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Debate Score:175
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Should child beauty pageants be banned?


Side Score: 134


Side Score: 41

Children's beauty pageants encourage the horrible, horrible trend that is "stage moms" and instill children with early senses of 'skin-deep' beauty and possible confidence issues that will last throughout their lives.

It seems cruel, subjecting a child to something s/he has no say in, particularly something that may be damaging to the child, seemingly just for the parents' enjoyment. This lifestyle forces children to grow up far too fast, which seems like it leads to earlier experimentation with sex, drugs, et cetera, in an attempt to claim independence and relax after a life in the limelight.

I don't know much on the topic, and I was (maybe) lucky that my mother turned down modeling contracts when I was young (I was so cute), so I've never experienced this myself. This is just sort of what I see. Am I wrong?

Side: yes
3 points

Yea, I totally agree. In fact, it's never the child's wish to do this stuff, it IS the parents (the mothers) desire to give her daughter something she could never accomplish herself. Not to mention, forcing a child into beauty pageants is ingraining the sense that beauty if physical, period. I really do NOT care how much I hear that beauty pageants are about more than what people see on the surface, because I believe the bottom line is that is what they are about. Otherwise, they wouldn't be expected to walk around in damn bikini's, with high heels, tans, overdone make-up, and a super toned body. Good way to ingrain a low sense of self-worth (because most of them will develop eating disorders, amongst an addiction to everything requiring the necessity of physical beauty).

They should definitely ban them. Or just get rid of them. Parents are more and more destroying their child's abilities to have a real "childhood," and it's getting ridiculous every decade that they come up with more things to make a child "grow up fast."

Side: yes
3 points

You are not wrong, i agree completely. No child should be forced into doing something they have no say in, its not right. I have been watching the programme 'Toddlers in tiars' on tv, and i think it is disgusting. These girls look 3-4 times their age, and the way they are brought up is to be spolit and get everything they want. This is not the way a 5 year old child should be brought up, as when they get older and realise they can't always have what they want, they won't know what has hit them.

Side: yes
5 points

If you've even seen the commercials for that TLC show "Toddlers & Tiaras", you can tell that these things suck for the kids and the parents are insane. BANNED!!!

Side: yes
5 points

Why do they exist!.. They purely promote fake beauty. Why is beauty being judged.. and that of a child! Why are we allowing it. Bringing up a child in this environment is completely wrong. Those that do so should have their children removed from them, or shouldnt be allowed to have any in the first place.

Not that I adhere to press hysteria, claims they are everywhere, but suggestive poses of children in photographs...that no doubt will end up on the internet, well those that condone these pageants would be the first to protest at just the thought of a paedophile taking advantage of this such material.

Organisers should be protested against, Egged and press hounded until this awful thick makeup coated regime gets pushed into the sea.

Side: yes
4 points

Those crazy parents should be banned. (;

But yeah I think an education should play a bigger part in ones childhood than obsessing over competitive glamor.

And beauty should not be a competition.

Side: yes
4 points

they should be banned because that might send out the wrong message to some people.

there are a lot of pervents that watch this so thats why im arguing.

Side: yes
4 points

Beauty pageants only teach a girl that beauty is a physical attribute, which will mentally scar her for the rest of her life.

Side: yes
4 points

Honestly, I think it's stupid. Parents star their kids out at the youngest of ages to do beauty pageants. Most of the girls don't even know what to do. Just because the parent was in pageants at younger ages do not mean that they want to. Wait untill they are atleast seven or eight, ya know? So they can UNDERSTAND it! And another thing, why do grown ups wanna see little girls in bathing suits and being all dressed up looking like their freaking sixteen. STUUPIIDD! So,, yes. It should be bannedd.

Side: yes
3 points

Being a lover of freedom, I would never argue that beauty pageants be banned (though I would argue they are detrimental to society). But child beauty pageants are an entirely different can of worms. Many parents enter their children before they are even school-age; the decision can in no way be considered autonomous. Some parents will bring children into the pageant world as babies, thus they never know a world and culture that does not prioritize winning and beauty.

