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School kills creativity.

I agree

Side Score: 53
Winning Side!

I disagree

Side Score: 35
4 points

A surprising (or perhaps not so surprising) number of self-made millionaires/billionaires are college drop outs. Why? I think that a college/university education teaches future entrepreneurs the "tried and true" method which, in the end, is "tried" so much that it ultimately results in mediocrity, whereas the creativity of one whose mind has not been raped by the by-the-book professors is allowed greater room to blossom and find different, better avenues in which to succeed.

In conclusion, I'd say that school teaches everybody to think alike, whereas the road to success is paved with uniqueness of ideas and methods.

Side: I Agree
4 points

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

Side: I Agree
3 points

What is school? As defined by "an institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age". Every school follows its own protocol, values, dress code, etc. What is creativity then? "The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations", as defined by the same portal mentioned earlier. Creativity is about change and being different. However every schools’ protocol is about students wearing the same, and having the same set of values and virtues. Like how one who questions the beliefs of a particular religion is accused of blasphemy, and thus often keeps such views to oneself, students too learn, sometimes the hard way, that their views of how the ways of a school can be changed is often rebutted, unheeded, or in some serious cases, faced with disciplinary action. Thus by stamping down and weeding these "disobedient" thinking, growth in creativity is severely restricted by the school, and like how the proverbial grasshopper in the glass jar will never jump out of the jar even after the lid is removed, as it has tried countless times in vain and eventually takes it as an unchangeable fact, the heights of creativity will be reduced if repeatedly obstructed, and eventually thrown into disarray from lack of use, and hidden in the dark recesses of the mind, never to be used, for a primal, instinctive fear of punishment, to be felt long after one leaves the gallows of creativity

Side: I Agree
2 points

I think schools kill creativity because, for example, in my art class the teacher forces us to make something SHE says, not something we want and i think that is killing our creativity as it is stopping it from flowing.

Side: I Agree
2 points

sometimes it happens. We are used to do what were said to us. It kills our creativity. I think it teaches us to bring up our children in another way

Side: I Agree
4e3Amirul(1) Disputed
1 point

Well you are one of a that-cup-is-half-empty person.You could be more creative in doing what SHE says. Teachers do not give commmands anyhow they like , they want you to learn. If you want to draw what YOU want do it outside school. The main objective of school is to learn and not focus on CREATIVITY 24 hours. Other forms of character development also has to be taken account for.Your teacher surely wants something out of the drawing .Maybe she wanted to teach a certain technique and what not.I would like to end of saying that you shouldnt think of it as killing your creativity ,surely the motive is not that. Why dont you voice out and ask your teacher whether you can draw whatever you like

Side: I Disagree
2 points

Looking back, school, at a time, was a place where certain people would go when they wanted to learn certain skills. It was often for the well-off, while the poor stuck to their environment to learn and create.

School, at a time, was not something considered important. It was a secondary thing, for those who actually take interest in learning.

Now, however, most people believe that school is a necessity. The necessity comes from the parents wanting their children to have a fair shot at getting a job. Many would claim that the poor are disadvantaged because they can't afford school. And for some reason, it is now mandatory to go to school. So not only has school become a necessity, but you aren't even allowed to not go.

So school is no longer a place for learning things that you take interest in; it has become a mass-producing starter kit for corporate interests. All the kids going in NEED to go in so that they can work for some company and, basically, do nothing with their lives.

So what is the purpose of the art programs? The art programs do not boost creativity. Critical thinking and drugs do. Art programs teach us about how other people were once creative. In some ways, I'm glad that they've made it into the public schools, but at the same time, is it really making any difference? possibly. But it's only because children have to spend most of their lives in these schools. They're being forced, and if it were not for the art programs, they may end up being even more of a slave to societal standards (yet, at the same time, art is taught as high-brow, elitist propaganda instead of just encouraging kids to create, but hey... it's the Public Sector, what do you expect?)

So if the purpose of schools it make sure that our kids can get jobs, why bitch about a politician who wants to do away with the art programs? Because all you people just want government to give you everything.

None of this would be an issue if we completely dismantled the Public School system. But such drastic change is incalculable to you people (moderates).

