
Debate Info

Yeah, go ahead! No, just wait 'till Christmas
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yeah, go ahead! (3)
 No, just wait 'till Christmas (2)

Debate Creator

LoveStargirl(496) pic

Should I get a sneak-peek at my Christmas presents?

I've been dying to see what some of my gifts r! some of them are already in my reach, but i can't wait until christmas, and i've never done it before. i think i should just wait. you see, this is why parents shouldnt tell their kids when they go out to get presesnts, because then you get antsy because u already know its there. :)

Yeah, go ahead!

Side Score: 4

No, just wait 'till Christmas

Side Score: 3

First, before you take a peek..., cause I know you will..., post a video of you faking surprise. If you are really good at faking surprise, I will give the go ahead. But if you're really bad at faking surprise..., you'll have to wait. Deal? ;)

In the mean time..., here's a video about x-mas presents:;=relmfu;=relmfu
Side: Yeah, go ahead!
1 point

I am with Joe on this one. If they can see through your fake excitement, then don't do it!

Side: Yeah, go ahead!
1 point

Say that you've turned pagan and open them on the 21st. :)

Side: Yeah, go ahead!
2 points

Its your choice, I would just wait until Christmas comes around after all after this week it will be Thanksgiving!

Side: No, just wait 'till Christmas

I'll just ruin the surprise and emotions. It's worth to wait

Side: No, just wait 'till Christmas