Children are made to wear false teeth over their own, to get spray tans, to diet, and to practice ridiculous routines for these elaborate shows. The worst part is that when a child does not win, the stereotypical show-mom will either demonstrate her disappointment or disparage the winning child. The only good thing I could see coming from these pageants would be a lesson in grace and dignity in competition (a lesson that can be taught in MANY different competitive arenas). If that is lost, really there is less than nothing left.

Side: yes
3 points

If you put your child in a beauty pageant, you aren't fit to be a parent.

They should be banned.

Side: yes
Pageantmama(3) Disputed
2 points

Really like someone with a swastika profile picture is? You are what's wrong with the hate in the world today. Shame on you...

Side: No
catticus90(360) Disputed
3 points

You don't know that person is a parent. It's a picture not an action. Like exploiting a child.

Side: yes
WilboBaggins(2) Clarified
1 point

You do know the Swastika means Good Fortune and Well Being right? Not War and Death?

Side: Yes
ThePyg(6706) Clarified
2 points

I actually retract this statement now that I've seen it again.

I no longer believe this.

Side: Yes

The 50 word rule be damned...the answer is YES! They should be banned and the parents should be severely rebuffed.

Side: yes
3 points

Children should never be forced to do anything to do with making money everyday like this because it's a brain wash for the kids and is not cool. Just hearing about the kids saying they like it they maybe just saying that because they are afraid there parents would get upset with her/him. The parent just makes the child think that they are in the beauty pageant not for the money but to let people know how beauiful they are. But for reals the parent just brain washes the child so they can get the cash them self. There's maybe like what 90% of them out there that just want the money maybe only 10% do it for the child for them to have fun and for the childs enjoyment.

Side: yes
2 points

they should totally be banned

i am doing a speech for school about how they should definitely be banned !!!!! so if you could help me please do. they tell people the wrong perspectives of peoples personalities and the judges tell them if there over weight, not pretty enough or just can't pose. that is terrible!

Side: yes
2 points

I've see videos of parents forcing their children into beauty pageants and it is just horrifying. These children do not get a chance at a normal childhood because they are always practicing for their next event, worrying about staying thin and being on a diet, getting painful botox injections, and are always constantly being judged. It is very disheartening and I do not see why parents would put their young children through all of this. All children are beautiful and have their own unique talents, so why judge them?

Side: yes
2 points

I beleive that child beaty pagents should be banned for GOOD! It can ruin their child hood and they could become prone to diseases such as anorexia. I say this because they can become so aware of their physical apearence that they start to go on stupis diets that can ruin their health. They don't know what they are participating in because they are so young, and it destroys their chance of ever having a proper child hood. It can also damage their self esteem.

I completley disagree with those who say it will help their future careers.

Side: No
2 points

I don't have the statitics with me so i can't say that all pagents girls will grow up being a non-happy person.

But what i can say is that Jon Benet died when she was a young girl. She did pageants but it was possible that her killer once been to her pageants shows.

And i can say that it is dangerous becuase there has been a recent news about a mother who gave her daughter botox to get rid of wrinkles. Botox is not for kids because it wasn't made for kids/children. That little girl could have died. And worst of all, the mother said "all other moms do it too." So possibly there is more than one case.

Side: yes
2 points

YES beauty pagents for children should be banned

they are to young for what is expected of them,

let them enjoy their childhood,

the parents need to grow up so there children can have a life of there own.

Side: No
2 points

YES beauty pagents for children should be banned

they are to young for what is expected of them,

let them enjoy their childhood,

the parents need to grow up so there children can have a life of there own.

where are the fathers of these poor girls you dont hear of them or there thoughts.

Side: No
2 points

It is child exploitation and emotional abuse. Children get pimped 'n sexified to bring in cash. Child beauty pageants aren't about talent, they aren't even about beauty: they are all about mommy. And these so called 'mommies' go as far as waxing a 5-year-old's eyebrows. When these children (mostly girls) grow up, they'll have a distorted world view, thinking the whole world revolves around how good others think you look (instigating eating disorders and such), and are likely traumatized by the cruel treatment they are often put through. They are humans, not dolls!

Some pageant moms may not be like this, but the vast majority ARE, so this practice should be eradicated.

