should be HER decision, and affects HER and only HER.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I want you to take your ludicrous excuses for killing people, and apply it all the foster kids who have no parents. In your sick world their lives are not worth saving. Lets kill them ok?

Did you know that a raped woman can go to the doctors a couple days after the rape and prevent conception? Why do you suppose the Democrat abortion party says so little about educating women to what to do after a rape? Must be because fools like using that idiotic rape excuse for keeping all abortions legal. Do you care? Nah, killing the baby is your choice of action.

Do you know how many thousands of parents are on waiting lists for newborns? Nah, killing the baby is your answer.

I'm generalizing every Democrat who votes for these no restriction abortion politicians. That's most Democrats.

What kind of person justifies killing a viable late term baby just because it is poor. Do you hate poor people that much?

1 point

If you think abortion is wrong, I'd like to know what you think about animal slaughter for food. Do you think its wrong? Or is it okay?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are the poster child for pro abortion people. People on the Left care more for animals then they do innocent human lives.