Side: I Agree
2 points

I can't insist that not all school have bad influence to children creativity. But in in most cases school rules and strict regulations often kills in children ability to think in free way out of scope. Students used to be driven, to do what they make to do. Because of this they lose creativity

Side: I Agree
2 points

A lot of people do not like school because they would like to do other stuff like playing out side or drawing at home or spending quality time with there family like my brother and i

Side: I Agree
2 points

This is because the school is like an barrier that lock up our mind from only thinking inside a small place , not like the outside world which is big and vast

Side: I Agree
2 points

I agree that schools kill creativity. Schooling had become a mundane routine for all Singaporean youths long ago, and school is all about certifications and degrees of education. We learn how to attain these things in schools and not learn how to be flexible and be able to think out of the box. Therefore i agree that school skills creativity

Side: I Agree
2 points

Schools in this era are mostly textbook based learning.With the occasional non-textbook based projects, i do not feel that it is enough to allow the creative juices to continue to flow in our heads. Everything now looks planned for all the years to come and it looks pretty 'dead' in a sense that everyone is going through a routine all over and over again, knowing that studying is an important stepping stone to success in life. Thus, it doesn't look enticing enough for a child to explore and think creatively to make a certain topic look easy and manageable, they will probably feel that there are suppose to study this for the sake of studying. As years go by, water evaporates and creative juices dry up in us, killing creativity?

Side: I Agree
2 points

I agree that school kills creativity.

A quote by a renowned physicist cum public figure, Albert Einstein goes like this, "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.“ As drastic as this comment might sound, in my opinion, it holds some truth.

Creativity, in layman's terms, is an ability possessed by all that walks which enables one to create. School on the other hand is an institution or a platform which bestows upon us knowledge and information that we need in the society. In my point of view, as far as schools are concerned, regulations and boundaries are always are never left out of the picture.

In view of boundaries ,for example, since the dawn of time when authority is present even among the simplest forms of creatures, taboo and boundaries are always present from both actions to communication. In schools, students are often if not always required or expected to pay attention to what they say and bring out in class discussions in the event that they crossed the line unknowingly. This in turn hampers our ability to think creatively to a large extent.

In view of regulations and in relation to the secondary school education system, students taking the GCE ‘O’ levels are required to choose 8 subjects in accordance to their preference and talents . This, despite hinting of some freedom and democracy is nothing but a farce as the subjects given for us to choose are limited and undoubtedly rigid and bland. In a lighter and metaphorical note, this is as if our education system is getting a fish to walk while its talents lies in the deep blue. Schools, which most if not all had succumbed to the requirements set by the society, had therefore managed to destroy our student’s interest in education and prevented them from using their creativity to the fullest.

In conclusion, school, which promotes free thinking and innovation, lacks substance to validate its purpose and in view of my current stand, instead hampers greatly our creativity.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree to a large extent school kills or inhibits creativity in students. This is largely attributed to the mentality of educators or people responsible for planning the curriculum. Many curriculum in the schools will rather stick to long held conventions or theories that is popular, disregarding new theories propose by the students. This can be largely attributed to the fear of failure and to be different. One example here would be the Mpemba's effect. Mpemba once studied in a secondary school in Tanzania. During one of the lessons, Mpemba observed that hot milk cool faster than cold milk when put into freezer at the same time. This clearly defied conventions and popular theories that long stood. Many labelled his eccentric theory as stupid and absurb. Even teachers in the school make fun of him. But this theory has indeed been proven true in many experiments. This shows that schools does indeed kills of creativity but putting down alternative theories bring up by the students. Their conservative mindsets and approach does indeed kills creativity. One analogy would be a ship. The ship will be safe if the captain decides to stay at the harbour. But by being creative you will need to step out of the comfort zone. Yes, i agree that you will face obstacles and challenges but obstacles and challenges can make you or break you. Same for the ship when the captain of the ship encounter storms or resistance, it will make him stronger to adapt to changes. Let me share with you a quote by James B. Stockdale, "A liberally educated person meets new ideas with curiosity and fascination. An illiberally educated person meets new ideas with fear." In this context, liberal means being open to new ideas and exploring them, while not being afraid of failing in the process.

In a rapidly changing world, illiberal education in schools does indeed kills creativity.

Side: I Agree
1 point

Although an education can further some people, it usually does kill other people's creativity. schools are set to specifiuc structures that the teachers must follow. Even in art and music classes, children are graded on how well they form to the set structure rather then on their abilities.