Children have enough time to be grown up when they are grown ups. If they like pageants then, they can choose to enter THEMSELVES.

Sports, playing house, hide-and-seek, tag, painting, playing a musical instrument, riding bikes and skating: those are the things a child should do!

Side: yes
2 points

yes , it should seriousely band because make up can cause skin problem for the children and it also effect on their relation and behaviour

Side: Yes
2 points

it stupid. girls r being looked at the wrong way. its bad enough men only like women for their bodies!!

Side: Yes
2 points

Teaching a child that being beautiful is all that matters in life is a disaster waiting to happen. I did not grow up a "cute" or "pretty" child. By middle school, all of my friends had boyfriends and I was the decidedly ugly friend. Because of this, they spent all their time concerned about which boy they were dating, and I was able to pursue athletics and academics. By the time we got into high school, I grew into my face in a shocking way. I could have had anyone I wanted. People began approaching me in public and offering me modelling contracts, promising to make me the next Giselle or Adriana Lima.

None of it mattered to me. I'm now at a top University studying Economics with plans to attend for Harvard for my JD/MBA. I own my own business, compete in Equestrian and I'm lead attorney on my mock trial team. I think it easily beats starving in a crappy New York apartment because I have a nice face.

There's no reason that a child needs to be taught that she is "better" than everyone else for looking good. Once the looks go, what are you left with?

Side: Yes
2 points

By allowing children to compete in child beauty pageants the legal document called the rights of the child are actually being infringed. You are stripping children of a childhood by dressing them up in outfits and making them be judged by strangers. There is also a risk that the children may receive mental damage from the image they are striving to active. There is a risk of harm thus it is in violation of the rights of the child act.

It also says in the rights of the child act that the rights of the child take precedence to the rights of the parent.

Children can receive poor body image from the body they are trying to achieve to win. This can lead to anorexia and other eating disorders. In the last 10 years there has been a 270% increase in the number of eating disorders diagnosed in America and in a recent poll 87% of participants said that they were for banning child beauty pageants!

Side: Yes
1 point

These pageants just promote superficial beauty, not the beauty thats on the inside. To be honest, most of the kids who have done beauty pageants will grow up to be emotionally scarred. Be prepared pageant parents, YOUR KID WILL NEED THERAPY!

Side: Yes
1 point

It provides an unrealistic image that children feel they need to hold up. Being a teenage girl myself, I understand all the pressures of looking 'perfect' as deemed by media.

I can't imagine what those poor little children go through. When I was their age, all I did was run around playing outside making mud pies and other kid stuff. I didn't even know what makeup was, and here you have these kids wearing makeup, getting fake tans, and burying their inner child deep down beneath all the layers of 'perfect'. Of course I understand that not all beauty pageant contestants go to this extent, but I still feel it an unnecessary amount of stress. It would also make these girls feel all sort of emotions, rejection, jealousy, pride, cockiness etc. it's unhealthy and should be banned!

Side: Yes
1 point

Child Beauty Pageants are simply a way to encourage and provide sexual objectification of women at an earlier age. We wouldn't stand for it if we objectified women, but nothing is done to prevent it on these young girls.

Side: Yes
1 point

Well, Most of my opinion has been stated already from others, but there's one more reason they should be banned. Anyone see " Drop Dead Gorgeous"? Remember the creepy judge? He was a pervert! a pedophile! Do we really need to give them something to drool over?

Side: Yes
1 point

they waste half of their time doing beauty things....... they better go outside and play or sit and study that will be better and much helpful for their future and the make which they apply is very harmful and not good for the skin and their face gets destroyed in the age of 8 or 9.

Side: Yes
1 point

There shouldn't even be a Debate, just ban all Child Beauty across the world and do it quickly.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hey guys, I totally agree and why not to look at my blog and give me your opinion to the debate about if other countries should consider to ban the children pageant competition. 12/02/no-more-of-french-honey-boo-boo/

Side: Yes
1 point

child beauty pageants are teaching young vulnerable children to think they need to wear more makeup and tan that a teenage girl. they should be treated like the small children they are playing with dolls, not being made to look like a doll themselves!

