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 Should 15 year olds date? (13)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

Should 15 year olds date?

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dating is not about sex! It's about being in love with someone who cares for you and that will cherish you. Someone who understands u like none else. That's what love is.

1 point

Yes, why not? I start dating when I was 13. I fucked first chick when I was 14, so was she ...

Kingly342(26) Disputed
1 point

Well is illegal when your under 16 so...uh...yeah...(At least it is in Australia, I'm not sure about the U.S)

They should only be allowed to date if they are on the pill. I mean that's really the only way to know for sure no unwanted babies

1 point

Really? You think that all 15 year olds are sex fanatics?

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Physiologically speaking that's a fair assumption.

I remember being 15. Hormones and what not. Obligatory "good old days" and "back when I was that age" references possibly forthcoming.

1 point

Why should the entire burden be placed upon young women? The pill can have some very serious side effects due to the hormonal changes and can lead to some long lasting negative side effects. Why shouldn't the guys have anything required of them?

1 point

You sound like this girl l met.. we were. Talking about. Philosapys of s and yeh she said the same excate thing

1 point

You sound like this girl l met.. we were. Talking about. Philosapys of s and yeh she said the same excate thing

1 point

No, they should focus on more important things like school and a career. Why do people value love over everything else? It's weird.

If both parties involved are comfortable and not in danger, I see no reason why not.

Yes, there's no harm in doing what comes naturally. Love and romance can be a strong driving force and gives a new and wonderful meaning to life. Dating does not automatically mean that sex will be part of a youthful romantic relationship, although there's a good chance that it will if the affair becomes serious. But then it's important to recognize that sex isn't dirty, only some people try to make it seem so. If you're old enough to bleed, you're old enough to breed, as nature intended.

Kingly342(26) Disputed
1 point

But they should focus on more important things than a relationship. There are more important things in life than love. Ie: School, a Career etc