Side: I Agree
1 point

School in many ways have a holistic approach in our education, however, this approach only applies to a specific value in our learning progress and are not targeted in areas that requires creativity. The school only teaches things we should know and not things we must know which requires one to think from any imaginable aspects or perspectives. By this method, the "creativity juice" we once possessed would have dried up by the time we leave school, resulting in society that has no creativity due to schooling. Schools also ahere to strict rules and guidelines that are not flexible enough to target different students talents and creativity and unexpectedly, kill the talents and creativity

Side: I Agree
3E4jiale(2) Disputed
2 points

However, if you don't even have the fundamental knowledge from the school, how can you progress into having thoughts that are creative? Just like a building-how can you build the roof without a foundation.

Side: I Disagree
laser945(2) Disputed
1 point

On the contrary, if we don't have the basic skills and knowledge from schools, how are we supposed to come out with innovative ideas?

Side: I Disagree
1 point

However, schools seemingly kill imaginative thoughts of students, restricting the boundary of their creative mind. Whereupon, leading to the pacing up and down of innovative substances spilling out from a country.

Side: I Agree
1 point

Since a long time ago, schools have strict rules for students to obey, like mandatory school uniforms and what they are going to learn in school. Today, things are still the same, and what we learn are mainly from the textbooks. With standardized learning, creativity is not needed. Students are only limited to doing their homework, study for examinations and studying everyday. Nothing requires creativity. Everybody follows the rules and goes by the book. Many had their creativity undiscovered because of this and thus, it cannot be shown and developed. To add on it, even if there's a case where creativity are needed, they are always deterred by things, like ideas getting rejected by teachers, and in some cases, teachers will end up doing things their own way, instead of allowing the students to let their creativity flow.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity.

Sir Ken Robinson once said on a 2006 conference that the reason we do not get the best out of people is because we have been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. "Students with restless minds and bodies — far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity — are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences. We are educating people out of their creativity,"

School is only focusing on strengthening the students' academic to prepare oneself to have a good job and a good future. Students are just studying to get good grades and are not able to use creativity and think of ways and solutions. Students these days are seen as wood blocks where they are not versatile in their thinking. To them, everything goes by the book. Students are not given enough for them to develop and use the creativity they have.

animated video of Ken Robinson's speech
Side: I Agree
3E4Jianglian(2) Disputed
1 point

You say school restricts our creative mind, but what if we don't attend school? Does it mean that we will be creative? The answer is obvious. Indeed, school did emphasize the importance of the accademic performances to prepare our students to be competent in this globalised world. However, the ulterior purpose of the school is far beyond this. Many of us have the impression of school being a place of restrion, a prison of another kind. However, time is elapsing,things are always changing, so as school. We can't stereotype school in this modern society, we need to bear in mind that school gives us the opportunity to gain our knowledge( not solely based on our textbook knowledge) and at the same time develop our critical thinking skill. It is without a doubt that most of the creative people are educated and most of the innovative ideas attribute to our kownledge we have gained in school. School don't kills creativity, but it provides opportunities for us to be creative.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

teachers are often undermine students in some activities. Parents are often opposed to children in the school develop their creativity, thinking that the school created just for studying.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity.

“And we’re now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said this. He said that all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it.” This was what Sir Ken Robinson said during a conference.

The school does not help us to grow our creativity, but instead, limits it. The things that we learn in school are just the different subjects that we are, more or less, forced to learn. However, what if the student is interested in being a musician, but schools do not offer music as a subject? This will cause them to limit on their own creativity.

Side: I Agree
3E4MHKSH(2) Disputed
1 point

There is a reason why the school wants us to take many different subjects. Regardless of whether you like the subjects or not, you have gain a lot of knowledge subconsciously due to the exposure of many areas in the subjects themselves. When your knowledge grows, you are able to formulate more creative ideas. The school does not limit our creativity. It instead helps us to search through our heart and find the love in a certain subject. Once you find the love in the subject, you are able to pursuit it in the university. An university is also a school, but through researches done over there, you are able understand the subject you love better and perhaps even make a new discovery on the subject itself.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