Side: Yes
1 point

I believe that child beauty pageants are perfectly okay. They are a way for children to learn about the beauty process and to develop their skills in the areas of makeup, hair, and fashion. They are also a way for parents trap the cat to teach their children about the importance of good skin and good nutrition. These pageants are also a way for children to learn about the importance of teamwork and communication.

Side: Yes
1 point

Are you attracted to cuphead online or not? To me this is quite a fun game but it makes it difficult for me to hit the top evil.

Side: Yes

Impact on Development: Some experts express concerns about the potential negative effects on a child's psychological and emotional well-being. The competitive nature and emphasis on physical appearance may lead to self-esteem issues, increased anxiety, and unhealthy levels of perfectionism. rankdle

Side: Yes
1 point

This is so cool and wonderful. I'm just amazed. I hope you will keep up the good work in future too, very interesting post. Car Rental in Ahmedabad

Side: Yes
1 point

Critics argue that child beauty pageants exploit young participants geometry dash by subjecting them to adult-like beauty standards and competition.

Side: Yes
1 point

Banning child beauty pageants would infringe upon the freedom of parents and children to participate in activities of their choosing. Some argue that parents should have the right to decide whether or not to involve their children in beauty pageants. For me, many families involved in child beauty pageants report positive experiences, including bonding between parents and children, friendships with other participants, and opportunities for travel and exposure to different cultures.

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Side: Yes
3 points

Beauty has always been praised in our society, so pageants are natural.

The children have a choice. Many of them grow out of beauty pageants and decide to quit. A lot of little girls like the dress up and attention aspects. Yes, judgment is harsh, but it's not anything they won't be exposed to sooner rather than later.

Side: No
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
7 points

um, I read down this long list of replies and counter replies to your arguement, and I have to say that you are missing something here.

1. kids that young don't want much of anything but to play, and if they seem to want to do a pageant, I promise it is only for the positive attention their parents give them as a result, and not out of any true desire to go through with the actual act. That's like child psychology -101, whatever the most basic possible level is.

To continue on that theme. There are plenty of ways to give children this positive attention they are looking for, without teaching them the oh so valuable lesson of vanity.

2. Ask yourself why anyone would want to watch little girls, dressed up like big girls, trying to look pretty...

Aha! you starting to see now?

These pageants are a den of pedophilia, and any parent who is not mentally ill or a pedophile themselves would know this.

These parents are sick one way or another, and these pageants need to be outlawed.

Side: yes
leetrompke(1) Clarified
1 point

I agree with you about the really young children, but as far as people being "sick" because for whatever reason they enter their child in a pageant is a bit harsh. I recently let my 11 year enter a pageant. She wanted to, I was against it, but let her do it. I have to say that some of these pageants mislead parents and claim they are different and it is not about a overly made up child in a price ball gown and that is why I let my child enter Miss Teen 2012. I have to say that the pageant solidified everything that I could not stand about pageants...they are all the same. I got sucked into the 'natural, letting little girls be little girls", so I see how it can happen. I am not sick, nor a pedophile.

Side: Yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
6 points

In child beauty pageants, the girls don't have a choice. They're usually 8 year old girls who are forced to go on outrageous diets and even go to tanning salons in order to be fit for these pageants.

See the movie "Little Miss Sunshine". It's like that, but take out the comedy and add the drama from "Jesus Camp".

Side: yes
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

Tanning salons are 18+

So unless the parents own their own then the children get spray tans. That's why they're so orange.

And I don't know the validity of the diets thing. Most upper class children don't eat at fast food as much as the lower class. Lower class families don't have the money to do pageants, so it's mostly only upper class. Children live active lives, and if they eat well, good. I think the diets might be a bonus in the fight against childhood obesity.

No one wants to see a stick thin child, not even pageant people.

I own little miss sunshine. It's a cute movie, but she's an eccentric kid. She's the type that quits pageantry. Others might like it more.

It's not like forcing religion on a child. The child can say, no!

