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legal? not legal
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 legal? (11)
 not legal (5)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

Should Abortion be legal?


Side Score: 12

not legal

Side Score: 6
2 points

Aborions will happen regardless of the law. It's best for a woman to have a safe and sanitary place to have one done.

Side: legal?
1 point

I think it is better to stop abortions by educating women about getting pregnant.

We should leave abortion legal because we see many times that prohibition doesn't work.

Side: legal?
melody8a(6) Disputed
1 point

I think it should be optional for those woman who were raped and got pregnant.. not because of the woman but for the child's best interest. We all know that most of those kids end up homeless. Given away or mistreated..

Side: not legal
1 point

I feel like a law preventing abortions won't work to stop abortions, so I think we should leave it available for all.

Side: not legal
1 point

Abortion is an issue not to be taken lightly and there are many reasons and issues involved.

At the end of the day there are times when abortion is appropriate and times when the mother can be supported through the birth and into the future. There is no black and white rule. Every case needs to be looked at individually, so Yes abortion should be legal, however, we need to put the checks and balances in place so that the final decision is always in the best interests of both mother and child.

Side: legal?
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Why do we need a system of checks and balances for the process? What would that system even look like, practically speaking? And, finally, how would such a system resolve those cases where the interest of the mother and child are in direct and irreconcilable conflict?

Side: legal?
1 point

it is not a morally correct thing. it should be treated as such, but it should not necessarily be illegal.


I'd like to also say that this is the only medical intervention that people seem to think killing a patient is okay. and that's bullshit. in argument they often ask "Even if it could kill the mother otherwise?" Yes. you don't kill a man because he has a disease he could spread to others and possibly kill. you shouldn't kill a baby because it has a dependency on a mother. that logic might be why we don't have a procedure to save the life of mothers in that situation.


this whole thing makes me angry because of people who think that "legal" is synonymous with "moral" Abortion is a horrible thing that needs to dissapear. People need to tie their fucking tubes, not sleep around and take responsibility for their genitals. MEN AND WOMEN. Like Fuck! Become adults before you start fucking. It's not that hard!

Side: legal?
1 point

I Think this should legal in SOME cases. Think if a eleven year old got raped by a 40 year old pedophile and is going to die if this baby is inside of her, should she have to die because its illegal to have an abortion? Now, if some teenagers decided to be stupid and they got pregenant they should have to have the baby. If you were to accidently hit a man with a car, you would be charged with murder, so if you accidently make a baby, Then kill it is that any different? I know there is some difference but I mean come on guys. I think abortion should only be legal if it is medically suggested by a certified doctor that the birth is going to either harm or kill the mother. So abortion should be legal but you should have to have a doctor say that it is legal.

Side: legal?
1 point

Abortion should not be legal as the baby is innocent and the life of the baby should not be taken away. The baby deserves a chance to live on this world as a life is still a life. If the parents really don't want the baby they should still allow it to live but maybe put it up for adoption

Side: not legal
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

If you support the death penalty, any war ever, lethal self-defense, leniency for accidental man-slaughter or you oppose environmental restrictions, universal health care, etc. then you are a hypocrite and your reasoning is inconsistent. The value of life is held as conditional and relative to circumstances quite often and quite commonly. What reason do you have to suggest that the right to life is absolute, either in general or in this case? Asserting either is not particularly compelling.

The situation is more complex then the person simply not wanting to deal with the baby afterwards. There are also the matters of the actual pregnancy and birthing which are subject to consideration.

Side: legal?
rummifoo(29) Disputed
1 point

Some people might not be able to handle a child. They might not want to accept that they have one. What if that child wants to come and find them? what if they cant handle that?

Side: legal?
Rivers(8) Clarified
1 point
1 point

NO abortion should not be legal. Like it didn't ask to be made, you made your own stupid decision to create a child. Well there is obviously rape but the baby is still just an innocent being. These are just innocent children. It's basically the same as murder.

Side: not legal
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

The fetus did not ask not to be made either, and its own cognitive capacity for self-awareness is quite limited for most of the pregnancy as well. There is also a distinction made between a fetus, a baby, and a child. Further, it is only the same as murder if one considers the fetus to have rights equivalent to those of people out of the womb. The purported right to life does not exist as an absolute either, given how frequently we fail to treat it as such (e.g. capital punishment, war, lethal self-defense, etc.

Side: legal?
rummifoo(29) Disputed
1 point

it should always be legal. what if the mother cant handle a baby? its traumatizing, what you have to go through. Its very taxing on the body, and accidents happen, horrible things happen. It should always be a decision because at the end of the day, a living baby and a fetus are very very different things.

Side: legal?