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Debate Score:96
Total Votes:126
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 Yes (33)
 No (15)

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thompson301(16) pic

Should You Be Able To Have Your Cell Phone In School.?

Should You Bring Your Phone Too School.?



Side Score: 63


Side Score: 33
4 points

Yes because it is way better than so it when an emergency yo can call a realitive to pick u up or call 911

Side: yes
DrOppotimus(43) Disputed
2 points

Feel free to proofread before you post your incoherent run on sentence fool of mispelling and fake words.

Side: No

Cell phones are useful for both social and emergency situations, although I know that most students aren't thinking, "Oh, if there's an emergency, I can call my parents. I'd better have my cell phone!" No, I like the new idea of allowing students to have their cell phones, but giving teachers the power to turn off cell service in their classroom with the flick of a switch. I don't see the problem with using phones in the hallways, cafeteria, et cetera.

Side: yes
3 points

iThink Yu Should Because YuCan Call If There Is A Problem..Write Info In Your Notes.! YuCan Also Have F R E E D O M.!

Side: yes
DrOppotimus(43) Disputed
4 points

If you paid more attention in school, you might actually learn how to spell a complete word rather than using some sort of pathetic text version of the English language. You might also learn that capitalizing every word makes you more idiotic than you realize. I imagine any notes you're taking are complete gibberish and would be useless anyway. Enjoy your "free-dumb" from the Wal-Mart cash register, that's probably as far as your education is taking you.

Side: No
Luv2BriMe(37) Disputed
3 points

Wow! do you just spend your time complaining about incorrect uses of Language ! Get a life ! By the way your comments don't solve anything ! They just make others feel bad!

Side: yes
jazzy12437(1) Clarified
1 point

its just a faster way to text. You just don't understand. I also hope this a good complete sentence for you..

Side: Yes
3 points

Whether students are allowed to have cell phones or not, most of them WILL bring them if they want to. I'm rather surprised that schools haven't realized or acknowledged the fact that they're fighting a losing battle; they should just relent. Of course, I don't believe that we, the students, should be allowed to use them during class or tests, just that we should have the right to bring our own phone... and perhaps even use them during any free time (i.e. lunch; arriving early; in the hallways during the 7 min. block switch-out; at school after it's over; etc&etc;.). At my high school, the cell phone ban poses to be more of a hassle or inconvenience than anything else. There is only ONE phone that the students are allowed to use in the office, and there is always a long waiting line to get to it (please, note that the students are only using it for legitimate emergencies.) It would be so much more convenient if we were allowed to take out our phones and step out into the hallway to use them; we wouldn't be interrupting class, so I see nothing wrong with this. Also, any teacher stupid enough to NOT realize that one of their pupils are using the devices during class probably isn't observant enough to be deserving of their title; seriously, a cellphone definitely isn't the most subtle cheating method. There are so many ways to work with the cellphones and prevent them from becoming interferences, and those ideas make much more sense than just banning the devices all together. Anyone who disagrees either doesn't have an open mind for something like this and refuses to work along with the given subject, or is just ignorant to the student's side of this debate.

Side: yes
2 points

There should be no reason they can't. But there is a reason they shouldn't have it on or at least they could keep it on silent. There is nothing more frustrating than hearing a cell phone go off only to have them ignore the caller. That's the problem. Most of the times, it's not of importance. And if it WAS an emergency, you could always use a phone at the school office or whatever.

I know this sounds crazy but...whispers quite a bit of people were able to make it through school without their cell phone. Cell phones only became popular in the past 10-15 years or so....

Side: yes
2 points

This decision came at a time when the zoo was receiving negative attention from the media after another female polar bear reportedly ate her newly born cubs. Similar to the excitement around Knut, a captive-born and handraised polar bear at the Berlin Zoo, Flocke ("flake" in German) quickly became a media sensation.

Supporting Evidence: corporate gifts (
Side: yes
2 points

Have it? Yes.

A lot of kids need to to call their parents at an appropriate time. Or to have on the walk home in case of an emergency.

Use it during class? No.

They make noises and cause distractions, and students could use text messages to cheat on tests.

Side: yes
2 points

I believe that there are certain cases wher a Cell Phone or another electronic device that ais currently banned in schools should be allowed. For example, there are many educational applications such as atlases and other things that could be useful. Furthermore, certain cell phones give students the oppurtunity to input due dates and other important information that might help them to get more organized.

Side: yes
2 points

i believe students should be allowed to have cell phones out at school. teenagers are more multi-talented than u think.with or without phones, kids are either goin to pay attention or not it depends on the type of student they are.

Side: yes
NuclearFish(182) Disputed
1 point

When the performance of students matches your faith, I'll be willing to back you up. Until then, I will say that cell phone use has no place in schools.

Side: No
2 points

What if your family has a fatal accident? You would want to hear about it.

Side: yes
2 points

Have, yes. Use in class, no.

If it comes out of the backpack, pocket, whatever while class is in session it should be immediately confiscated and returned at the end of the day. To the parents.

Side: Yes
2 points

we should be allowed to because what if us as teenagers need to call somebody important. we are going to cheat with text messages of course we are it's waht we do. cell phones should be allowed in school, i have a black berry storm by the way.

Side: No
2 points

yes because what if i need to tell the time and the school is ghetto and the clocks dont work. what if my momma is dying and i gotta get her in 5 minutes but idk how long that is!?!? if i dont got my phone i cant tell the time to know when to get her!!! and i cant even call!

Side: yes
2 points

Definitely ! We need a cell phone in school. We can contact our parents in a short moment's notice as well as key in notes if our phone is a smart phone. Though this principle is outlawed by people that text in class.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes they should because cell phones I can't live without my phone it my every thing. I be on my phone all day everyday.