Side: No
1 point

I say the samething parent force their child to be in pagents i watched tyara banks show and kids say they dont like pagents parents also but young kids on deits

Side: Yes
zhiebies(2) Disputed
1 point

I don't believe that all children have a choice. I guarantee that if a child asks to not participate, some parents would make excuses, such as she doesn't know what she's talking about, and continue to enter them in competitions.

Side: No
zhiebies(2) Disputed
1 point

There is nothing natural about today's beauty pageants. These little girls have so much make-up on and hairspray and fake eye lashes and so on, that there is absolutely nothing of that child left on that stage. If the pageant promoted natural beauty, then that would be a whole different story. What's wrong with chubby cheeks and missing teeth and natural curls? Why do they have to be made up to look like adults? Why not embrace the child's youth?! And why are we teaching little girls that it's okay to be superficial?

Side: No
JessBryce Disputed
1 point

there are such things as natural pageants, my sister competes in many of them. NO make up, fake hair, fake tan, fake nails, or fancy dresses. Sunday Best is the dress code. theses girls are only based on NATURAL beauty, and their stage presance.

Side: No
2 points

I have been doing beauty pageants since I was 2 months old. My Daughter now does pageants too. I am a 22 year mother who couldn't be prouder of her pageant daughter. You really have to think from a pageant mom's side before posting something on-line. Nothing ever happened to me and pageants gave me confidence as a young child. My 2 year old daughter does pageants because she loves them. THE DAY SHE TELLS ME "MOMMY, NO MORE" IT WILL BREAK MY HEART AND I WILL PROBABLY HAVE A HEART ATTACK, BUT IT WILL BE THE LAST PAGEANT SHE WILL DO!

Side: No
3 points

You've taken a perfectly legitmate debate and turned it into down vote heaven simply because you disgree with those who disagree! We don't do things like here. It's known a karma bombing and no one is going to put up with it.

Side: yes
PungSviti(552) Disputed
3 points

Are you for real about this ( I get the sense that you are joking)

If:for real - then: Does your kid often times win? - if she dosent, does she still find it fun to take part? - Dont you think that your kid has more important skills to spend her time and energy learning (especially if she has won a few times)? - Does it not worry you that although she is gaining confidence - that confidence might setup a false sense of achivement and that she will get used to things falling into her lap without making an effort (for lets face it: being in a beuty pagent takes little effort and no earned skill - only a "skill"/gift that you are born with)

Last but not least: Do you find nothing wrong with a two year old defining herself first and foremost on prepped up outer looks?

Side: yes
rob0915(60) Disputed
1 point

Does anyone have any idea how pedophiles or other scum could watch these pageants simply to please themselves? I am not saying only those who attend these functions are indeed perverts. I'm simply saying that these pageants display children in an adult-sense of "beauty". Most of the young ladies I've seen on TV that participate in these pageants appear 20 years older, only 3ft shorter and childish in complexion. Also noted are the comments referring to "skin deep" beauty. Children are meant to play dress up and explore the vast space that is their imagination. Not to worry about whether their mascara is running.

Side: yes
2 points

yeah i do think that its so overboard but it gets girls to be more skilled with being neat and tidy and having confidence to get out there and try their hardest.

Side: No
2 points

I think that beauty pagents are a fun way for kids to show thier truue talents and active personality and there is nothing wrong with that. When kids have tanturums during pagents it is the fault of parents not of beauty pagents.I personally love compiting in beauty pagents

Side: No
1 point

This is difficult.. as the extended nature of the argument suggests.

Many yonglings want nothing more than to be 'fashion icons'

The Free will we allow and respect they have grabbed by the tail.

Yet they are under the aegis of the parents.. usually mother. Who is acting out.

You want free kids.. . Change the laws of controll over people by family members.

Mum knows best... CRAP.. mom is usually an ignorant peasant.


Side: No
1 point

PS.. I have met may 'underage peeps' who were so much smarter than their parents it was spooky.

One 8 year old had me cornered on Perspective in art and i had to tap out..


Side: No
1 point

Should religion be banned.. ? same precepts

[fill] the house at pooh corner. A place where sauron risides.

Side: No
1 point

I do not think the events should be banned, but I do beleive there needs to be more rule structure making sure the girls (and few boys) do not get exploited...Most of our zoos treat their animal inhabitants better than some of the parents treat their children!

