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Hell yes , Move them ! your not nice !
Debate Score:109
Total Votes:120
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 Hell yes , Move them ! (19)
 your not nice ! (14)

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Koda(423) pic

Should All Liberals be placed In Wyoming?

Wyoming has very little Population , therefore what a better place for all Liberals to be placed. They could have there own reservation, much like some Native Americans have . Why sure  the Federal Government would supplement them and be nice with Federal Fundings. Just think a Place all to them selves and Visitors could come , becasue some families are torn politically. Ever famlily has a Gay person some wnere ya know ! And we do need to still get along !  Think of the Total Control the Liberal Government could have over it's people there. Al Gore could tax people farting all day long. Obama could do what he does Best ( Imintate  a President), Joe Biden could be the Court Jester , much like he is now.. They could create a Royal Blood system and inner breed..  Great Idea i think !

Hell yes , Move them !

Side Score: 67

your not nice !

Side Score: 42
5 points

Wait... dude, I thought they already had this in California??????

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
6 points

No , we are saving California for all the Gay people , so they can sail the Ocean in rainbos colors weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
5 points

D'oh! I tried to rave ya but I have been slapped down again by the man!!!!!

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
4 points

haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I guess the buttplug will be running that state!

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
4 points

If you're going to put them on a reservation, then give them all the same benefits as the Indians...bwahahahahahahaha!

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
4 points

Oh, I meant to ask exactly what is it that you have against Wyoming?

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
3 points

Nothing , it is just logical , The state has a Low Population :)P

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
4 points

I'm more in favor of giving them an island...Alcatraz maybe?

Side: Hell yes , Move them !

I agree, but only if they are liquefied first


Side: Hell yes , Move them !
3 points

Place them anywhere you want, just keep them out of my way

Side: Hell yes , Move them !

No, they are already infecting Illinois, New York and California, so if we can concentrate them there, we are better off.

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
3 points

hmmm Maybe Canada will take them ::) .

Side: Hell yes , Move them !
2 points

Sure, separate all the liberals and see how long it takes you ridiculous fear ridden homophobes to eat eachother. Once you all accidently shoot yourselves because you all think you're dirty hairy we'll have established schools, built roads, purified water, created an economy (all evil social programs by the way) and we'll have all this new space to expand into and explore. Plus we'll be better at settling it all because we believe in this crazy bullshit called science.

Yeah eye patch guy, great idea.

Side: republicans are closet queers
Koda(423) Disputed
1 point

You are a fine example of what is wrong with America, a Bunch of crying babies that need their diapers changed by the Government. Yes you and all the rest of inbred Arrogant Anal Canals need to think for once in your life. Free Enterprise has done me very well , and it is because I got off my ass and made something of my self and did not sit around waiting on a hand out... Go and Bow to your Master Obama !

Side: your not nice !
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

... You realize that I'm an independent contractor in a high tax bracket right?

At any rate, the difference between liberals and conservatives are many but it can be boiled down to a couple things.

1. Liberals work with reality and not imaginary things like electing actors and pretending presidents we don't like don't have birth certificates.

2. We don't "bow" to our political leaders. Example: Bush tripled the national deficit, started an unnecessary war, never got Osama, oversaw the second greatest recession in U.S. history. Still, he flew in with a "Mission Accomplished" banner on a war ship, Republicans gushed, Fox said he was great, and if a liberal said one bad thing they heard immediately "you hate America"

Meanwhile, now we have a liberal president (moderate by the way, despite likely what you've heard) and MSNBC, the only "liberal" news station spends equal time criticizing and praising.

It's called transference. Liberals are a squirrelly bunch who don't "worship" their leaders. Conservatives are the opposite, dislike that about themselves, and so transfer their dislike of their own tendency onto liberals.

Side: republicans are closet queers
6 points

What did Wyoming ever do to you? You are going to take an unsoiled state like Wyoming and basically throw poo at it by putting liberals there?! Why not just urinate on kittens while we are at it?

Side: your not nice !
6 points

I agree.... give them Indiana... it's a dump anyway !

Side: your not nice !
4 points

Indiana sounds like it has potential as a liberal dumping ground.

Side: your not nice !
4 points

Hey! The Grand Tetons are in Wyoming and they are beautiful. There is great wildlife to see and Yellowstone is amazing. Don't make Wyoming unvisitable. At least keep the libs out of Teton National Park and Yellowstone. Plus Dick Cheney lives up there so it might be a bad idea.

Side: your not nice !
4 points

we will have them Picking up Antlers like the Boy Scouts do , maybe they wont screw that up :)

Side: your not nice !
4 points

But Dick might go hunting and accidentally eliminate some...wait a minute, we may be on to something there.

Side: your not nice !
2 points

It's funny how I don't really see liberals making petty debates about sending conservatives to a certain location. This is coming from a mere observer's standpoint. :)

Side: your not nice !
1 point

I get the feeling you guys don't like liberals......

Side: your not nice !
1 point

This debate is retarded. That's all I have to say. I'll be over there laughing at you. (And, no, I'm not liberal.)

Side: your not nice !