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 Samantha Bee(The Progressive) says Keep Chasing Kirstjen Nielsen out of Restaurants (5)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Samantha Bee(The Progressive) says Keep Chasing Kirstjen Nielsen out of Restaurants

Samantha Bee has figured out how to get press for her ratings challenged show: Attack President Trump and his administration even his family.
On Wednesday's show Bee called for opponents of Trump to keep harassing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Protesters this week stormed a restaurant where Nielsen was eating dinner with her family and shouted at the secretary at one point chanting "shame."
In a lengthy rant about the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" illegal immigration policy Bee concluded with this: Keep chasing Kirstjen Nielsen out of restaurants, you beautiful people she said.

The Brain Dead Canadian is not helping you out Progressives LMMFAO !!!!!!!  

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Conservatives are new Jews. Totalitarian Marxist Progressivism is the new Nazism.

2 points

The Canadian Feckless C­u*t is begging for attention.

Samantha PIG!

2 points

Get Samantha and her cronies some nice brown shirts. Time for them to formally declare themselves.

Sam Bee has gone Full Anal.

4 points

Imagine normal, sane people in the future. They'll look back at 2017-2018 film and say "Yep. That's how the Conservative holocaust began. These people were nuts". And then rather than "Nazi" being the taboo word, it will be "progressive". People will invoke the new Godwin's Law and start insulting each other by calling each other Progressives.