Side: No
1 point

Well... when it comes to this kind of stuff, it's really about the parenting. If the mother is forcing the daughter to take part in beauty pageants, well then, she's being a bad mother. But then, banning child beauty pageants isn't really going to stop mother from abusing her because of other activities or reasons, whether is be sports, music, performing arts or anything else.

If the parent is going to go to such extents (forced waxing, botox, fake tans, excessive amounts of make-up) then what makes you think that banning one 'activity' which the child takes part in will stop the abuse completely.

Another thing, the pedophiles which are being pleased by the girls, who look older and more 'sexier' parading down the stage. Firstly, even though the children might look a little older, doesn't mean they are. I mean, they're still 50 cm tall. Secondly, why are child beauty pageants being blamed for the presence of pedophiles? It's not like they're putting up a sign that says "come watch 'insert beauty pageant' if you wanna be sexually aroused by kids." LOL

So what i'm trying to say is that banning beauty pageants should not be the solution to these problems. If you want less child abuse, insure that the parents aren't doing it. If you don't want pedos lurking around the street, then you need to do something to stop that. Banning child beauty pageants may stop one source of entertainment for them, but there are such things as child pornography and such (even though it's illegal, people still do it). And what makes you people think that banning beauty pageants will make all the pedos just disappear. You want them to say "Oh no, i can't perv on anymore kids in beauty pageants. Oh well, then i guess i'll stop being sexually attracted to children..." I'm sorry the world doesn't work that way.

If you wanna stop the bad stuff in the world, you're just gonna have to think of a better solution, guys.

Side: No
1 point

I just dont think that beauty pageants should be baannned

Side: No
1 point

child beauty pageants should notbe banned because they just shouldnt

Side: No
1 point

First of all, I remember when all of this ridiculous foaming at the mouth drama over the "danger" of child beauty pageants started about 15-16 years ago after the horrific murder of JonBenet Ramsey. A little girl who had started out competing in child beauty pageants when she was about 4 or 5, after telling her mother she wanted to compete in beauty pageants after attending a reunion held for former pageant winners (her mother was Miss West Virginia in the 1970s). What unfortunately followed the drama surrounding child beauty pageants was also the the drama over the "sexualization" of girls, a moral panic that is increasingly being used as an excuse to control women and girls. Most people actually have children in child beauty parents because they actually thought of the possible benefits; they'd make new friends, learn the value of good sportsmanship, and the increase in the child's self-confidence would go up. Those three benefits I listed are just a few out of other possible benefits out there. Some parents enter their kids not because they're stage parents, but usually to help their child overcome their shyness, that is if they're very shy around people. No parent deserves to be shamed for entering their child in a beauty pageant because they have their own reasons. No child deserves to be shamed for participating in them, just as they don't need to be slut-shamed for wearing a costume that shows skin. It's a costume, not an outfit they wear on a regular basis.

Side: No
1 point

Beauty pageants should not be banned. I will admit that there are problems, but it is a knee-jerk reaction to ban them and it is a reaction that does not address the real problem at hand. Beauty is a positive reality that should be recognized and praised by society. Women, and yes, even girls, have the amazing ability to define beauty through their compassion, wit, generosity, charm, and yes, even their physical appearance. Society should be permitted to acknowledge this beauty.

The problem lies within the current definition of beauty, that is, what is sexually stimulating which is like examining a grain of wet sand and defining it as shoreline. Concerning underage beauty pageants, the innocence of a child makes her beautiful. It is wrong to mask this beauty with artificial paraphernalia that reduces her innocent beauty to a sexually stimulating icon, which is what many of the current underage beauty pageants are doing.

For every stage in life there is a beauty that has every right to be acknowledged, not altered to fit the looks and desires that are meant for another time. Judges are to blame for this. They hold the power to choose those young girls who are supported by loving and caring families who respect the age and desires of their little girl; instead judges pick those parents who have not accepted the qualities of their child and wish to shape them into an entirely new human being that caters to the fancy of a perverse society. All this could be discouraged if the pageants upheld the dignity of the child.