Side: yes
jimmykole(24) Disputed
1 point

if you are going to debate then DEBATE all you managed to do is state that you are on phone a lot..........kudos

Side: No
1 point

i think yhu should be able 2 bring yo cell phone 2 school wat if a emergency happen and we kant go bak in the school i wouldnt want 2 use nobodie elses phone but mine!!!!!!!!!!.......

Side: yes
DrOppotimus(43) Disputed
0 points

Again another person you can't figure out how to make a complete word. Do you idiots team up or something at an idiot convention? Please tell me were the next meeting is so I can fire bomb the place and raise the worlds IQ. Please don't ever breed.

Side: No
1 point

Now, You can even use cell phones to take down notes, it is very convenient when you don't have a pen and paper around...

Side: yes
1 point


Side: No
1 point

I really think Yu Should Because YuCan Call If There Is A Problem..Write Info In Your Notes.! YuCan Also Have F R E E D O M.! thanks

Supporting Evidence: Kerala Honeymoon Packages (
Side: yes
1 point

My first time stopping here, and I fell right into a great post. Just when I was contemplating some of the exact questions you ran through in your article.I really appreciate that.

Thanks for the information and ideas.

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Side: yes
1 point

ok you say yes but i say noway because you can try to put a bum in the school thay can do any thingm so i say no no no way?

Side: No
1 point

Yes. Not only is it a safety thing, but its your own property and you should have a right to carry it.


- A cell phone can call authorities in an emergency in situations where a teacher cannot.

- 'nuff said


- If the phone is indeed yours, you should have every right to be able to carry it with you.

- If kids want to be irresponsible and use their cell phone in class, its their loss. They will suffer in the long run if they fail to learn and pay attention.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes because wat happen if u get kidnapped and u need 2 some body and u don't got ur cellphone wat u gona do ?

Side: Yes
1 point

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Side: Yes

If something happens and I can provide help by calling 911 or recording a break in or anything that could help the police or the student body then they should be their. Maybe not constantly during class but at the same time my school doesn't mind us using our phones if we use them for studies or to help us with projects. I think that they are just more helpful at certain times. Either in emergency or just to enhance the academic progress of a student.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think u should bcause u can take notez on ur phone on notepad :)

Side: Yes

But should have to have it Switched of during Lessons.

Side: Yes
3 points

I'm in high school and I'm definitely guilty of taking my cell phone out in a boring classroom to text people. My mom also texts me during school to tell me information about random stuff. But even so, I feel that bein allowed to possess in plain view and/or use your cellphone during school hours should be against the rules. It will disrupt the educational process, plain and simple. Now of course teenagers will break the rules now and than, but they do so sparingly and with high caution which means the rule is doing exactly what it's supposed to do.

Side: No
2 points

Some students will say their cell phone is for emergencies only but they take that to the extreme. They will have them out under the desk texting or behind a book. I have done it before so i know all the tricks. They all so do it to subs. They think the subs dont know an cant see but they can. My friend got his taken away by the sub. They should just leave it at home. He said " im just going to get my mom to git it out then i will bring it back to school tomorrow.". Parents shouldnt let their kids have them back if it is taken away at school

Side: No
1 point

phone should not be taken to the school.... the school can help you when you are in trouble.. :)

Side: No

I don't think so. Cell Phones can disrupt a classroom. Plus, a cell phone is an easy target for a thief.

Side: No
0 points

As nice as cell phones r! i dont think that they should be allowed in todays class room. Schools r there for kids to learn not to be social and to know what their friends r up to. encase of an emergency yes, but in everyday use, they r way to distracting to have in class.

Side: No
0 points

as much as i like cell phones and find them fun and useful you are not at school to be on your phone or to learn from your phone. students go to school to learn from their teachers and to get a education not to find out the latest gossip. yes in case of an emergency then that is fine but in any other case no there is no reason why you need to be on it.

Side: No
Luv2BriMe(37) Disputed
1 point

The topic of this argument said nothing about " being on your phone" the argument is "Should You Be Able To Have Your Cell Phone In School.? " and i say yes you should be able to have it at school, witch doesn't mean you actually have to be on it! Actually Being on your phone is whole different argument.

Side: yes
DrOppotimus(43) Disputed
2 points

First off you know exactly what the debate topic implies. It's pretty naive to think otherwise. and by the way you used the wrong instance of witch, it should be "which". This sends a clear message that your not paying attention in school, probably because your on your phone. (or in your case simply holding in your pocket). And if your going to be on the phone, you might as well check out the thesaurus so you know how to insult someones intelligence properly rather than sounding like a complete dolt. (feel free to look that word up on your phone).

Side: No
0 points

The cell phone has no place in the class room. It's a crutch for cheaters and people you have no interest in actually participating in class discussion. If it's more important to text while in class, then by all means stay home. As a college student, I have had the displeasure (many times) of participating in groups where people have ignored an entire lecture because they were texting, only to have me, and others like me, carry them through the class. Even some of the post here have people speaking in their terrible text shorthand that only proves the point. They must have been texting during English class since their writing sounds like complete gibberish. If you need a calculator, get one. By all means keep your phone in your pocket in case of an emergency. Unless your on fire, you've got no reason to pull it out. Case closed.

Side: No
2 points

Cell phones can be very distractive during shool and they can also be very helpful for example a terrorist attack. the two of you who are fighting on here are idiots and if you have nothing better to do than be mean to each other than you need to get a new hobby! I personally dont believe they should be allowed in school but as long as they are put away during the school hours than it should be okay, so why dont the two of you shut up! Thank you

Side: No