
Debate Info

Switch their races Create new black characters
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Switch their races (2)
 Create new black characters (5)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Should classicaly white characters be made black or just create new characters?


Switch their races

Side Score: 2

Create new black characters

Side Score: 6
1 point

classicaly white

Hello bront:

"Classically"????? As in, somebody IMAGINED them to be white??? Or, actually white, as in actually white??

Actual white people should be portrayed by actual white actors.. But, where somebody IMAGINED a white character, somebody else can IMAGINE a black character..

You know, like Santa Clause or Jesus.


Side: Switch their races
1 point

Actual white people should be portrayed by actual white actors..

Cool. The libs have made white real figures black already, but continue.

But, where somebody IMAGINED a white character, somebody else can IMAGINE a black character..

Cool. Can Black Panther or Shaft become White, Asian, or Native American?

You know, like Santa Clause or Jesus.

Both are historical figures. What's your point?

Side: Create new black characters
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

Both are historical figures

No they aren't. There is no historical evidence either of them even existed. Stop telling lies you wifeless, childless Nazi prick.

The earliest accounts of his life were written centuries after his death and contain many legendary elaborations.

Very little at all is known about Saint Nicholas's historical life.[10][11] Any writings Nicholas himself may have produced have been lost[12] and he is not mentioned by any contemporary chroniclers.[12]

Furthermore, even if St Nicholas did at some point exist, that does not make Father Christmas a "historical character". You're a fucking idiot.

Side: Switch their races
1 point

"Classically"????? As in, somebody IMAGINED them to be white??

Yes, and someone imagined Shaft, Black Panther and Dr Dolittle, and Madea to be black. Would it be weird if they were white, Asian, or Native tomorrow, or would that just be normal shit? Do tell.

Side: Create new black characters
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Dr. Dolittle ?

Side: Switch their races
1 point

Well, for instance Ian Fleming's character James Bond was a white British secret agent.

Throughout some 50 years of around 26 Bond movies the hero has always been white.

I'm sure if a Bongo appeared as 007 with a license to kill the Bond image would take a nose dive into oblivion.

Let the Bongo authors and script writers create their own characters with the plot revolving around black people engaged exciting espionage and mysterious intrigue.

The name of such a black hero might be Ingle Tookie and the first movie could be called ''The Golden knife job in London''.

Side: Create new black characters