For those individuals who commented about the expense and/or obsession of the pageants. There is not a valid argument here. If the parents feel that they have the resources to fund their child's hobbies they should have the freedom to do so. Be reminded that those parents who involve their child in sports also spend large amounts of money for equipment and travel expenses. They may also pressure their children to come out on top and live vicariously through their child's athletic abilities. Should we outlaw sports? Of course not!

In response to those who say that the self-esteem of the child is at stake, let me remind you that when turning on the television, walking into a mall or grocery store, or even talking to a group of girls in school may cause a child to struggle with their self image. We all say that we want children to be confident, but when do we really enforce the fact that every woman is beautiful. Magazines will tell you that girls must be such and such a weight, wear such and such brand or style of clothing, and dye your hair this color before you can be sexy, hot, or pretty. Fat jokes are one of the most common means of bullying. Girls will ostracize one another for not conforming to the physical standards of their clique. Girls in the fourth grade come to school in skirts that barely cover their behind and skin tight, thigh high black boots. A child getting offended in a beauty pageant is the tip of the iceberg. Outlawing beauty pageants is just putting a band aid on the cancer. We must redefine beauty so that we can give it the praise that it rightfully deserves.

Side: No
1 point

Beauty pageants should not be bannded I'm in pageants and I don't want to loose it! France can't do anything to America we have freedom

Side: No
1 point

I say beauty pageants should not be banded. Why?

Cause some girls enjoy it!

It should not be banded it just needs more rules.

I love doing them so say no do not band pageants

Side: No
1 point

here are a lot of people who believe that among us child beauty pageants should be banned. They argue that these pageants are not healthy for children and that they are a way for children to learn about their own body and attractiveness.

Side: No
1 point

The issue of child beauty pageants is a controversial one, with strong arguments both for and against them. Garten Of Banban Some argue that these pageants are exploitative and can be harmful to children's development, while others argue that they can build self-confidence and promote positive values.

Side: No
1 point

Those in favor of banning child beauty pageants often argue that children Pizza Tower are being sexualized and objectified in these events, with girls being judged on their appearance, wearing makeup and revealing clothing, and performing suggestive dance routines.

Side: No
1 point

The opportunity to compete in child beauty pageants can help kids improve their posture, self-assurance, and public speaking abilities. To protect the welfare of the contestants and to assure their safety, many children's beauty pageants include severe rules ovo game

Side: No
1 point

Perhaps this is a result of your child not participating in enough 'regular' kid activities, and you are only providing her the chance to participate in pageants rather than play outside. cookie clicker

Side: No
1 point

we will explore the importance of playing the suika game and how it can add a delightful twist to your leisure time.

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1 point

Indulge in the excitement of suika game pc , where the fusion of strategy and Tetris-style gameplay creates a vibrant and dynamic gaming experience that encourages players to think fast and act strategically, promising an immersive and addictive adventure that will keep you coming back for more.

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1 point

Your writing serves as an excellent illustration of informative content. I believe that your writing style and the substance of your work could provide valuable learning opportunities for my students. I am considering sharing this article with them. Travel Agents in Delhi

Side: No
-1 points

How can anyone say that a mother is forcing a child to compete in pageants because it is something she wanted to do as a child? You do not know these people. How do you know that the child doesn't want to do this? The reason I ask is I am one of those so called pageant moms. I hate pageants.. not for the same reason you people do. I was always a tomboy who didn't like dress up. As an adult the last thing I want to be doing is makeup, hair, and waiting around for hours with crazy parents. However, My daughter (11 years old) wants to do pageants. She loves it and I have asked her repeatedly if she wants to take a break and she gets really upset and says no. So please tell me again how I'm making my daughter do pageants for my own gain? You people are ignorant and have nothing better in life to do than pretend to know everything. How about this.. You mind your own damn business and we want start protesting against fat ugly people sitting at home eating bon bons all day and criticizing children on the computer. Get a new hobby.

Side: No
rileyroo99(1) Disputed
1 point

Maybe this is because your child hasn't experienced enough 'normal' child activities and you are simply only giving her the opportunity to be in pageants rather than go outside and PLAY.

Side: Yes