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 Should artificially intelligent consciousness be respected as a separate existing entity? (5)

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Should artificially intelligent consciousness be respected as a separate existing entity?

A hypothetical artificial intelligence, if one existed, would one regard to it as a separate existent entity and respect its own consciousness? Or is it just a machine created by human on experimental basis which does not deserve fundamental rights similar to universal human rights.
Pro- by breaking down the existing machine(s) humans may be able to devise superior models of intelligence and aid human evolution. Con- threat to human as a separate intelligent entity by creation of new entity.

On a similar note: movie- Ex Machina (2015)
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3 points

Human being are arguably only response systems ourselves, so I fail to see what could possibly distinguish our "intelligent consciousness" from any AI system enough to justify treating the latter differently.

Treating an AI as an inferior being is arguably far more dangerous than otherwise. How should we expect any intelligence to respond to its subjugation? (Take Ex Machina for instance - she was treated as an expendable test object with no rights or freedom from her owner and master... conventional human morality might even defend her actions in that context.)

Jace(5222) Clarified
1 point

Besides, being nice to them practically ensures you a spot in their people zoo!

1 point

If what you propose should ever exist it would be AI that would be considering in which box to put us and if we are deserving of respect.

Any such creation as a self aware artificial intelligence is pure science fiction however in the realm of such fiction we mere human animals would be in very deep trouble retaining our independent state as the dominant species.

1 point

I suppose, given that humans program these AI, we must be able to regulate their intelligence in some way? However, in terms of identifying the AI, I would think of it from the perspective of nature, in which an entity is made of flesh and not circuitry. Although it could be said that humans aren't as different to robots or AI that run by programming, as humans essentially run on the 'programming' of our DNA. The only difference, however, is that our programming can only be constructed by two existing entities (being our parents) while a robot could be made just by one person (or one robot!).

1 point

As of now there is no such thing as AI consciousness.

No computer--or more accurately, no software program, which is the instruction sheet for a computer's CPU to execute, has been able to approach anything close to human sentience, awareness, or consciousness.

Hell, no software program has even been able to pass The Turing Test!

And even if one had passed it, that is STILL a long ways away from TRUE Consciousness. After all, passing the Turing Test only means that the computer has fooled the interviewer into not being able to tell if it is a machine or a person.

This is NOT the same as real awareness, however. It is more of a "telling somebody what they want to hear" sort of ploy.

As of now, AI is science fiction. No computer can match the human mind with its infinite possible of connections and combinations of neurons and neuro-transmitters that comprise our emotion. A mind is pliable and can change, even it is exposed to the very same stimulus but at different times. Computers run on feedback loops in the software. Even the self-correcting code we have now is finite, and not infinite, as is our brains.

Always remember when you see some computer in a movie or TV talking like a person that it is only working via the manipulations of electrons, which is directed by a man-made program.

Nothing more.

No life, nothing organic, and totally unable to think on its own.

GIGO. That is the bottom line. GIGO.

It's a programmer's acronym that stands for "garbage in, garbage out."

0 points

Artificial intelligence should be turned into sex slaves.