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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Should Congress Repeal the Ban on Traditional Incandescent Light Bulbs?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 7
3 points

Yes, not only because the fluorescent bulbs have mercury but because the quality of light is so bad.

Side: yes
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
1 point

Yes, not only because the fluorescent bulbs have mercury but because the quality of light is so bad.

How do you agree to repeal a ban that doesn't exist?

Side: No
Merlin13(1258) Disputed
3 points

My mistake, I made the mistake of assuming it was true because of the debate and previous rumors. They are just trying to force the companies to build more energy efficient bulbs. I did not mean to dispute you but it won't let me switch back to support.

Side: yes

If there was a ban, I would be for it, but since there is no ban, the ban is irrelevant. Merlin should switch ban with choice. Congress and the administration are anti-choice as Paul clearly notes.

Rand Paul

Side: yes
1 point

In my city, there is a ban against traditional incandescent light bulbs. I just kind of feel like if I want to pay for them, and waste the energy (and pay for the wasted energy), isn't that my choice? I would say it is.

Side: yes
3 points

There is currently no ban on incandescent lights. And there will not be, in the foreseeable future, a ban on incandescent lights. There is, however, policy recently implemented that increases efficiency standards and phases out older, less efficient incandescent light bulbs.

Side: No