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 Right wingers are prolife while Left wingers are pro abortion. NUFF SAID TO THE HYPOCRITES (5)

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Right wingers are prolife while Left wingers are pro abortion. NUFF SAID TO THE HYPOCRITES

Do you ever get tired of listening to these Liberal hypocrites speak to those terrible so called uncompassionate Right wingers?

Lets make this very clear so that even a Liberal might get it..... People on the Right have the compassion to fight for all innocent life, even our unborn lives. They don't worry about the cost of supporting babies if we allow them to live. We have the humanity to not base the value of a human life on the burden it might be to others. Right wingers have the compassion to support all people who are incapable of helping themselves.

Compassion from the Left is conditional. If you are a late term viable baby, your life is expendable. If you are a special needs Downs syndrome child, your life is expendable no matter how many times they parade special olympic children around a track field. HYPOCRITES!

It's truly sickening listening to these hypocritical fools speaking to how the Left fights against oppression and for the value of life.

Liberals like Obama speak with such eloquence, but when behind closed doors they fight to keep No Restriction abortions legal. At their core is a selfish evil! They are very devious!

They pander to low end voters because these people lack the intellect to see through all the lies from the left. Liberals always pander to the base voters who want Government to take care of them. You might notice that Democrats do not pander to the middle cass working man because we can think for ourselves.

We don't want other's money because we possess a work ethic and a pride to support ourselves and our families without begging others for money.
We understand that Government should be there for those who can not help themselves, but not to coddle lazy able bodied dead beats trying to get out of work and scamming the system.

Next time you hear a Progressive say the words Right winger..... think of a person with the simple humanity to support ALL innocent life, before and after birth. That speaks volumes to the core of a person's heart.

Left wingers always try to say that Conservatives do not care for people after birth. COMPLETE LIE! But lying is the mottis operandi for the Left. When Repubicans try to cut spending on social programs, it is most time only cutting the rate of growth of debt ridden programs, but to listen to Democrats, you would think they are starving our children in the streets. DECEPTIVE FOOLS!
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2 points

Incorrect. If someone is "pro abortion" then technically it means they themselves would or will get abortions. Many people who oppose the absolutist position of the pro life croud would not do that themselves. That is why pro choice is the more accurate term.

Now ask yourself this. Why would pro lifers be so desperate to try to paint all their opposition into a corner called pro abortion? Because they have zero valid basis which will beat their opponents.

Pro choice

a) is allowed per the US Supreme Court, and if that court had ruled the other way you can be certain the pro lifers would be thumping hard on that fact saying they're right and we're wrong and you have to honor what the court decided. But since it didn't now they want to b!tch and moan and attack the court for half a century now already.

b) is literally a cornerstone of womens' indepedence from male dominance.

c) is a major reason Western nations are not even worse over-run with broke desperate unwanted youths tearing our society and institutions apart at the seams.

d) and it does not interfere with adoption or foster care, which already when they go full blast can't handle the total number of kids needing them.

So get over it already.

2 points

Right wingers are pro legislation. They are not pro life.

1 point

How you doing you Precious Little SnowFlake !!!!!!!

Planned Parenthood Chief Says Pro-Life Democrats 'Lack Principles'

The professional left is in a panic this week after Democratic leadership announced it would continue to provide material support to all Democratic candidates - even those who consider themselves pro-life - and Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards is leading the charge.

Incensed that the DNC would even consider financing these "traitors" to the Democratic platform, Richards has been on a tear on social media and in interviews, insisting that there's no possible way a Democratic candidate could ever be so callous as to oppose the very act that is responsible for women's liberation, even if they have religious beliefs that specify that life begins at conception.

This week, Richards was the featured guest on POLITICO's off-message podcast, and the women's rights crusader insisted that Democrats who refuse to take up the mantle and fight for a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy up until nearly the moment of birth, they "lack principles."

You Wacko Leftist better get in line LMAO

If you are pro life then why did you kill about a million people in Iraq and Afghanistan?

1 point


Good point. Now shut the fuck up and find a life?? =)