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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:31
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EmoKillMeNow(143) pic

Should Ismaila/DanaForYeshua be banned?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 23

Think of any reason that I was banned: Ismaila is worse.

Side: Yes
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
5 points

You terrorized our site and were an absolute nuisance, we don't mind Dana really, she isn't bad at all, especially compared to you.

Side: No
2 points

She is terrorizing it with her abusiveness.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Disputed Banned
2 points

You made rape jokes and pedophile jokes. I am not worse than you. Both Andy and I have tried to work with you, but you continue to act abusive. You are only hurting yourself.

Side: No
EmoKillMeNow(143) Clarified
1 point

I never made jokes you dumb bitch, I said rape is more enjoyable than forced pregnancy.

Side: Yes
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Yes you do! I have a mutual hatred for you now, and your silly religion. What's wrong with making jokes?? Nothing, as long as you don't do it to purposefully annoy someone. But randomly banning someone from your debate, because they disagree with you ( not talking about myself, I have seen many other people doing complaining about it..) Which is stupid. You claim I am breaching your human rights, ban me and declare enemies on me simply because I asked a question:

" Why are you publicising your religion so much?"

If you ask me, she shouldn't be banned permanently, but I swear to God if she carries on playing the goat, I will personally ban her.

Side: Yes
2 points

No I don't really think Dana should be banned. I think she is a wonderful person on this site. Plus why would you ban a person that did nothing wrong?

Side: No
2 points

I don't know. Back off seems to work eventually for her, not so much for you. I am coming around to Andy's way of thinking. No one should be indefinitely banned, everyone should be welcome so long as they can clean up their act, much like you've been doing.

Side: No
Sitara(11075) Banned
1 point

Up vote. .

Side: No
EmoKillMeNow(143) Clarified
1 point

You can fuck off, bitch.

Side: Yes
EmoKillMeNow(143) Clarified
1 point

Dude, Ismaila's act is 10x worse than mine.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Worse based off of what? Worse is biased. While I could call her worse in many ways, i could call you even worse in many ways. Take for example, you'r spamming, multiple accounts, your vote bombing. All of these things you reigned at, and all of these things, by my morality, made you the worse. Now let's look at her crimes.

Hypocrisy, insults, mood swings, these are not so much internet bad as they are socially bad.

Everyone is worst at something. Apparently I'm the worst point whore, may feel I do whatever it takes to get as many point in a day as I can, ismaila is worst at insults, you are worst at trolling.

Everyone is worst at something, be more specific.

Side: Yes
1 point

Plus why are you targeting her anyway?

Side: No
1 point

For some odd reason people on this site like to ban people they have a crush on. Meer wanting me banned is another example of that.

Side: No
1 point

So Prodigee has a crush on Dana?

Side: No
Atrag(5666) Banned
1 point

I seems like your regretting your actions for why you got banned now Prodigee. I can sympathise really. But its too late for that. So please accept you're not welcome here. Find something else to do with your life. There is more to life than forcing yourself on a community that doesn't want you. Don't you realise? You're like a little lost sheep. Its really sad.

Side: No
1 point

I can't say that I like her but she can argue and can make quite interesting debates and that is the point, isn't it?

...and Prodigy/ChonesOne/Buddhist/Emo/ (whatever shit it will be next time) yes she is superior to you, you fucked up freak ..

Side: No
1 point

No but you should.

Side: No