At the same time, i also agree that sometimes schools kill creativity. I had a primary school teacher, who just hated it when students did something out of the ordinary. She did not encourage thinking out of the box, but expected us to follow what she said 100%. I'm sure that she is not the only teacher like that, and that's why i think some people have agreed that schools kill creativity. Let's take our Social Studies source based questions for example. When a source is given, different people interpret it differently. So they answer questions according to their own creativity. However, the teachers who mark it do not accept several answers, saying that it does not make sense. Isn't this killing the students creativity? Same applies for literature. You can't possibly expect everyone to think the same way as you do. If you do so, it's preposterous.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity as it has made students so study just based on reading the textbook, doing assignments and sometimes discussion. this will all create an environment where students arent able to stimulate creative thinking. A good example will be for many inventors, most of them has some or no education but because of this they have think of creative ways to make the world a better place.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity. When students are given projects, some teachers want the end product to be what they wanted. Students are not given the opportunity to show their own creativity as they need to follow their teachers instructions. Moreover, many students study from the resources given to us like books and notes. How can we be creative if the resources given to us are the same? This means that during the exams everyone will be giving the same example and teachers would complain that students are not creative enough. Therefore, school kills creativity.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity. This is because everybody in the school are taught the same thing so whatever they do and thinks are the same,this would lead to them not being able to have a mindset of their own and follow what others did before them and would not think of new and creative things to change what they are doing now as they are afraid that it would not be good enough to reach the expectations of the school and would not get a good grade.Therefore,I agree that school kills creativity.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agreed to a large extent. School destroys the imaginations of the students. As the saying ,”Imagination is the beginning of creativity. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”, we must let our imaginations come to life to be creative. However, are we allow to write imaginative stories like vampire, alien and fairy in our writing? Mary Lou Cook once said,“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” Since school has so many rules to follow, it simply restricts our freedoms to be creative. In addition, we are to study what have been invented, experimented and created so we are basically ‘acting’ creative. Some will say that students can be creative in their project work. However this is not entirely true. Even project work has its own rubrics and instructions for us to follow, thus we are not allow to do whatever we think might be interesting or creative. In conclusion, school kills creativity overtime.

Side: I Agree
1 point

i agree that schools kills creativity. nowadays,schools focuses mainly on tests, exams, experiments. these are insufficient to encourage students to think out of the box. people mostly memorise without understanding, thus unable to allow them to think creatively.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree school kills creativity. As children we were once full of questions, wondering why things happen. But as we grow up, the materials in school educates and teaches us things we have no prior knowledge of. School feeds us with the important information we need and therefore making us feel that holding on to that and that alone is enough to keep us alive anywhere else.

Side: I Agree
1 point

I agree that school kills creativity. True enough, school imbues us with vital knowledge that propels us through the path of success. I, however, feel that knowledge limits our minds to think out of the box but revolve around the same level of awareness that does not allow us to solve problems. Imagine an empty canvas placed in an art gallery, most people would just walk by indifferently. Seeing a work of art out of an empty canvas entails imagination, which is the beginning of creation. From George Bernard, “You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” Hence, I agree school kills creativity.

Side: I Agree
3 points

School don't kill creativity,like those in Norway and Italy. They allow students to come in contact not only knowledge from the books but also broaden their perspective towards the world of arts,providing every students with their own space to excavate their own potential.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

Jiale, please elaborate on the point you have made about school 'providing students with their own space to excavate their own potential'. Do give some examples of how the schools in Norway and Italy do that. Do the schools in Singapore provide students with the same opportunities? What do you think?

Side: I disagree
3E4LeiLei(2) Disputed
1 point

Being creative is not about learning what others have created and inspired from them. Creativity comes from within ourselves.To me, creativity is when we do something that is out of ordinary and unique.

Side: I Agree
3 points

I disagree that school kills creativity. We attend schools so that we have the chance to broaden our knowledge, to get in touch with whatever we have never experience before. Schools are a platform for us, to allow us to boost our critical thinking, to allow us to view things in different perspectives. After getting equipped with all the basics, it is ultimately still your choice if you want to be creative in whatever you do. No one can stop you.

Side: I Disagree
j0shua(3) Disputed
1 point

You can be creative but you will need lots of courage. How many people can have the courage to stay true to their beliefs? But many people will give up once teachers put down their ideas and say let us just stick to conventions? How many?

Side: I Agree
2 points

Nowadays it is also not the courage that does the job. Sometimes, you will also get sick and tired of rebutting the teachers as some do all they can find a fault in your work. Let see, if we are doing a proposal and we spend all our time and putting in a lot of effort and the teacher rejects most of the ideas that were not carried out before just by saying its not going to work out.

This not only makes us disheartened, the next time if we were to do up a proposal again, i think that less effort will be put in as it is all wasted once the teachers do not accept them.

Side: I Agree
2 points

I disagree. School does not kill creavtivity. School arms each and everyone of us with the knowledge and the ability to remain competetive in today's world.

There are many examples who are able to come up with interesting ideas and products even after attending school. E.G. The late Steve Jobs who attended Reed college.

