
Debate Info

Rick Perry No Rick Perry
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 No Rick Perry (4)

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Rick Perry win or lose

Rick Perry

Side Score: 0

No Rick Perry

Side Score: 5
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2 points

Rick Perry is unlikely to get the candidacy. He's too liberal in the eyes of the crazies in the Tea Party. So is Ron Paul. So would be Dwight D. Eisenhower. So would be Ronald Reagan. So would be...

Side: No Rick Perry
1 point

Well, my heart's set on Ron Paul or Gary Johnson (two unlikely candidates to get the Republican nomination).

All the other I don't really care about at all. I'd prefer some of them over Obama... but that's like preferring to drink urine over eating shit.

Side: No Rick Perry
1 point

All I have to say to this argument is A: look at the answers so far and B: OOOPPPSSS!

Side: No Rick Perry

Rick Perry is a gun nut. He is a radical. The majority of voters don't vote for a radical for President.

Side: No Rick Perry