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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:15
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 Disagree (5)

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DrawFour(2662) pic

Sexuality is mostly a product of upbringing.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 7
1 point

it is well known among psychiatrists that the findings among gay men is they have in common Mothers with narcisstic tendencies who subtly overwhelm the young child from moving into his natural sexual identity, too busy trying to accommodate the emotional self centered needs of Mother.

Side: Agree
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Oh, really? Please, do identify these purported psychiatrists and their supporting research.

Side: Disagree
1 point

As a growing individual, in order to be aware and conscious about the outside world, there is a need to be exposed to different fields of life.

Side: Agree
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

??? - Why does this mean sexuality is primarily a product of upbringing? o.O

Side: Agree

I've observed, that if a kid's parent dresses their kid a particular way, then the kid may end up gay.

Example: If you dress him like a fag, he gonna be a fag.

Side: Agree

I don't think we can quantify the impacts enough to determine "mostly".

There are some semantic elements to the question as well - if birth order (e.g. being a second son) impacts a person's propensity to be gay, does that fall under upbringing?

Side: Disagree

Not mostly. You may like something else, the opposite of what you were thought while growing up. I think that not growing up impacts one to choose the sexuality he or she was thought. The society could prevent boys becoming homosexuals. Just by rebelling and trying to fit in one will observe what is morally right and wrong, and judge by the society. Upbringing can influence sexuality, but I'll say that it's not always true. - And I don't get the title. By what do you mean sexuality? I answered what I thought. But if you meant that sexuality develops from upbringing, them I would say yes and no. Sexuality develops by time. And Religions can impact with it by their teachings.

Side: Disagree
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

The upbringing is their whole childhood. Not the lessons of their childhood. So whether they were pushed to heterosexuality or other wise, and chose it or rebelled it's still included in their upbringing.

Side: Agree
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Society cannot prevent anyone from developing any sexuality, though it can cause unhealthy and unnecessary repression.

Do your research. Start here in the 1990s when your way of thinking became definitively obsolete, and work your way up to the present where your view becomes purely asinine.

The only institution that still condemns homosexuality and seeks to "cure" it is religion, and it does so against absolute scientific knowledge. Actual, reputable institutions (e.g. American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, American Counseling Association, National Association of Social Workers, American Academy of Pediatrics, National Association of School Psychologists, American Academy of Physician Assistants, etc.) expressly negate your view.

Side: Agree

Though I do think upbringing strongly impacts a person, I do not think it determines their sexuality. I feel it's just the way you're wired in the head when you are born that determines if you will like males, females, or both.

Side: Disagree

There was nothing unusual about the way I was brought up. My background growing up was no different to most others and yet I am Bisexual.

Side: Disagree