Side: I Disagree
2 points

A school is a place where we gain knowledge and learn new things not only from classrooms but also outdoors. Schools boost our critical thinking, enabling us to widen our creativity. There are activities held by the school to show our creativity. So how can we say that school KILLS creativity!!!

Side: I Disagree
3e4Dave(11) Disputed
1 point

The school isn't the only place we can learn or gain knowledge. Although it is true that the school is the main location for learning, most of the lessons take place indoors and only on certain occasions outdoors. Critical thinking cannot be boosted from schools as there are no real-life situations where one's decisions will cause consequences, be it good or bad. The main difference in the link of critical thinking and creativity can also mean 2 different things as critical thinking can only boost creativity power but not developing that power completely. In addition, activities held by the schools can help improve or deprive one's creativity by embedding the school's and not the person's personal ideas into the mind, making the person lose the proper ability to create new ideas and hence CRUSHING the creativity

Side: I Disagree
2 points

School definitely doesn't kills creativity. To be exact, it even brings about creativity within the students. When the students actually come together, when they are give project, this enables them to actually helps them to create that spark and think out of the box in order to finish the project. Therefore, i disagree that school kills creativity

Side: I Disagree

I think it helps with creativiity because it broadens your horizons. The more knowledge you get the more things you can be creative about and more ways to be creative in.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

Broadens horizons does not equal creativity. But memorizing random facts in school has nothing to do with real knowledge. You're allowed to somewhat be creative but within a very narrow and constrained way. Think a 5 year old kid before school and compare him to college student. The kid is far more creative than adults. Somewhere along the line our creativity died off. Look up Sir Ken Robinson.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

My school allows creativity. We could be creatitve on our projects and in art we can be creative. It depends on what school it is.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

i madam tang a democratic country like sg....we are allowed to think our own thoughts...we have our own views etc

same in schools...we come here to learn and to be able to generate new thoughts that will help us and the society progress...

this helps us too generate more creative ideas.

Many programs and ccas offered by the schools also help think out of the picture and look at things in a much more different perspective

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree that school kills creativity.I read an article which says:"If creativity is fire,knowledge is the wood.If you only have a nice idea but limited knowledge,the fire of creativity will stop burning sooner or later." I cannot deny that the exams force us to memorize lots of things and maybe some of our unique thoughts are ignored,but school is the main means for us to get knowledge,which is the basis of creativity.One the other hand,I think creativity is something that can only be discovered but not be killed.If you are creative then school can only make you more creative by teaching you skills .If you are not,school can also help you to be creative by letting you know more things .All in all , I disagree that school kills creativity.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree that school kills creativity. At school, we are taught many new things and subjects, and also get to interact with our friends. as well as attend physical education lessons. I feel that what we do in school helps to stimulate our brain to think, and to think of ways to solve problems (e.g a math problem). Without creativity, we are unable to do so, if we are encouraged to use pragmatic means to solve the problems. So, in school, lessons and teachers encourage the use of creativity, in the process of learning. As compared to someone who is not attending school, but instead, is working or just lazing around at home. If the person's work is mundane and involves little challenges, he or she need not think much to solve issues at work, and thus, lesser creativity is used.

Therefore, I disagree that school kills creativity.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

The definition of creativity is the usage of skills and imagination to produce something new. Imagination exists in human brains to a certain extent, while the skills of a human are developed in schools through education. A school does not kill creativity, in my opinion, people lack creativity because of them either having inadequate skills or having difficulties in combining their skills and imagination to produce new things, overall, school does not kill creativity.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I strongly disagree that school kills creativity. What is creativity? In my point of view creativity is the ability to take existing objects and combine them in different ways for new purposes. This means that in order for us to be creative, we need to have the knowledge for the existing object so as to manupulate them into something new, different and innovative. Creativity is not creating something out of nowhere, it requires the knowledge as its basis. Admittedly, the countless tests and exmas in school seem to rob away our time to think out of box, to be imaginative. However, during the process of reading and memorising, we have slowly gain our knowledge, gradually build up our foundation for creativity. I have read an essay that said,"knowledge is the fuel for creativity." Indeed,without knowledge as the basis, our creativity will only be restricted to something preposterous and unrealisctic. Hence, schools dose not kills creativity, it provides us with the knowlege- the fuel to ignite our creativity!

Side: I Disagree
1 point

School does not kill creativity. Teachers often ask their students to 'think out of the box', to try new things out of sheer intellectual curiosity without being afraid to face possible failures. I feel that creativity in school education is not just an opportunity, but a necessity. Many students view school as a boring place to attend lessons and study non-stop, but that is quite wrong. In my opinion, school is actually a place that ignites one's creative flame, because there are numerous activities in school that require students to be imaginative and come up with brand new ideas or solutions. For example, students have to be creative and artistic to make their own drawings stand out from the rest during art lessons. I think that teaching styles have improved over time and i believe that teachers are trained to teach students on how to harness their creative mindset. In addition, creativity is increasingly relevant for the needs of the 21st century knowledge-based-society. Hence, I disagree that school kills creativity but instead instil them into students.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I would not say that school kills creativity! Lets take our school for example; several programmes have been created for us to showcase and enhance our talents. Maybe a few teachers might discourage students from doing things differently, but one cannot generalize it by saying SCHOOLS kill creativity. In Singapore itself, for those students who like to excel in sports, drama or/and other arts, the government has set up various schools like Singapore school of arts and sports school. These school not only encourage the students' talent, but also enhances it. In Sec 1, we had the drama enrichment programme, public speaking programme and several performing arts CCAs like the band, which identifies students' talent and helps to cultivate their creativity. Class teachers encourage students to do projects and presentations creatively, and praise them for doing so by giving high marks.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree that school kills creativity.

Even though our creativity may be limited in areas where studies are concern, the school still provides other avenues for us to explore and grow our creativity.

Enrichment programs and project work are examples where we able to be creative without feeling tied down. Many of the seeds of creativity are planted through these activities as we have to think of various ideas to capture the attention of our audiences when making a presentation, to be different and stand out from the rest, not willing to be just known as “ordinary”, to leave an impression on those looking at their presentation.

Therefore, school does help to ignite the flame of creativity through these activities.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree that school kills creativity.

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”(Derek Curtis Bok) . Imo, ignorance is a barren state of bliss in which creativity absconds from. Definition wise, creativity is the ability to create while school is an institution for education and knowledge.

In a recent article that I chanced upon during the o levels chinese examinations, creativity is aptly represented by sparks while knowledge is compared to as bundles of wood. Fire, in this case, is a desirable outcome and product that could only be achieved through a suitable amount of wood and sparks. Through this figurative example, it is clear that without knowledge, no matter how much creativity or sparks one might possess, one would be unable to achieve much, if anything at all.

For a more solid example, a student brimming with creativity and innovation would not be able to come up with revolutionary ideas and theories if they lacked knowledge and experience which they could brainstorm on. School, therefore, serves as a stepping stone for students to gain the required knowledge and foundation that would allow the students to utilise during creative thinking.

Therefore, in view of my current stand, schools, though not perfect, is currently the best and most suitable platform that promotes creative thinking in students. In conclusion, I disagree that school kills creativity.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree to a large extend that school kills creativity. Yogi Berra once said, "I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did." As you gain more knowledge in school, your creativity level will strengthen to a next level. With more knowledge, you are able to come up with more ideas, like thinking out of a box. Sure, people may disagree and say that you can think of creative ideas even if you did not attend school or there are famous people who are a drop-out and yet achieve success. However, if you think in another way and let's say if they managed to grasp the education better, wouldn't them be able to create even more innovative ideas which are different from others? That way, it will be due to the schools' efforts to bring us up as a leader who is able to think thoroughly and present their ideas which everyone could understand.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

School don't kill creativity. The school is always having projects for students to enhance their creativity in them and for these projects, one of the marking criteria is creativity. This means that school do not really kill creativity. Instead they are trying to promote students to think out of the box. I believe the school is only a platform to encourage students to be creativity. In the end, it is still up to the students.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

I disagree that school kills creativity as the lessons the students attend help to enhance the students' creativity.For example, teachers may ask thought-provoking questions that require them to think out of the box.Various projects and also their co-curricular activities help them to think creatively as well.

Side: I Disagree
1 point

Schools do not kill creativity. Types of schools and methods of instilling the children with knowledge may. However, it is wholly up to the student himself to find other outlets to express their creativity, be it in school or at home, if his school does indeed adopt teaching methods which are detrimental to the development of creativity.

In fact, I believe that most schools are stepping stones in the path of developing creativity. Schools grant education to its students. Without this education, a creative person would have limited knowledge in how to express himself. On the other hand, with more levels of knowledge and experience, an educated person would be able to express himself more freely and in a sophisticated manner.

Side: I Disagree